
Fan-Girl Discussion: #TS7 and ‘Lover’ is Here!

After the flurry of excitement that was April 26th, Taylor Swift has made the TS7 era official with ‘Lover.’

Today, she made more news, and let’s face it, probably temporarily broke Instagram, when she posted a live at 5:EST. On the live, Taylor shared lots (but likely still not all) of the deets on her upcoming music.

Let’s recap what we now know direct from Taylor:

  • New Single: ‘We Are Not Calm’
  • Single Release: Today, Friday the 14th
  • Music Video Arrives on GMA Monday the 17th
  • THE Album Title is Lover
  • Album Release Date: August 23
  • Album Cover
  • # of Album Tracks: 18 in total
  • # of Album Editions: Target has four exclusive editions in the works

Of course, Taylor also shares more like the collaboration she has with Stella McCarthy and because this IS Taylor Swift, she shares an unhappy Meredith (her cat) trying to sleep.

Hearing all of this straight from Taylor, we can recall to mind all of those ‘Easter Eggs’ she refers to; like her line in French that translates to ‘I am calm!’ which ties into her new single. Her lucky number 13 also plays a large role in the releases, and as so many guessed, ‘Lover’ (from the ME! video) as the album title features predominately in the video.

Fan-Girl Discussion: ‘ME!’ Welcomes the TS7 Era!

As usual, despite all the ways she tried to convince fans she isn’t the “same Taylor,” this live proves otherwise. She’s polished, poised and professional, while still coming across as sincere. She has that kind of persona that makes it easy to understand why those who support her continue to do so. Much as I’m happy this new album promises lighter, happier times (though I must confess 95% of ‘Reputation’ impresses me), I don’t agree with how political her platform has become.

But as these are her opinions, these are just my own.

Beyond that, I’m excited to see what ‘Lover’ brings, and the type of tone and “message” it will have. I just hope that, like the music she’s put out so far (what’s gotten her here), this album isn’t a kind of political letter.

Now, I really must dash. I have a midnight date with iTunes and Taylor Swift.

New single? It's here! New album? Arrives August 23rd! What else is new with #TaylorSwift? We discuss this new album on Finding Wonderland. Fan-Girl Discussion: #TS7 and 'Lover' is Here! Share on X

Tell me, what are you most excited about for TS7 and ‘Lover’? I would love to hear your thoughts on it, or the new single, or anything Taylor Swift related! Comment down below with all the thoughts.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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    1. You did! And thinking back, I realize that the title of this single is in the ME! video… Brendan uses the phrase “you need to calm down” in French, right…?? :)

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