Film Icon Sandra Bullock: From Fearless FBI Agent with Heart to Protective Mother


Earlier this year, my friend, Charity, posted a blog about the many cinematic accomplishments of Colin Firth. Her post was a really fun read, and so I’m going on a little copy-cat idea post. My reason for this is different than hers, but nevertheless, for this publication, let’s spotlight and look at film icon Sandra Bullock. 

Film Icon Matt Damon: From CIA Spy without a Memory to a Fairy Tale

In my lifetime of movie-watching, she’s one of the most recognizable faces in American cinemas. Not only does she have a kind of grace and poise, but her easy comedic tendencies make her one of the most respected actress’ in Hollywood. So without further ado, we’re going to take a look at just a handful of her starring roles in a loooong, rambling post “celebrating” this actress’ and her man roles… don’t say I didn’t warn you. *grin*    


Most recently, one of the titles I saw Bullock in is Love Potion No. 9. A 1992 rom-com, the film puts her in the role of a “geek,” who suddenly has opportunity to be the desired rather than a desirer. When she, along with her co-worker (co-star, Tate Donovan) get a hold of a potion that allows the pair to make anyone they want fall in love with them. It’s not the most memorable role of Bullock’s, but it’s worth a second look.

Film Icon Sandra Bullock: From Fearless FBI Agent with Heart to Protective Mother #SandraBullock #Movies #TheLostCity #GoodMovies #FunnyMovies #ComedyMovies Share on X

Probably the very first movie I saw with the actress was While You were Sleeping (1995). This because my older cousin owned the VHS tape (yep, I grew up on the old-fashioned VHS), and the fact that it was one of the few romantic-comedies my mom was okay with me watching. In it, Sandra (or “Sandy” as she’s called) is a subway token-booth girl who develops a serious crush on a regular. She saves the guys life and is later overheard saying that she’s going to “marry” the dude. This leads to all sorts of complications when the stranger’s family thinks Lucy is their son’s fiancée. Plain and simple, this film is charmingly infectious. Sandra is very likable and relatable in the role. She has this simple girl-next-door likability that isn’t lost on the audience.

Following up what many might proclaim her While You Were Sleeping break-out role is In Love & War (1996), a melodramatic look at an affair Ernest Hemingway had with an older nurse named Agnes during WWII. This is one of those DVD’s you find in the bargain bin (haven’t we all dug through those?), and I’m pretty sure I did have some expectations. After all, not only did I love its leading lady, but I also think Chris O’ Donnell is a first-rate actor. That optimism quickly dissipates because I truly detest this movie.  No one is really likable, although I do admire Agnes for doing the right thing in the end. Also, goodness but Hemingway is a jerk!

After years of never seeing it, Practical Magic (1998) is a more recent surprise discovery! I actually think it’s pretty charming with exception to one or two scenes. Bullock co-stars with Nicole Kidman, who play sisters finding themselves in trouble with the law.

Ah, Miss Congeniality (2000)! Really, what more can we say for the movie that made Sandy the star that she is today!? Here, she is at the top of her game; she makes everything look so easy while still being America’s sweetheart, and embracing a kind-of girl-power role in a very entertaining movie. In this role, she plays a tough-as-nails, tomboy federal agent who wouldn’t recognize a tube of mascara if it hit her squarely in-between the eyes. But, oh dear, she just happens to meet all of the credentials to go undercover at a beauty pageant (like every other female agent was unavailable. Yeah, o.k., whatever!). Let the fun begin!

The one flaw in Two Weeks Notice (2002) is its leading man. (I am sorry Hugh Grant but your tendency to mumble through each role has done nothing to make you one of my favorite actors.) In all other respects, the movie is a lot of fun. Here, Sandra plays a pro-bono lawyer (again with the name Lucy) who only wants to take on cases that she believes in. Through a series of events, she winds up working as a personal assistant for George, a charming billionaire. Miss Bullock plays a convincing lonely workaholic, whose only real source of “fulfillment” is work. One of best moments is when she tells off George after he calls her out of a wedding for a, let’s just say an unimportant, situation.

Obviously, this is the follow-up (as if the title doesn’t give it away) to the smash hit five years earlier. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous (2005)is actually unique all on its own and can stand up for itself without relying too much on its prequel. Sandra reprises her role as FBI agent Gracie Hart and the laughs are just as many as the first go-round. For her latest undercover mission, Gracie pairs with a cynical straight-laced female agent played by Regina King. The two of them get into more mischief than one would think possible. (And if you are wondering about Gracie’s get-up, well, you really have to see it on-screen. *grin*)

This movie, The Lake House (2006) is the one that my aunt proclaimed as strange. I happen to love this film. True, the story is somewhat unconventional, but nevertheless it becomes a “classic” love story. Sandra’s character is a dedicated doctor living in present-time who moves to a uniquely built lake house. When she discovers a letter in her mailbox, she begins writing to the man only to eventually realize he is living two years in the past. So much about this movie is great. From the pretty, stark scenery to the rare and all-too-few scenes between Sandra and Keanu Reeves, the film is top-notch.

Speaking of strange, if there is one on this list that might fit that, it’s Premonition (2007). It’s also only the second of her films I dislike. Perhaps even that is too “strong” a word. I mean, I did “like” it but not well. It tells the story of a marital plagued couple, only today Linda (Bullock) learns her husband has just been killed in a car wreck. She then literally relives that day for the next week, always hoping to change its outcome. The acting is phenomenal if I remember correctly but I just cannot get past the storyline. On one hand, the script is “different,” but on the other, I detest the outcome of Linda’s nightmare-ish day. Its alternate ending is really quite creepy, and I can at least appreciate its omission.

As many of you probably already know from my movie review, The Proposal (2009) is possibly my favorite rom-com. I won’t reiterate much about this movie here, since you either have already or can read all about it in my review, but suffice to say, Sandra shines in this light-hearted comedy. (And, the chemistry between she and co-star Reynolds is wonderful.)

Film Icon Sandra Bullock: From Fearless FBI Agent with Heart to Protective Mother. Spotlighting the many roles of Sandra Bullock. #Movies #SandraBullock #WhattoWatch #TheArchives Share on X

The Blind Side (2009): what a role. One of 2010’s best, it may lack some emotion, but is based on a true story. Sandy is flawless in her role as the mother of two children who attend school with a social outcast. To the boy no one cares about, Leigh Anne reaches out, and eventually the family welcomes him as a part of their own family. This is the one role that won Sandra Bullock an Oscar for “best actress,” and it’s the one role that she deserves nothing less for.

If you liked the Ocean movies with George Clooney, filmmakers banked on you loving 2018’s Ocean’s Eight, which is an all-female version of the caper movies. Again, I didn’t love it, but it’s a good time for sure.

When it comes to newer roles from the filmography, Bullock’s latest is The Lost City, an adventure film in which she co-stars with Channing Tatum. This was also THE movie in 2022 that everyone gushed over. Honestly, I don’t think it’s “the best” film. Fun, sure. But not as memorable as I’d hoped or expected given the love.

With exception to one or two roles, the roles or films Bullock plays in always seem to end up as favorites. So mush so that, at some point or another, probably most if not all of these movies will end up as reviews here. Which translates to more gushing than just this. She has an unmistakable commend of the screen in each and every movie she stars in, and because of that – among other reasons, I look forward to maybe seeing some of the older titles I’ve yet to see and her upcoming roles. 

What about you; what are your favorite ‘Film Icon Sandra Bullock’ titles or roles? Do you like any of these? Or do you have another favorite with Bullock? Comment all of your thoughts.

Note: this was published in the archives five or more years earlier. Since moving to WordPress, 90% of the reviews, lists and articles need re-formats and/or other updates. New edits and changes to fit current formats have been made to this publication; additional changes were also made.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I too first "met" Sandra in "While You Were Sleeping," a movie that both I and my mother love; I too bought "In Love & War" out of a bargain bin — and I HATED IT. I still own it but haven't watched it again; "Miss Congeniality" is one of my all-time favorite comedies (not so much the sequel… I've only seen it once); "Two Weeks Notice" was kinda… meh for my taste; "The Lake House" was fabulous — and is now my mother's favorite film; I was shocked by "Premonition" but in retrospect kind of like it, though I'll probably never watch it again; can't remember much about "The Proposal," honestly. I agree too that "The Blind Side" is overrated.

    Another movie I love Sandra in is "The Net," with Jeremy Northam. It's a thriller. A very dated thriller. But he's cute, so who cares?

  2. Rebekah – most of these Sandra Bullock credits are really, really good. I hope you can see them sometime (as I said, they will probably end up on my blog sooner or later in a more detailed review).

    Thank you! I really had fun putting this post together – and it went up a lot quicker than I'd thought. Glad the "mini synopsis'" gave you an idea of each film. =)

    Charity – I so need to watch "While You were Sleeping" again – maybe around Christmas since it covers the holidays. Come to think of it, I really need to watch most of her films again, because I've just not seen them in ages. "The Blind Side" is an awesome movie, but I remember laughing at the humor more than feeling "inspired." If I remember correctly I really liked "Two Weeks Notice," but I may have only seen it once…

    Hmmm… I've not seen "The Net," but saw the DVD at the store the other day. Perhaps I'll rent it sometime – and yeah, Jeremy Northam is great + I love a good thriller, so it'd be a winner! =D

  3. Jemimah – contrary to what it may sound like, I too thought "The Blind Side" was a great movie, it just seemed less-inspiring and more… heartwarming, and comical. I was really surprised by how witty the script was – and good comedy always makes me happy to have seen a movie. =)

  4. Let's see, my favorite Sandra films are While You Were Sleeping, Two Weeks Notice, The Lake House (LOVE THAT MOVIE), and The Proposal. Love her!

  5. You and me both, Ruth! In case you couldn't tell, I LOVE "The Proposal"!! Must watch it again.

    "The Lake House" is a beautifully well-told film and I want to see it again also. Oooh… for heaven's sake! I actually want to re-watch ALL of these Sandra Bullock movies! Must go on a Sandra Bullock movie marathon. =D

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