A Fun Little Round-Up of the 2019 Tis-The-Season-a-Thon


In these past few days, something has been occupying my bookworm mind, and now, I’m curious. This leads us into this little discussion for today. The topic of which is, do you participate in read-a-thon events? I’m curious. Reason it’s been on my mind is that, on a whim, I decided to join the annual Tis-The-Season-A-Thon. If you don’t know what this is, I’ll share details further on down the page, but for fun, I just wanted to have a little read-a-thon conversation (and a little “wrap up” of my experience joining this little bookish event).

What do you think of them?

If you’ve never heard of or participated in Tis-the-Season-a-Thon specific (since that’s the one I did), here’s a little bit about it.

LIST | One Busy, but Happy Little Christmas To-Do List

read-a-thon conversation

This read-a-thon ran from December 2-8, and is hosted by Heather of Bookables (who, by the way, has a fun channel if you haven’t visited her bookworm interwebs space) along with three other co-hosts. Each year, they create a list of prompts to inspire the TBR you choose to read during this event. You can double up some of the prompts, and most booktubers post daily or a weekly roundup vlog of their experience while participating. As this was my first year, I choose not to do this because a: I’ve already got way too much on my mental check list to add filming a vlog and editing said vlog to list and b: I kind of went into this knowing I’d fail. I’m not good with time restraints, plus we all know I read slow.

Despite all of this, I set out determined to join in as my first read-a-thon experience and see what might happen. If you’d like to see my TBR, it’s on this webpage’s Youtube page, but below I’ll share the six prompts that was this years rule book.

1. Read a book with snow on the cover | 2. Read a holiday themed book | 3. Book you received as a gift | 4. Read a book while eating your favorite holiday treat | 5. A Book title related to music | 6: Extra/Bonus Challenge: Read our Buddy Read, 10 Blind Dates* by Ashley Elston (*Already read this one, and it’s SO cute! Review)

So, of those six, here are the three I chose to try and meet, and the books I paired with them.

A Fun Little Round-Up of the 2019

A Read-A-Thon Conversation

1: Carols and Chaos by Cindy Antsey, Title Related To Music

This novel is darling. It’s been on my shelf for far too long, but I’m pleased to have finally read it. Such a charmer, and since I already have a review posted up for this one, I’ll limit my gushing, but just know this is like a mash up of Downton Abbey and Austen, with a sprinkle of Agatha Christie. Amazon | Goodreads

2: Christmas in the Highlands by Juliette Duncan, Book with Snow on the Cover A Read-A-Thon Conversation

Unfortunately, this one is a miss. An Indie release, I used this one because it too has been on my shelf for a while, but it’s also a short novel, which is what I needed. The story has way too many characters (this is the last in a series, but is said to work as a standalone) and this detracts from the main “characters,” which in my definition is always who the back synopsis tells us about. Plus, we won’t even go into the repeat information overload and the romance…! Amazon | Goodreads

3: It Happened at Christmas by Christen Krumm, Read a Holiday Themed Book A Read-A-Thon Conversation

This novel… swoon! Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to complete it during the read-a-thon and did in fact read some more pages this very morning, but I should finish it without issue this week (aka tomorrow), and let me tell you, I’ll be writing about it in its own published space. Oh, and did I mention, it’s a YA re-telling of While You Were Sleeping (!!!). Amazon | Goodreads

IN CONCLUSION: There’s a little wrap up of my experience with Tis-The-Season-A-Thon 2019! Sadly, I feel as though it was more fail than success just because of my own missteps in not giving myself ample reading time, and only trying to knock out three challenges (we all need to take baby steps sometimes, right?). Still, it’s been fun, and I’d like to think I’ll join another one with greater results in the future.

Thank you to Heather, and the rest of the co-hosts who put this together each year, it’s been fun!

Now, I want to hear from all of you. What are your thoughts on the trend that is read-a-thons? Have you joined in any before? Do you enjoy them; have you met new people and bloggers through them? What’s your best advice or tips for having a fun and successful outcome? Tell me all of your opinions and thoughts on the read-a-thon conversation.

How did you spin this week’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt? I’d love to see your posts too, so make sure to share where I can read them.

Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl, and Top Ten Tuesday: December 10 [Freebie Topic]

A Fun Little Round-Up of the 2019 Tis-The-Season-a-Thon. A read-a-thon conversation: do you or don't you like them? #BookNerd #Blogging Click To Tweet
A Fun Little Round-Up of the 2019 Tis-The-Season-a-Thon. A read-a-thon conversation: do you or don't you like them? All text © Rissi JC

Thank you for visiting Finding Wonderland

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I used to do a fair amount of read-a-thons but it feels like I haven’t done one in ages! This sounds fun though. :) And Carols and Chaos sounds like a great Christmas read!!

  2. I only have time for a limited amount of reading events. I’m doing the READShadowhunter readalong, but as far as reading books with certain parameters… I tend to plan my books fairly well in advance (I stick to my seasonal TBRs) which, on top of ARCs, doesn’t leave much time for other books.

    Sorry this one didn’t work out for you.

    1. It was LOTS of fun, I just didn’t give myself a lot of reading time, and also didn’t participate as much as I’d have liked. Still… one can hope to change this next year, right? :) Thanks so much for the visit, Brooke – and I 100% get not having time for other books that aren’t from a publisher. Hope you enjoy your read-along/TBR plans. :)

  3. I’ve never done a read-a-thon. I’m not sure how I’d do if I tried one. I’m not good at sticking to lists, but since you had to follow prompts and could find books to fit them, I might do okay. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. I love the idea of readathons and participate whenever I can, but I generally don’t stay very up to date online so I miss out on a lot of readathons that way. Also, I’m a huge mood reader so TBR prompts don’t work very well for me. I like the read-what-you-want readathons haha.

    Here’s my TTT :)

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