Five of the Happy Signs You’re a Book Nerd


Pretty sure we all have a list, a list that signifies us as a book lover. Maybe it’s not down on paper, but it lives in our minds as the signs we’re one of those people. Yes, that’s right, it’s all about the “signs you’re a book lover.” We know we all have one.

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There are some distinct things on these sorts of checklists, most of which I feel is pretty darn universal. At least they “feel” as if they are. I have a feeling those of us who have a list like this will relate to each other’s list points. I feel as though my list is rather small, but nonetheless there are certainly a few things that seem to point to a love of being, well, a book lover.

Five of the Happy Signs You’re a Book Nerd. Talking a *few* of the "signs you're a book lover" scenarios. What are some you recognize? Text © Rissi JC

1: Cover Buys!

I am 1000% percent guilty of this. Not sure if it’s a good thing, but I continuously pick up reads that sway me by their cover design. Here’s a few of my recent pre-buys:

Five of the Happy Signs You’re a Book Nerd. Talking a few of the "signs you're a book lover" scenarios. What are some you recognize? #TopTenTuesday #BookNerd #BookLover #Bookish Click To Tweet

Books: The Code for Love and Heartbreak (at least I think I pre-bought this one) on Goodreads | Beach Read on Goodreads | Well Played on Goodreads

2: Happy at Home with a Hardcover (aka Books)

It may be cliché, but it’s true. I’m usually pretty happy enjoying a good book. Of course, like anyone, I like to get out and about now and then, but if I have tasks that need to be done or a task lists (blog work, photos to take, cleaning, something to cook/bake), a TV show to binge (what… some of them are THAT good!!) or a good book, I’m pretty happy.

3: Never Leave Home without a Book

It’s maybe happened once (or twice?) that I have opportunity or need to have a book with me as a “time killer” when I go out. But I always grab a book when I leave the house, because, well, one never knows when you might need to fill some time – and what better way to do this than by reading??

Five of the Happy Signs You’re a Book Nerd. Talking a *few* of the "signs you're a book lover" scenarios. What are some you recognize? Text © Rissi JC

4: Reorganizing is Fun…?

Ok, so this isn’t probably a popular feeling, but I kind of enjoy the reorganization process (and desperately need to engage in this activity because my books are out of hand – again). It’s so helpful to “refresh” the shelves

5: When you Have More Books Than Shelf Space

This struggle is real. I have this problem way too often to be honest, but I also enjoy the aforementioned reorganization process and best of all, the “spring cleaning” part that is unhauling books. But one of the best ways to know we’re a book nerd is

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What types of things would make your “signs you’re a book lover” list; do ever think about these things? Comment all of your thoughts down blow.

Five of the Happy Signs You’re a Book Nerd. Talking a *few* of the "signs you're a book lover" scenarios. What are some you recognize? Text © Rissi JC

Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl for Top Ten Tuesday March 30: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover (basically, people know you’re a book lover because… i.e., you’re always carrying a book or two, your library card broke from overuse, etc.)

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Yes to cover buys! Absolutely. :) I’m guilty of it too and love having those amazing covers on my shelves haha!

    And I love being home with free time and a new book waiting. One of the best feelings ever. :)

    1. YAY! Glad I’m not the only one. :) I have far too many new-to-me books to read, which is why I like to go through my shelves now and then and unhaul.

  2. No 3 is me all the way! And I have been glad of it on many occasions! And I need to check out Jen deLuca’s books. Not only do the covers catch my eye, but I love the idea of a Renaissance Faire!

    1. Don’t Jen’s books look fun!? I really would like to read them soon, and in fact am pretty sure I have book one on my Spring TBR. It just seems like a good spring-ish read. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Katie.

    1. I would agree, Catherine; if you’re someone you have to wait/sit, a book is the best! Probably the only time I’ve “needed” one is waiting for work on a car to be done. Thanks for the visit!!

    1. Right? I feel this is something we ALL relate to. I’m all about the double stack, too. ;) Need to take your advice and unhaul my shelves, too!! Thanks for the visit, Angela.

    1. I’m all about a good cover buy, and of course, grabbing that book on the way out the door. YES! One never knows when we could have a chance to read. :) Thanks for the visit, Lindsey.

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