10 of the Fun Books I Like, but Rarely Talk About
The world is full of books and the stories inside them that take us on a kind of adventure. We haven’t even begun to read all of the books that relish these adventures, but then there are also those that we have read that we never talk about. Or very rarely.
BOOK REVIEW | ‘What I Like About You’ – A Perfect Kind of YA RomCom
To be honest, I’m not sure if my list is an accurate depiction of this because I feel as those all of the fun books, or those I give 5-stars without hesitation, earn plenty of page time around here, but I did try to look at my bookshelves and pick books I don’t think I talk about as much. But as I said, whether or not this is true is entirely up in the air.
I get points for trying though, right?
Let’s take a look.
Books I Like But Don’t Talk About
1: If I Run by Terri Blackstock
This is a solid mystery that’s not the “norm” when it comes to contemporary romance. It’s a bit slower paced, but it keeps one guessing which is, in part, why I like it. The other is how well the three books (in the series) cover design look together. #CoverSnob Goodreads
2: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
This one surprises me, but I did end up liking it as a solid YA read, albeit one that’s a bit angsty. Goodreads
3: [Anything by] Irene Hannon
As I looked through archives of past reviews, I realized I don’t must talk about the novels I read by Irene Hannon. Perhaps this is because I haven’t (at least until recently when I read one for the INSPYs) read anything by her for quite some time. But whether it’s Tangled Webs, or Thin Ice, there’s been quite a few I enjoy by her. Find the author on Goodreads

4: Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauk
I was bookworm obsessed with this novel. It was one of my most favorite reads of its publication year, and I think, even if only for nostalgia purposes, it remains a favorite. Goodreads
5: There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones
To be honest I probably do talk about this one “enough,” but with its eventual movie adaptation (coming next year, maybe?), the excitement level for this one is real. Goodreads
6: What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter
Yes I did just recently talk ab out this one because I reviewed it, but as it released last week I don’t think I’ve talked about it too much yet, and guys, this book, it’s all kinds of adorable. It’s like a love letter to us bookworms. Goodreads
7: Raptor 6 by Ronie Kendig
Ronie’s books are high-action, and full of detail. Some delve into history along with military pinning’s whereas others are more straight military fiction. Though it’s been a long time since I read a new book by the author, her books always give off good reading experiences. Plus, I’m a softie for any good military depiction. Goodreads

8: The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill
Read this one quite some time about and my memory of it is fond. Not sure what I liked best about it though which makes me want to add this to my list of must-revise reviews (a task I’ve been undertaking since my Blogger transfer to WordPress messes up the margins) soon so I can read my at-the-time thoughts. Goodreads
9: [Anything by] Katherine Reay
Pretty much anything by Katherine Reay is brilliant, but I don’t know, do I talk about her books already? Maybe I do, but it’s all good. We get it, right? Find the author on Goodreads
10: The Princess by Lori Wick
It’s been years since I read this one, but it’s probably one of the first contemporaries I first fell in love with. Goodreads
Your turn! Which books (or authors!) do you enjoy but rarely talk about? Have you read any I mention? Comment down below with all of your thoughts; I’d love to circle back
to your blogs and visit, so drop those links below, too.
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10 of the Fun Books I Like, but Rarely Talk About. Sharing some of the books I like but don't talk about. Question is, why? #TopTenTuesday #BookishLove #BookNerd #MustRead Share on XPINTEREST PIN!
Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and Top Ten Tuesday April 14: Books I Enjoyed but Rarely Talk About (This is for the books you liked, but rarely come up in conversation or rarely fit a TTT topic, etc.)
IF I STAY is an amazing book and I rarely talk about it either. My TTT list
I think it’s a pretty solid read! In fact I didn’t anticipate liking it nearly as well as I did, so that’s always a plus in my reader book. :) Thanks for the visit, Anne.
I did the same thing. :) I tried to pick books I don’t talk about much but I suspect a couple or so don’t really fall into that category lol. Oh well! I think What I Like About You sounds good.
Oh well, indeed! Sometimes we cannot help ourselves in the repeat “offenders” on our Top Ten lists, right!? :) Thanks for the visit, Greg.
I just looked at Katherine Reay’s goodreads page and it really looks like her books are nice little somethings for a binge read on Sunday afternoons. I’m not sure if I have actually heard of her before.
Her books are lovely. I hope if you do read them, you find one (or more!) to enjoy. :) Thanks for the visit.
I’ve seen What I Like About You around a little, but not too much yet. Thanks for sharing!
Hope you enjoy if you decide to read it, Brooke. It’s DARN cute. :) Thanks for the visit.
Yay! Someone else who loves What I Like About You.
Here’s mine http://bookwormsanonymous.blog/2020/04/14/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-enjoyed-but-rarely-talk-about/
*high five* It’s impossible not to enjoy. :) Thanks for the visit, Chiara.
What I Like About You was one of my anticipated reads for this year and I still haven’t read it yet, but I am so glad you loved it!
Now I’m even more excited to read it, if that were possible! XD
I haven’t heard of Katherine Reay before but that cover for The Printed Letter Bookshop is so cute. I need it!
Great list! Happy Reading! <3
Hope you enjoy What I Like About You, Lin. It’s so sweet.
RIGHT!? Gotta love a good cover design – and all of Katherine’s books are worth looking at. :) Thanks for the visit.
I’m afraid I haven’t read any of these books, but I like your valiant effort to share books you don’t think you talk about. I wasn’t 100% how to tackle this topic myself, but in the end decided to share 10 thrillers books I enjoyed, because I feel that is a genre I overlook a bit on my blog. Here’s my post: https://thebookwormchronicles.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/top-ten-tuesday-14th-april-2020/ ?
Excellent idea, Jessica! I could have rounded up ten historical novels I like or something since I don’t read much beyond contemporary fiction. Ah, well! Ideas for another day, right? :) Thanks for the visit.
I’ve seen the film version of If I Stay, but never read the book.
Rapto 6 does sound interesting!
My TTT .
It definitely is, Lydia! :)
If I Stay made my list too! I love that book. Did you ever read the sequel? I think I loved that one even more!
My TTT post!
I have not read Where She Went, Kyra, but I do own it, so I need to make it happen – SOON! :) Thanks for the visit, as always.
Great list! If I Stay is one I enjoyed a lot more than I expected to, too. =)
Same. The If I Stay novel is not a book I’d have ever anticipated enjoying. Glad to be wrong. :)
I don’t think I’d heard of any of these before, but What I Like About You sounds fun!
My TTT: https://www.traversingchapters.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-enjoyed-but-rarely-talk-about/
What I Like About You is lots of fun! It has that cute plot line going for it that makes it nearly impossible not to enjoy. :)
I haven’t read any of these. I have seen IF I STAY on a number of lists today. I’ve been meaning to read it for a long time, just haven’t gotten around to it. One of these days!
Happy TTT!
I know this feeling ALL too well, Susan. Having books on my shelf that I’ve intended to read and haven’t gotten to is something I need to improve on. But someday.. right?! :) Enjoy If I Stay is you read it.
If I Stay is definitely one that stuck with me. I was surprised by how much I loved it, too.
Same, Dedra. That’s the sign of a well written novel. :) Appreciate your visit.
I liked If I Stay, but I LOVED Where She Went. That second book was so good. I actually should talk more about that one…
Ooo! I’m glad to hear this. You’re the second person to say the If I Stay sequel is better, so my interest is fully piqued! :)
Raptor 6 sounds like it may be interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Lauren @ Always Me
It’s really good. Lots of high-stakes action. :) Thanks for the visit, Lauren.
I did really love If I Stay!
Glad to meet another fan of If I Stay; there’s quite a few of us here. :)
Ooooh I have been hearing great stuff about What I Like About You! I also enjoyed If I Stay (far more than I expected to, if I am being honest!). Great choices!
YES! I liked If I Stay way more than anticipated, too, and here that’s that’s to be the census, which is pretty darn cool. :) Hope you enjoy What I Like About You. It’s quite cute.