10 New and Upcoming Summer To-Be-Read Books. A Top Ten Tuesday June 25 List.
Happy summer, everyone. Hope the start of this new season if off to a grand start. Top Then Tuesday June 25 celebrates this new season, and wonders what we plan to read.
That Artsy Reader Girl | June 25: Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

As has been well established, I don’t stand by a seasonal TBR. (Pretty sure I’ve only read one book from my spring TBR, and even at that, I’m not quite done with said book.) I don’t think it’s intentional so much as in the past I fell into this rut of I-have-to-read-x-because-it’s-a-review-book. Slowly I’m breaking free from that by limiting the novels I receive for review, and either requesting or accepting those I’m as sure as I can be that I’ll enjoy. This is a practice that helps my reading life so (so) much, and is a kind of project I continue to work on each year.
But as we also establish with each new seasonal list, they’re still fun to make, and with awareness of my recovering must-read-all-the-books problem, I hope I actually will read at least a few of these during this season. (Also, I’ll share more Summer TBR books this week on the booktube channel.)
Below I’ve compiled books that are new (aka preorders that need to be on my shelf yesterday and oldie books on my shelf, because that’s a good idea methinks). Let’s get to listing those TBR books.
Top Ten Tuesday June 25
1: Within These Lines by Stephanie Morrill (out now!) | I fully intended to read this one back when it released (in this spring!). Alas, it remains untouched on my shelf. Goodreads

2: Happy Girl Lucky by Holly Smale (out now!) | Like my aforementioned booktube video, I decided to include a book on my list that’s already out in the world. This one sounds like so much fun about a trio of sister’s and the glamorous life they must navigate. Goodreads
3: Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate (July) | My excitement for this novel is OFF THE CHARTS. Goodreads

4: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman (July) | Already started this one, and it’s cute, but I’m not sure what my thoughts will be. The writing style is tough to explain (almost as if a narrator is telling the story?) though I don’t know the technical writerly term for it! Goodreads
5: Maybe This Time by Kasie West (July) | Yes I also mention this one in my booktube video (coming Thursday), but is this even a Top Ten Tuesday post if I don’t mention a Kasie West novel?? Goodreads top ten tuesday july 25

6: The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey (August) | A new novel by Dani Pettrey? Yes, please! I’m ready to meet a new swoony hero (who also happens to be a Coast Guard officer). Goodreads
7: You Belong with Me by Tari Faris (September) | I’m always ready for a new contemporary written by a debut author! Goodreads
7 New and Upcoming Summer To-Be-Read Books | Top Ten Tuesday June 25. Today we talk #SummerReading with our TBRs for 2019! What are you #reading? Share on X
Comment all the thoughts down below! What do you plan to read this summer? Do you like TBRs? Do you stick by them or break away from them? Is there a book that you CANNOT wait to get your hands on this summer?
If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.
Thank you for visiting
ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about our changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!
Great list. The Jessica Kate book looks super cute and I hadn’t heard of it.
RIGHT!?!? I’m ready for all the new rom-coms. :) Thanks for visiting, Melanie.
I hope you enjoy all of them, Rissi!
Thanks, Lauren. Glad you stopped by.
I haven’t heard of any of these books but as per usual I am enraptured by your blog post. Good luck on your list. My TTT Summer reading list
Thank you for the kind words, Anne; hope one (or two!) of these caught your eye. :) Appreciate your visit.
Great list! I haven’t read these books yet but they sound like great picks for the summer. Happy reading! :)
Thanks, Marti; that’s my hope. Appreciate you stopping by. :)
Great list Rissi! I haven’t heard of any of these titles but they sound great, hope you enjoy them all :)
Thanks, Lianne! I hope so as well. :) Hope you’re doing well – and thanks for visiting.
All of these sound interesting. That’s why I love reading these even when I’m not participating (I just published another author interview on my blog instead). You might want to take a look – Jane Davis is an amazing author!
I’m hoping they are, Davida. :) Like you, I too enjoy visiting these even on week’s when I don’t join them. They’re always so fun – and have the potential to introduce us to new reads!! Bunches of thanks for taking the time to visit.
Ooh fun! Happy Girl Lucky sounds good, and I hope Nina Hill turns out good.
Kasie West seems to be synonymous with summertime reads. :)
Kasie’s books are always PERFECT summertime reads, and ‘Nina Hill’ is fun so far. Not too far into it just yet, but I’m curious to learn more. Also, love anything by Holly. :) Thanks for visiting, Greg.
I forgot about that Holly Smale book. I really need to check it out. Wonderful list, Rissi!
It looks SO fun!! I’m hoping it’s as entertaining as its cover art suggests. :) Thanks for the visit, Chrissi.
I hope you get to read some of these (and even if you don’t, that’s okay, you’ll read other books).
I do like to make TBRs. It helps me make sure I get some of the books that I really want to read, read.
Well said – and very true, Brooke. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you are able to read the books on your list that you really want to read. :) Thanks for the visit!
Great list! I haven’t heard of a lot of these so I’ll have to check them out. =)
Fun! Hope you enjoy those you look into. Thanks for the visit, Jess. :)
I never read much of what’s on my TBR list either, mostly because I’m such a mood reader. I love the look of your blog by the way! The yellow and grey covers look great. Good luck on reading these and I hope you will soon have some more space to read the books you want rather than those you need to read. :)
ps. Sorry for the double comment. Something went wrong! You can delete the other one.
Hi, Nikki!! So nice to meet you – and many thanks for visiting here and the kind words. :)
Ideally I’d like to always read the books on my TBR, because I try to create a good blend of those I “have” to read, and some from my shelf that I want to read. Still… it never seems to work. ;)
No worries. :)
Great list! Maybe This Time sounds so cute, and The Bookish Life of Nina Hill sounds fun as well. I also hardly ever read the seasonal TBRs I make for TTT!
Don’t they!? I’m all about fun contemporaries for summer. Or really all year long. :) Thanks for taking the time to visit, Angela.
Great list! :) The cover art of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill is very cute. Sounds like a fun book to read.
Isn’t it cute? I’m always all about cute cover art, and ‘Nina’ certainly does fall into that category. :) Thanks for visiting, Kathy.
Great List! Several of these I am super excited to read too! ?
YAY for shared excitement. Hope we both enjoy those we’re eager for. :) Thanks for visiting, Caitlyn.
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill sounds like my kind of book. :)
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
It’s really fun so far. Different, but FUN! Hope you enjoy if you give it a chance, Cholla. :) Thanks for the visit.
The Killing Tide has popped up on a few lists this week. I hope it will be a good read for you!
Thank you, Lydia; me too!! Since I’ve enjoyed all of this author’s books prior to this, I’m hopeful. :) Thanks for visiting.
Maybe This Time sounds so cute! I have a lot of catching up to do with Kasie West books, but I really want to start with this one now :)
I’m falling behind with some of Kasie’s books as well, Lindsey, but each time I read one by her, I’m reminded how delightful they are. Hope we both enjoy – and thanks so much for the visit. :)
Oh no, I’m falling behind on Kasie West novels again. I’m really looking forward to both this one and her novel from earlier this year. Hope your summer is full of amazing reads!
I’m SO excited Kasie has another new novel, but I’m right there with you: I’m falling behind too. And she just revealed the cover for her 2020 release, which makes me excited for it, too. :) Hope we both enjoy – and thanks so much for the visit, Alicia.
I read Happy Girl Lucky but I was quite disappointed with it, sadly! I hope you love it more than I did! <3
My TTT post!
Oh, no! So sorry. Did you like Geek Girl? Thanks so much for stopping by, Kyra. :)
I didn’t know any of these books but they seem like the perfect summer reads
I sure hope so, Elise – that’s what I’m banking on. :) Thanks for the visit.
“Pretty sure I’ve only read one book from my spring TBR, and even at that, I’m not quite done with said book.” RELATABLE. Honestly, so relatable. I always am like, okay, I am outlining my plans and organizing these lists and this year I’M TOTALLY GOING TO ACCOMPLISH IT ALL. Then, time passes, and I’m like “I read one book, 10/10 give me gold star sticker.” BUT LIKE, I love writing these lists and then reading everyone’s else so the entire process just repeats itself.
That being said: phew. I want to read all of these. ALL. OF. THESE. Including the ones that I’m only just finding out about via you. (My wallet says thanks a lot, Rissi. It’s fine. My wallet gets a bit of an attitude sometimes and really, it’s fine.)
*HIGH FIVE* THANK YOU, Jessica. I’m glad I’m not alone. Makes me feel a bit better about my bookworm status. ;)
SAME. I just enjoy reading the lists, and creating them. It’s just fun.
LOL, I feel this problem too. I visit all the lists, and am like, “OOOO! More new books to read aka buy.” It’s a problem. ;) Thanks for visiting, Jessica!!
Hallo, Hallo Rissi,
Guess who finally has her druthers together and re-joined TTT?! I decided that between your advice and others who happily encouraged me to participate in the meme I love but sometime would hate because I couldn’t sort out how to limit my replies to the prompts to 10x choices – that this was the week I needed to return! It gave me a prime moment to announce #MyYASummer goals and feature the stories I haven’t had the chance to read off my backlogue list of reviews inasmuch as mention the Fantasy titles I want to be reading – giving a bit of space for forthcoming readathons – like #IronTomeAthon for adult Fantasy and the Christian & Clean Fiction readathon in July — my favourite of last Summer!
Truly — it also gave me a way to decompress after a shattering diaster involving a flooded flat and a chance to start reconnect with my fellow book bloggers. As you know I’ve been striving to be chattier and more engaging… feels like this Summer is the best season to reconnect to what I love about blogging which is why I’m also planning to release my first Sunday Post this weekend as well! :)
Speaking of Kasie West — I have her on my C&C Readathon TBR — wanted to read her last year, but I put too many books in print on my list and didn’t offset them with audiobooks. This year, as I was browsing my libraries selections I noticed they have her stories. Any you suggest I should try to begin with reading? Like say your top 5? I might have asked you this before but I can’t remember?! lol
I love my TBRs… sometimes my plans go haywire, other time my goals work out just lovely. This time round its more of a personal grit & determined girl who has a mission ahead of her — I never had the chance to recoup the lost hours with these review books – (ie. or any of the lovelies on my backlogue!) and this just ::feels:: like the right time to dive back into them!!
Hope you’ll find a heap of favourite moments as you tuck into these stories!!
Happy readerly joy this Summer, Rissi!
So fun! Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, Jorie. It can indeed sometimes be a challenge to join this meme. For me, I like to (but rarely do) pre-plan, so it’s more that I feel the “pressure” to put these together last minute because I haven’t planned out my “ten” books. It’s still a work in progress, and I hope to eventually be more about the pre-planning. :) Hope you meet all of those YA summer goals.
I know this feeling, too. It’s a lot to be more active with blogging, and the like, but I do enjoy it so much; I just need to find a schedule that allows for it, AND makes time for all the other “life” things that need attention. I hope you’re doing better and have been able to decompress.
Ooo, top five Kasie West books!? Wow. That’s tough. I think I have three I haven’t read by her (her newest three), but beyond that… hm… I think “P.S. I Like You” is darling (all the old-fashioned romcom feels), and though I’m in the minority, I do like “Lucky in Love,” too. “Fill-In Boyfriend” is cute as well. You’ve made me want to do a video about favorite authors and my top favorites from them. :) Kasie’s books are, for me, like sunshine. They’re simple, cute and best of all, FUN! That’s my kind of “perfect read.”
Hope you manage a great TBR this season, Jorie – and thanks! You too. Hope your summer is full of reading joy. :) Thanks for the comment and visit!
There are some excellent books on here!
I think Holly Smale is a perfect author for summer reading, her books are so fun.
Cora | http://teapartyprincess.co.uk/