Speaking of Creative Value and Finding Fun New Hobbies!


When it comes to talking about things that sometimes feel personal, I’ll confess, that I don’t do much of this. But over the last few years, I have had this writer-ly desire to share some things that may not be popular just because of the opinion it reaches. That said, when I think about creativity, which is part of what writing is, I also feel as though there are mountains of possibilities and in a creative place, one should be able to share some things without thought of being left hate comments. Today, I’m talking about creative hobby ideas.

LIST | 20 Kind of Spooky (but Not Really) & Fun Movies: 2020 Edition

This isn’t a personal post per se, but the idea is that it’s a kind of gateway to something different since it won’t rely (at least not heavily) on bookish influences. That said, I’m also quite nervous about this since, to be honest, I’m not all that interesting a person. I enjoy what I enjoy, and most of the time, I don’t step much outside those comfort zones. But since I am a creative (and there is so much value in creativity), which is one of the things I like best about this “work,” and I have been thinking on creativity, today seems as good a day as any to chat about creative hobbies.

Creative Hobby Ideas

1: Décor

Interior design isn’t my thing, but I like seeing ideas or things (as an inspiration starting point) and making it work for a space.

2: Digital [Creating]

Another thing I’m still learning, and not “good at,” but I love this part of content creation, is digital creation. It’s a bit less fun right now since I haven’t invested in good editing program and mine just “updated” or something, which means it’s so freaking slow. Needless to say, I am not happy about it. Still, I’m trying not to let this change steal my enjoyment.

Speaking of Creative Value and Finding Fun New Hobbies! Sharing some creative hobby ideas and my favorites, too! #ContentCreator #Create #Creative #DigitalArt #TopTenTuesday Click To Tweet

*Realizing I should have clarified this; I like to create things in digital programs, but it’s not artwork in the way “digital art” implies. Apologies for the confusion.

3: Learning

…this sounds a bit odd to place on a list of “hobbies,” I know. But it kind of goes hand in hand with these hobbies. When it comes to certain issues, I don’t move because I believe I have done my due diligence in reading about them, and I have the right to hold whatever opinion I have. But when it comes to hobbies like this, or writing, I am always and forever all about learning.

4: Organization creative hobby ideas

Ok, so this isn’t really a “hobby” per se, but I do like organization. Sometimes for me, it’s the act of getting started, but once I finally do, I actually enjoy the act of going through the motions. As I say this, I’m thinking of more than one space that is in desperate need of organizing! What are some of your favorite organization tools?

5: Photography

Another thing I know nothing about because I’ve not taken the time to learn about settings and such. But this is probably the hobby (on this list) I’ve loved the longest, and it’s also one I’d like to learn more about.

There we go. These are some of the hobbies I hope to take with me into this coming year, and improve upon. Learn more about what works (in creating) vs. what doesn’t. The value of creativity is one important aspect of my life. It’s where I’m happiest, and though I don’t always love what I create, it’s still a part of that learning process. Tell me, what are some of YOUR hobbies or creative hobby ideas? Are there any you love with abandon? Comment all of your thoughts below. Let’s chat.

Thank you for visiting; please come back soon!

Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and Top Ten Tuesday November 3: Non-Bookish Hobbies (Let’s get to know each other! What do you do that does not involve books or reading?)

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Digital art is nice, I’ve enjoyed discovering so many artists online and the beautiful stuff they create. I’ve always liked photography too- there’s something about finding that perfect shot, or capturing a moment so well. :)

    1. I wish I could draw which would translate to art online, but instead I like to create social graphics, etc. YES! There is something cool about finding a good shot; I wish I knew more about photography, but it can tie into my “learning” subheading. :)

    1. I love creating digital things like social media graphics. Ask me to create artwork, and I’m hopeless. I always wish I learned how to draw, too. :D Thanks so much for visiting, Mareli.

    1. I don’t think I’ve seen any organizing videos, but do see snippets of things from the Home Edit on Instagram. Their organization (colors!) is always so pretty. :)

    1. *high five* Organizing is pretty satisfying. Learning is always a plus; as we change and grow, we should always want to learn. :) Appreciate your visit, Maya.

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