Sitting down and writing words on certain topics doesn’t come easy. That’s not to say I don’t write, without publishing, about these things (I do). It’s just that hot topic issues isn’t the goal of this space. In part this is because it’s not what my purpose is, but also because I’m never able to explain my opinions in a cohesive manner. The other factor is, I choose (as is my right) not to write about certain topics. I choose who I discuss these things with. What we’re talking of today is one such “touchy” subject. In this specific sense, it’s social media. Or rather the negative impact of social media.


Social media can be attractive. It can inspire conversation across miles with likeminded people. It can unite a fandom through hashtags or it may simply help you define style. For me personally, its purpose is to share my content but more than this, it acts as a kind of “friendship hub” with people I may not otherwise meet.

Back in December I shared an Instagram message (which I’ll leave down in the comments). This message was inspired by the updates to the platform’s privacy policy; new policy put in place December 20 that includes, in part, the following.

  • Under the banner “Fostering a Positive, Inclusive and Safe Environment,” they say, “We also share information about misuse or harmful content with other Facebook companies or law enforcement.”
  • “You agree that we can download and install updates to your Service on your device.”
  • According to their terms, even after you “delete” your content, it may, ultimately, take up to 180 days (two 90 day periods) before the content is completely removed from any of their “backups” or “recovery systems.” IN that time, though your content is NOT visible to other users, Instagram still has rights to your content.
  • They can also access “our camera” to “suggest” filters
  • “We can also collect contact information if you choose to upload, sync or import it from a device”
  • Collecting information about you (if you make “financial transactions”) such as your “credit or debit card information” or other “contact details.”

Needless to say the idea that Instagram can access “our” camera to “recommend” filters is not comforting; they also mention sharing messages people send to you. I’ve also seen users mention that Instagram follows, on their behalf, accounts they never did. Don’t get me wrong, I know that some of these were in place when I created an account, but the landscape is different even in the few years I’ve been here. I’ve been a part of social media since 2012 (Twitter) and then, afterwards, I would join platforms like Instagram. In that time, I’ve watched how much these spaces have changed.

It’s wearisome.

Like I said, I don’t write about these topics, and as of right now, I don’t intend to make this a regular thing. That said, the nature of social media today is gloom, as is the phrase “cancel culture,” which they now normalize. Certainly a big issue I also take with social media is their privacy policies.

Policies that usually has some claim of being “inclusive,” but their actions are actually directly opposing inclusivity. I also believe in our privilege to express opinions. What these social media platforms are doing is in direct opposition to inclusion. Because of this, what’s happening is something I honestly and genuinely believe we should engage in and care about.

Social media, in addition to picking and choosing the narrative, is also toxic.

My platform is unimportant in the scheme of things, which is why, seeing this even in my little corner is disheartening. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not pointing fingers or laying blame, but in general being unkind seems to be the norm.

One of the ways I’m trying to learn to better use my social media, and be comfortable with is to use them only when and how it feels right. This means I have to kind of re-teach myself to use social media without “pressure” to check messages; or to be “on top” of keeping up. The only thing I do regret suffering in this approach is the good conversation I have with the people there. That I miss.

That said, stepping away from social media is very liberating. I still work over the weekend, and therefore still see social media, but I also don’t consume what I do during the week. I cannot tell you how much weight lifts because of this. While I do miss good conversation, being true to my beliefs is important. It’s one of the best feelings, and continues to be a learning curve. One that involves learning to allow for conviction rather than going with the narrative. Whether we believe it or not, there is a negative impact of social media right now. It’s disheartening and furthermore, it shouldn’t be happening.

Now, it’s back to regularly scheduled programming.

You can read where we are on social media, and our status there in this post including our new reader group!

What about you? What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you agree or strongly disagree? I would love for you to share your opinions on the negative impact of social media, just please do so in a respectful manner no matter where you fall. Good conversation is my favorite – whether or not you agree.


THE CHANGE & NEGATIVE IMPACT OF SOCIAL CANCEL CULTURE. Talking about the negative impact of social media.
THE CHANGE & NEGATIVE IMPACT OF SOCIAL CANCEL CULTURE. Talking about the negative impact of social media. #SocialMedia #CancelCulture #SocialMediaAlternative #Opinions Share on X

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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  1. INSTAGRAM MESSAGE FROM DECEMBER 20: #UnpopularOpinion: As 2021 approaches, I am 90% (+) certain, how and *what* social media I use will change. For the past 3-6 months I’ve become increasingly disillusioned with #Instagram (as an app/social media, which is really Facebook), and Twitter (app/way too much hate/politics) has been longer.

    When it’s no longer enjoyable, the brain power we use over worry of others opinion takes the joy out, not to mention is more work.

    It’s something I am putting *a lot* of thought into, and I think if it’s not something you enjoy or have doubts about, something needs to change. Feeling worry or nervous over social media adds no value to life.

    Either way, if I am cool with getting personal, I’ll be expanding on (I used to love these spaces and want to [capture] this) this by writing about all these things in the New Year. Until then, I’ll be here, if possible, less.
    What it everyone’s thoughts on this topic?

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