
There are several unorganized messes in my house right now. I have a kind of pantry (that’s not really a pantry) area in need of re-organization for weeks now. I have a room with all of my clothes and storage area that is begging for help, and I have freezers that are in desperate need of de-frosting. The silver lining is, in this moment, the laundry is folded and put away. Point is, there’s plenty of organizing. Life, like a space, can sometimes feel cluttered and messy. It’s sometimes hard to be optimistic when this happens, and when it does, sometimes it’s hard to find “your” happy, and to live a full life in joy.


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about living life and what this means to me. Living life in the sense of how I believe life is best lived. I don’t think this is something I’ve thought a lot about as an adult, but if there’s one thing I do, it’s overthink the big stuff in life. It’s a flaw that I’d like to improve and better about myself. In recent months I finally watched the film The Secret: Dare to Dream. Based on the self-help novel (The Secret), the film follows a single mother struggling until a stranger mysteriously enters her life. She lives a very safe and sensible life because she has responsibility and cannot afford to live otherwise. The stranger lives differently with a philosophy on life.

The film promotes the idea that you get from life, to a certain extent, how you choose to see and live life.

I’m open to the possibility that whatever happens, even the bad stuff, can lead to better things. – The Secret: Dare to Dream

‘The Secret: Dare to Dream’: An Inspired and Beautiful Film. A review of the film with Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas. All review text © Rissi JC
LESSONS FROM ‘THE SECRET: DARE TO DREAM’: TO LIVE IN JOY. Talking about optimism and being joyful. #Joy #Life #TheSecret #Movies #Optimism #TheHappyNow Share on X

In a nutshell, I believe in the bigger picture of this philosophy. Perhaps I don’t buy into all of the little details, but I do believe that how we choose to see life, how we decide we’re going to live, can determine the kind of life we will be able to enjoy.

“Whatever you think about, you bring about” – Author Unknown

Don’t mistake me, I know life will still throw some curveballs, but I’m talking more about our daily lives. How we choose to live them and what we put out in our lives can make an impact on what happens in that life. It’s all about the outlook you have on life.

If we walk through life with a gloomy aptitude of fear and shame, that’s the life we’ll lead.


If we have a positive attitude that sees life as a cheerful and full existence, then nothing looks as scary. I have so much growing and learning yet to experience, but I don’t believe God wants us to live a safe life of fear.

I believe He wants us to live boldly for Him, for us and for those we love.

As a person who thinks on subjects, this is something lately on my mind. Life, I believe, should be outgoing and happy; full and honest. We should challenge ourselves to live our convictions and to find joy in the day-to-day moments. Maybe this will mean seeing the Truth no one around you trusts or taking a step back from social media (this I recommend!), whatever this means to you, find it and don’t be afraid of its importance to you.

Being optimistic isn’t always possible. We’ll have ups and downs, but like Bray, living a full life in joy is always going to inspire joy; and living this is what will make the lens of life better.


TO LIVE A FULL LIFE IN JOY: LESSONS FROM ‘THE SECRET: DARE TO DREAM.’ Talking about optimism and choosing joy every day. Text © Rissi JC

Photo: Unsplash, Lionsgate

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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