Browsing streaming services when you’re bored and worse still, aren’t reading, is never a good idea. One of the things that results from this mindless activity is discovering a TV show you’ve never seen. This is what led to me asking, in the aftermath of its series finale, and wondering on the “What if” question that is what’s next for Single Parents?
If it had received a third season, sometimes it’s fun to ponder what may have next come for the parents and friends of the former ABC comedy Single Parents. Of course, it’s been off air for a handful of years now, but hey, when it comes to fandom things, is it ever too late to chat about it? This is true, right? Let’s chat about some of the questions of, what may have happened?
When last we saw Angie, her future possibilities were quite messy. In the second season, she began to see more of her ex, and her son, Graham’s, absent and listless father. When she told him she was pregnant, he left her behind which left Angie to raise a child all on her own until she met Poppy (who we have to talk about later) and her tribe of best single parent friends.
However, this isn’t the only complication she has! She and Will (another one we’re talking about!) also found themselves in a complicated situation when Will, who was helping Angie prepare to leave on a tour with her ex, end up falling asleep together. When they wake the next morning, they’re more than a little confused (and freaked out, too!).
Had the show returned, I could see her going (and also staying) with ex-y for the summer as planned, and if going, returning and realizing she and her ex cannot be a thing. In the aftermath of which, I see her and Will not being a thing. At last not easily. Shows don’t easily often put a couple together unless it’s as a tacky ploy to say, “see, they wouldn’t work!” One of my biggest pet peeves is shows that tease viewers and cajole them into falling for a couple who first become friends only to then say, “PSYCH! We were only messing with you.” What do you think they’d have done with Angie’s story?
Ah, Miggy. The kind of character who’s there, but didn’t often get bigger story features. Still, he does get some when he starts seeing one of the kid’s teachers, and of course, there’s always this idea that he is still helplessly in love with the mother of his son. It’s a kind of battle for him to “get over” her, but at the same time, I do think, while more subtle, the writer’s did a nice job of growing Miggy up over the two seasons. He does change some, but is still a likable person.
What do you think would be next for the character? I don’t really have theories honestly because I just enjoyed his character where he was at (plus it felt more natural for him given his beliefs), and growing into being a dad. I didn’t enjoy all of his causes or mentality, but mostly, I liked seeing him grow up.
Poppy is a really interesting character, but mostly I love seeing her as a business woman and as best best friend to Angie. Honestly, I also did find the romance between Poppy and Douglas really fun and also playful. The friction of the personality differences (in beliefs, parenting, etc.) isn’t something I personally advocate for, but it IS fun on TV.
They may be at an end when the show ends, but what do you think. Would they have reunited? Would it work? I wouldn’t mind seeing a reunion between them, though I will say, I think Poppy’s greatest strengths are in her ability of being the best kind of friend (including to Will). Nonetheless, I’d really like to see her happy with her person, and so I wouldn’t be mad if writer’s made it work between her and Douglas, while at the same time in their case, I do respect the writers and characters realizing that they wouldn’t be able to make something lasting work because they are vastly different.
What would you hope came next for Poppy? I feel as though I had thoughts immediately in the aftermath of watching the finale, but sadly, I let too much time lapse between that and actually writing this. Something I don’t often do.
Here we are, time to discuss Will. He’s quite a character. A really good dad with a bright kid, he, I think, falls for Angie pretty early on. They become really good friends and develop a kind of solid base of friendship that looks good on them. I also love that Poppy encourages Will to tell Angie how he feels. Their night together is too funny, and certainly leaves them in a place of wait-what-just-happened.
Sadly, that is all the series got, as it wasn’t renewed for a third season. I could see writer’s sending Angie away for the summer, as she plans, with ex-y, only to return and a: decide her ex and she won’t work (come on, we all feel this) and b: to find Will in a serious relationship which would delay their possibility of being together. I see Will as a stable-relationship kind of guy, so I think if he met someone who was also looking for that, and who was happy with and good for his daughter, Sophie, he’d totally give the relationship a fair and honest chance.
No matter what came, I know this gang would continue to raise their kids, and in all likelihood be there for one another. However, if I like people together, I also just want writer’s to give us the gift of at least one happy romance in any kind of ensemble story.
Photos: ABC
What about you? Have you seen the short two-season ABC ensemble ½ comedy? What would you put down for the “what’s next on Single Parents” storyline? Did you like or dislike the show? The cast? Comment all the comments below! Let’s chat.
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The last scene where she smells her candle and remembers what Will said (and what she acknowledged without a freak out) makes me think she’d have turned right back around.
I wondered this too! Makes me curious when shows don’t get real resolution… we want to know how it all ends! :)