Fun is not always synonymous with job. But once in a while, a lucky few of us do get that job that is fun and enjoyable. This is why talking about some (possibly) fun book jobs seems like an inspired idea. What are some of the book jobs we could have or some that would be interesting?
BOOKISH JOBS THAT COULD BE FUN! #TopTen #TopTenList #List #BookList #BookJobs #JustForFun #CoverDesign #Reviews #Reviewer Share on XI think mostly I’m likely to have to think up actual book jobs that seem like they could be fun. I’m not sure I’ll remember a character having one to talk about. But I also love the idea of the job being fictional and something we make up. Because that’s part of what reading is about, imagination. This all said, I’m not sure I’d do most (or any?) of these jobs for free. Like they’d be a lot of work and one has to be able to keep doing a job they love… and without some income, that isn’t be impossible. Let’s dive in and see what we come away with.
potentially FUN BOOK JOBS
I didn’t realize, though why I don’t know, that there are jobs you can have that will pay, mostly freelance, writers to write book reviews. That’s cool. Especially since I’ve been writing reviews for so long I always think of that task solely as a “free” (albeit with the generous bonus of receiving the book) job.
This one is pretty much a given, and I’m sure most of us think this could be unique. Sure it would also come with big responsibility, but the chance to operate a quaint bookstore, and decorate the window (I mean we love seeing Meg Ryan do this in You’ve Got Mail, right?) with seasonal things or the new books staff recommends, well, it seems like this would all outweigh the “bad.”
As someone who enjoys creative things, this would be interesting. Definitely something that would be fascinating to learn about and try my hand at.
This job is in no way exclusive to book topics, but the idea of a super fun book, with some pop culture, too, podcast does appeal. However, I don’t think I’d be good at it plus, even though I don’t tend to listen to podcasts, I do think there are plenty of these in the world. So the question would then become, would I have anything unique or different to add to the conversation?
This probably would be a job I’d do “free” because I don’t think it’d be something I’d want to long-term do. I like the idea of helping out and learning about promoting a good book, but long term? It doesn’t seem like me since I’m sure social media is heavily involved and that’s not a me thing.
Have you worked in any of these fields? Had any of these jobs? What did you love or loathe about them? Comment all of your thoughts below! Let’s talk.

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Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl October 10: Bookish Jobs I Would Do for Free (Real or Imaginary) (Submitted by Susan @ Bloggin’ for Books)
Id love to do these jobs! I’m not overly creative though so some may be a bit hard for me to do but I’d give it a go 🤣
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
Sometimes just trying is half the fun! :) Thanks for visiting, Emily.
My sweetie and I are constantly coming up with podcast ideas, but we also are not sure if we have anything unique to add to any conversation.
I’d still like to do it, though.
Same here, Rebecca! It seems like it’d be so fun and interesting, plus I love having good conversations, but at the same time since the market is flooded with podcasts, I doubt I could be successful. :) Thanks for visiting!!
Book promo would be fun so long as one could pick which books to promote! I can think of something good to say about just about any book, but I only get really excited about a few of them. :)
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I like your perspective, Lydia, and it’s quite true. There is usually something I too like about any book I read, though it’d be my favorite ones I’d admittedly best love to shout about. :) Glad you stopped by!
I would love to have a bookstore, preferably themed or with a pretty, cozy and unique design. In my city, there is a bookstore focused only on fantasy and other romance, they are cute
How fun! I agree, a bookstore would be fun. A lot of work… but fun too. Thanks so much for visiting!!
All of these would be such fun jobs to have! Owning a bookstore has always been a kind of dream to me :)
I’d guess many of us have thought that once or twice through the years, Lindsey. :)
I recently wrote a book review for a small magazine because a friend asked me if I would. I was happy to do it. When she later told me the magazine paid $100 per review, I was like, “What? People get PAID to do this? Sweet!” LOL. I had totally planned to do it for free, but it was also fun to get some money for it.
Happy TTT!
I know what you mean, Susan. I feel the same. I’ve reviewed books for years (off and on) and it’s always fun, but sometimes if writing is more than “just a hobby,” it’s also nice to find some freelance things, too. :) And fun topic! I enjoyed reading others spins and putting this together. :)
Great list, Rissi! Your new(?) blog design looks good! Have a wonderful week!
Thanks, Cindy… and it still needs tweaking. I needed to swap a theme (I always delay this because it turns into a two day affair with a couple issues) for a LONG time now because the one I had is from a company not in business anymore so that means I wasn’t getting updates, etc. Now I just have to work on some of the “smaller” things.
Gotcha! It really does look good, I just wasn’t 100% sure of the updates :)
Once I figure out a code or two (when I swap the theme), it’s always fun to have a new look. That’s when I play with colors or layouts, etc. Now I just have to figure out the little things I want to change. :)
A bookish podcast would be fun to do.
I think so too! :)
Great list! I would love to own a bookstore. It would be hard work, but so fulfilling. 😀
Definitely hard work… but I think there’d be fun, too! :)
A cover designer would be fun!
So fun! All those colors and fonts and ideas… such a fun process I’d imagine. :)