11 Things: the March Edition


Hello, dear readers! Last week, the lovely Kellie nominated this blog for the Liebster Award, which was perfectly wonderful of her.

Kellie, thank you bunches for thinking of my blog for this award! I am honored to be included. Thank you

11 Things: the March Edition. Going through an award from a fellow blogger AND answering the "11 questions" to come with it. Text © Rissi JC

Below are the questions that came with it, and because I want too, every one of you who have under 300 followers (which is what the Liebster award is), you are all nominated for this one! Grab the award and answer Kellie’s perfectly good questions.
And, yes, that may be a sign that I am too lazy to think up eleven new ones.

11 Things: the March Edition

1) Can you do a cartwheel?

Yes. When I was little I took a tumbling class and have remembered all these years. Usually, I am sorry I did it the next day. *grin*

2) If you had to be a movie character at a costume party, who would you pick to dress as?

Umm… is this a trick question: how could one possibly answer this question!? Golly, I mean I looooove so many film characters – everyone from fairytale characters to superheroes and costume dramas. Oddly enough, I like Kendra from Bewitching (book) but not so much in the film, Beastly. Having said that, she looks awesome on the book cover.

I’d copy the look and dress as her though I don’t know that I’d pull it off.

3) Would you rather go up in a hot air balloon or go kite surfing?

I’ll live dangerously: kite surfing

11 Things: the March Edition. Going through an award from a fellow blogger AND answering the "11 questions" to come with it. Text © Rissi JC
4) What was the FIRST and the last movie you’ve seen in theaters? What do you plan on seeing next?

First: Agent Cody Banks. Last: The Call. As for what I’d like to see next… hmmm... there are a lot although, likely I won’t get to them (Iron Man 3, the new Superman) for sure probably one I’ll end up seeing is Red 2.

5) Is there any color you won’t wear?

No, I don’t think so. I probably don’t wear a lot of yellow though

6) If you were getting married right now, what song would you pick as your bridal recessional? Fun and petty? Meaningful and spiritual? Classical or pop? Live or canned?

Fun and pretty, and one that is meaningful. Those are always the best *smile*

7) What drink do you drink the most?

Iced tea

8) Do you wear sunglasses? If so, how many pairs do you own?

I do! All the time – as a teen, I lost them constantly. Right now, I maybe have six pairs

9) Would you rather run one mile or walk three?

Walk three – my cousin is trying to get me to jog/run with her. I don’t think it will go over well.

10) Do you prefer the singing of Frank Sinatra or Fred Astaire?

Neither since I really don’t know their music.

11) Suppose you’re a phenomenal singer and dancer – if you were to be in a musical, which musical would you want to be in and what character would you like to play? 

Oh, that’s a tough – albeit fun – one. How many awesome musicals are there on Broadway! Love oldies like Music Man, as well as Kiss Me Kate among others. Having never seen a Broadway show, I cannot comment on more recent shows save for maybe Mamma Mia! which I LOVED.

11 Things: the March Edition. Going through an award from a fellow blogger AND answering the "11 questions" to come with it. Text © Rissi JC

Hmm… which character to play… golly, well a “safe” pick is always someone from Sound of Music, either Lisel or Maria (age-wise) would be the two I could play (and would pick!) as for the new normal of Broadway, I couldn’t say because unfortunately, I don’t “know” any of them. There is always Sophie from Mamma Mia! because she’s such a sweetheart of a character – and it’d be interesting to play someone who has had such a free-spirited upbringing – and in beautiful place to boot!

Happy Saturday!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. So much fun! I might do this if I end up having time…which is doubtful, as I have a ton of movie reviews to write, not to mention books to read. ;) But! Enjoyed your answers. :D

    1. Thanks for reading, Charity – I sure thought it was fun! If you find the time, I'd love for you to take this award. In past, the people I'd awarded weren't all that interested (for a while, these memes were going around EVERYONE and I think we probably wore them out) so I have diverted to awarding anyone who wishes to join in the fun. :)

      Best of luck with all that writing and book reading. Happy reading. :)

  2. Loved reading your fun answers! and congrats on the award :)) I think your pick for who to dress as is superb..love those book covers. You know…I've heard of those books before-I must be pretty slow because I didn't realize they were based on Beastly (??) I was kinda disappointed with the movie but I'd give the books a try if they were good.

    My first movie ever was in a small upstate New York movie theatre and it was 1993-Iron Will. What a legendary experience that was. Last…OZ, Great and Powerful…yeah not soo legendary. haha

    I"m definitely with you on the walking no jogging thing. Running is for the birds.

    Happy weekend girly!

    1. Really!? I wasn't sure about my answer for who to dress as however I wanted something "different" and love the "look" of those black gowns, so I figured Kendra qualified as opposed to say, a superhero or a character like Lizzie Bennet. I actually enjoyed Beastly. It was ten times more mature than the novel (and I realize the film was juvenile albeit sweet) yet I prefer the ending of the book (though the film isn't bad). Kendra is kind of "lost" as a character on me in the film – Mary-Kate does her no favors, whereas in her book (Bewitching), I really felt more empathy for her and recognized that she wasn't a "weirdo" but a real character who knew what it took to be a genuine friend.

      You know, I don't recall if I've seen Iron Will or not; am looking forward to 'Oz' though – if only for the cool special effects and pretty scenery. :)

      LOL! Yeah, I am not going to let Liz convince me – I may go bike riding this summer but otherwise, I am not an exercise nut. Never have been.

      Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Jeanine – really glad you dropped by. :)

    1. I know, Juju! I knew admitting that would likely cause a few aghast responses yet aside from some old movie tunes, I know little of their music. Perhaps one of these days when I go on a hunt for some new tunes, I'll have to search out some of their songs. :)

      Iced tea is tasty – even though I know I should probably drink more water, there is nothing quite like a cool glass of tea. :)

  3. So I'll wear your yellow for you, Rissi. I love yellow! :) And I love iced tea also. I've been really enjoying Sonic's iced tea recently. Yay for walking and yuck for running! And lastly, Mamma Mia is a wonderful musical. I can't sing all the lyrics but I dance around (in my seat) to the songs. They're just so much fun.

    Loved your answers. And just so you know, I wanted to award you also, but I knew you already had been and didn't want to overwhelm you with questions and such. But I really do enjoy your blog! And you seem very awesome yourself. Thanks for being a great bloggy friend. :)

    1. Sounds like a plan, Kara! There are a few yellow pieces in my closet just not many. :) Iced tea hits the spot on those summer days and totally agree: who needs running?! ;)

      Mamma Mia! is such a cute movie/story – yes, it has its problems (i.e., some questionable morals), but it's too much fun. :) And, oh, the music! My mother and I get goofy when it starts to play.

      Thanks for reading, Kara! And for the compliment. Way back when I started, there were lots of these awards going around so when I'd award people, no one was all that interested which is why I am now so "generic" about it. Sometimes I feel bad but it is just easier to say that I want everyone who thinks this could be fun to join in. :) Personally, it's always fun to answer the awesome questions the awarder picks. The feeling is mutual, Kara: thanks for being an awesome blog friend – I've enjoyed our chats. :)

  4. Ooh, interested on your thoughts on The Call. ;) I like Iced Tea too. I haven't seen Mamma Mia but I've seen the Music Man and the Sound of Music. Neither of them I watched live but, that's okay. :)

    1. Really!? Cool, Rosie. I'll have to type up a review – it's… suspenseful. :)

      Mamma Mia! is adorable but is, morally "all over the place." As a viewer, you have to be able to put that aside because otherwise, it is WAY too much fun. :) Those musicals ('Music Man,' 'Sound of Music') are classics of the best kind. I've seen both live, performed at a "local theater." The former was magnificent despite being at a high school, the latter I don't much remember.

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