The Netflix Book Tag: Join in the Fun! New on Booktube
Hello, hello, everyone. Today is another “booktube Thursday” on this tiny corner of the interwebs. Today’s feature is the famous (or not-so-famous?) the Netflix Book Tag, which I’m pretty sure all of the cool kinds have long ago already joined in.
Despite the fact that I’ve been trying really hard not to do as many tags on Finding Wonderland’s channel, this one is simply too good not to join because it mixes two of my “addictions.” These are books and of course, binging some good TV shows! I’ve even published an “In my Queue” for Netflix picks. Something I did intend to write and publish a follow up too. *adds to to-do list*
(Also, kudos to the creator of this tag. It’s a fabulous co-mingling of books and Netflix-isms.)
Anyway, I digress. Today, I’m answering a few of the Q’s down below, and the rest I answer in the all-new video now on the Finding Wonderland Youtube Channel. So if you’re curious as to my answers to those, click over there after reading, and see what other books we chat about. Let’s do this!
Note; this blog no longer has a video channel, so there are no valid links to share.
Netflix Book Tag Questions
1: Recently Watched, The Last Book You Finished Reading
Ok, so yes, I answer this one in the video but since a little bit of time elapsed between filming and the writing of this publication, I decided to make this answer a bit more updated. That answer is Tari Faris’ P.S. Goodbye, and guys… why haven’t I written about this one yet!?

3: Recently Added, The Last Book You Bought
Hmm… pretty sure it’s Well Met by Jen Deluca, which is actually supposed to be in my mailbox today. (Who else has seen glowing reviews for this one?)
6: Dramas, A Character who is a Drama Queen/King
This is a tough one. I honestly cannot think of any off the top of my head. *scrolls through Goodreads*
8: Watch it Again, A Book/Book Series That You Want to Want to Re-Read
None come to mind immediately, I guess I wouldn’t mind re-reading some of the books of my teen years like the Brides of the West series or the Love Comes Softly books, although I’m 99% sure I did re-read Love Comes Softy (book) prior to the film adaptation. Oh, and there’s all the Lori Wick books, too!

9: Documentaries, A Non-Fiction Book You’d Recommend to Everyone
To be honest, I don’t read non-fiction. It’s very rare that I even pick one up to look at them. When I read I want to enjoy the experience and non-fiction just doesn’t accomplish this for me. I have read Let’s Roll, and remember thinking it was quite good, but I don’t think I’d recommend it to everyone because it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s fine. I also read Rebecca St. James’ Sister
10: Action and Adventure, An Action Packed Book
Pretty sure anything by Ronie Kendig would fit into this prompt, which reminds me, I have so many of her books I’ve yet to read. Also, Lynette Eason’s Elite Guardians series stands out as a great series.
The #Netflix Book Tag: Join in the Fun! New on #Booktube Share on X11: New Releases, A Book That Just Came Out or Will be Coming Out Soon That You Can’t Wait To Read

Answered this one in the video too, but I’ll say another one here because do we ever just have one or two anticipated reads? *giggles* One I’m super curious about is Frankly in Love by David Yoon. It’s getting some great book buzz, too, which makes me more excited.
12: Max, Tag Some People
Here we go: Courtney of The Green Mockingbird; Dini of DiniPandaReads; Tracy of Cornerfolds; and anyone else who wants to join in, please do. I just don’t know how many of you like Netflix – or even like tags… ?? Just let me know where I can see your version.
That’s a wrap! Tell me, what are you loving on Netflix these days? Have you read any of these books? Do you plan to? What did you love recently; or would you re-read if you had the time? Have you joined in this tag? If so, let me know where I can find it!
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