Little Letters, Edition 13 2014


Little Letters is a random feature of “letters” to people or things that make us laugh or we appreciate.

Little Letters, Edition 13 2014

Dear 24, cannot wait. Hashtag #JackIsBack      

Dear ABC Australia, what gives?      

Dear A&E Network, please, be kind. Give fans closure for The Glades. It doesn’t have to be an entire long season, but we deserve something better than what you leave us with. Please.

Dear Books, I like you. I love you. I want more of you. Only please don’t bury me.      

Dear Dancing with the Stars, you’re back with more drama than ever. Bring. It. On.      

Dear Emma Approved, you’re growing on me. Mainly because of Knightley taking charge a few episodes back – that’s right, Alex! Show Emma who is boss.      

Little Letters, Edition 13 2014 #FWarchives Share on X
Little Letters: Edition 13 2014. Writing some random "letters" to people and things. Just because. All text is © Rissi JC

Dear Friday, less than 24 hours and you’ll be here! You’ve been missed.      

Dear Jon, in case you didn’t get what we were telling you: you can’t leave!

Dear Lady Mary, have you made your choice or is this just a rumor?


Dear Politics, say what?      

Dear Readers, I cannot seem to let this meme go without writing a note to you all because it’s YOU who keeps this blog going and such a fun place to hang out. Thank you for all the enthusiasm and support you show – and to all of you recent followers, you’re very welcome here!      

Dear Reviews, you still haven’t mastered the art of writing yourself? what gives?  

Dear Target, as if I didn’t like you enough. Minion T-shirt love? Yes, please.    

Dear USPS, thank you for delivering sensational packages this week. same thing next week, then…    

Dear Self, would you please get your emails, cards and letters written? stop procrastinating.    

Dear Veronica Mars, thanks for the memories and for being such a sassy female protagonist.      

Dear When Calls the Heart, thanks for being a sweet, wholesome family series. You’re welcome to return next year.      

Dear X-Men, please be awesome. 

(I cannot for the life of me get a link widget to work so while I’d love to offer the usual widget in the bottom of this entry, it didn’t happen this go round.) If you’d like to join in, as always, feel free, Friends!

Happy Thursday.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Emma Approved is definitely growing on me, Juju (still love LBD best) – and I couldn't help but adore this scene with Emma and Knightley. It was awesome. Happy watching – and thank you for visiting! :)

    1. I'm sure there are other retailer's who sell them, too, Livia, I just hadn't seen them before them… and of course, I had to buy it. ;)

  1. Yes! You go, Rissi.

    Yes to books — you won't be buried, friend. Otherwise, we all go down too. You're not alone in this!

    Politics… just the very sound of that word…

    Friday — ahhh…

    Self — you can do it! I've declared war against Procrastination.

    Lovely letters as always.

    1. Hiya, Ganise! So lovely to "see" you over here. Already miss you on Twitter though I completely understand you giving it up. :)

      I sure hope so! I sort of feel like I am buried under them just now – they're everywhere on my floor – but I'm happy knowing I'm not alone. I swear one of these days I WILL get a grip on better book management. That's a promise I've made myself and I know I can accomplish it as I was in a good place at one time. Just need to find that balance again.

      *Shudder* Politics, I agree.

      Love Fridays.

      I did get to most of my snail mail/email communication. So happy!

      Thanks – as always – for reading! :)

  2. I'm a day late but yay for little letters! Your letter to Emma Approved reminded me that I want to watch that sometime. I watched the first episode or two, but then decided I'd wait and binge-watch it later on when there were more eps to watch at once. Haha!

    1. That's an excellent idea, Melissa. That's exactly what I did with LBD and it was such fun! I'd watch a block of 5-10 episodes when I'd sit down and it all came together so well. Still really partial to LBD but… well, Emma is growing on me. And a HUGE part of that was Knightley (literally) restraining Emma from ruining poor Harriet's cute meeting with Martin. :)

    1. Alex IS awesome. But then he almost has to be following the footsteps of Northam, Strong and Miller. Just saying. ;)

      Glad the recommendation turned out to be a good one, Hannah! There is always "risk" to recommending and it's a relief to know it works out.

    1. I saw that t-shirt and couldn't resist – in fact, I tried to post a pic via Target but couldn't find it on-line. :/ Must be just an in-store thing. Either way, they're awesome!

      I'd love to be more regular with these posts but for whatever reason, I'm always SO random about when I post "Little Letters." Though its fun for anyone to join in anytime – just wish I could get the link-up widget working. Ugh. Technology. Cant live with it, can't live without it. ;)

  3. Love the photo you used with this post! Haha, I totally know what you mean with the books: love them all, but now I'm wading a bit with my to-read pile xP

    Minion shirts! Ahh, I'd love to pick one up for myself xD *makes a note to go search for some one of these days*

    Hope you had a lovely weekend! It's been a while but here's my Little Letters :)

    1. Thanks, Lianne – not sure where I found it but my guess would be a random Google search. ;) You are not alone – I've got more books than I can handle and… I love it. So. Much. Fun.

      I know! I saw that Minion shirt and just *had* to have it. Too bad I couldn't find it on-line to link to. Boo!

      You too, Lianne – hope you're doing well. Off to read your letters. :)

    1. Agreed. He IS awesome, Birdie and he's had a lot to live up too. Good for him. Glad you're liking the show as much as LBD, it has certainly grown on me. :)

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