Words to Live By (or more Specifically Book Quotes that Inspire and Make us Laugh)
Hey, hey readers and visitors. It’s that time of the week again – Tuesday. With its arrival comes the fun, bookish meme, Top Ten Tuesday. Let’s look at book quotes that inspire and make us laugh.
That Artsy Reader Girl March 6: Favorite Book Quotes
Ah, words! Without them, where would we be? There’d certainly be no books to become lost in because without words, what would one use to piece together these stories? The long and short of it is, without the glorious invention of words, stories such as these would cease to exist. Thankfully, so many authors know how to use these words to their best advantage. Together they weave stories that make us laugh and swoon, perhaps shed a tear and in many instances, touch our hearts. Today we get to feature a few quotes that fall into some of these categories. Quotes that span a wide variety of topics and genres on my list, meaning some might be more for giggles (or swoons because you know how I love my fangirl-y moments), and others will hold more weight. book quotes that inspire and make us laugh
Thank goodness for authors who know how to make the most out of words as they wax eloquently to weave together these masterful (or fun) stories. Below we take a look at ten memorable, romance and fun quotes from across an assortment of genres.
Book Quotes that Inspire and Make Us Laugh
“If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it
more.” – Emma, Jane Austen
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“This entire time I’ve been closing myself off from love, but it’s been the solution all along. I’ve built walls at every turn. No more.” – Unblemished, Sara Ella
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“I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It’s okay if you have to leave us. It’s okay if you want to stop fighting.” – If I Stay, Gayle Forman
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“All she had left was faith. Belief. God Himself.” – The Mistress of Tall Acre, Laura Frantz
on Goodreads book quotes that inspire and make us laugh

“…sometimes we have to find the courage to take off our shoes and feel it all. Even the bad stuff.” – Barefoot Summer, Denise Hunter
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“Nothing’s wasted. Not with God. Sometimes you just need to have faith that He’s got what’s next.” – The Saturday Night Supper Club, Carla Laureano
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“Maybe that’s what love is—sacrificing yourself to save another, taking the insult or taking the hit.” – Dear Mr. Knightley, Katherine Reay
Goodreads book quotes that inspire and make us laugh
“Because how do you say goodbye to a piece of yourself?” – Hello, Goodbye and Everything In-Between, Jennifer E. Smith
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“Stories are as unique as the people who tell them, and the best stories are in which the ending is a surprise.” – The Choice, Nicholas Sparks
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“She was bookish! She had no experience holding eye contact with Navy SEALs. All the practice she’d put in
with Mr. Darcy and Rochester and Adolphus didn’t seem to be holding her in good stead.” – True to You, Becky Wade
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That’s it for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday. As with each list I create, this one isn’t all inclusive (there are so many more I could feature), but it’s a great line up of amazing stories across various genres. What books could you forever re-read? Have you read any of these? What list of “book quotes that inspire or make us laugh” do you have? If so, did you like or dislike them? Comment with all the bookish talk below, and if you leave your Top Ten Tuesday (or blog!) links below, I’d love to swing by and visit. It may take me the week, but I will be by. book quotes that inspire and make us laugh
Thank you for visiting!
Oh, If I Stay! That quote makes me want to read the book again and cry because omg the feelssss. I also really like that quote from Nicholas Sparks, even though I don't read any of his novels.
Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts
I've read a few of Nicholas Sparks' novels, Hannah and I enjoy them. They're easy, and entertaining and sometimes that's why my bookworm fangirl needs. :)
RIGHT!? I should re-read If I Stay again too – especially since I still have to read the sequel.
Thanks for visiting. :)
Love that quote from If I Stay so much! Such a beautiful book <3
That it is, Kay. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I love the quote from The Choice. It's beautiful. You've picked some lovely ones.
There are lots of pretty ones with The Choice or any Sparks novel, but I too liked this one. :)
Thanks for visiting, Chrissi.
I love book quotes! These are some good ones!
That's cool, Rachel. Appreciate you visiting. :)
I like the ones from Emma and The Mistress of Tall Acre a lot. The Dear Mr Knightley one is great too, but the Sparks one might actually be my favorite. So true!!
Sparks' novels usually have some great quotes… even though, for me, they're more in my "easy" reads column. Those you mention are some of my favorites. :)
Appreciate you stopping by, Greg.
I am addicted to book quotes , what a fun list :) Mine is https://thephantomparagrapher.blogspot.co.nz/2018/03/top-ten-tuesday-book-quotes.html
That's cool, Paula! I'll admit I rarely pay them much mind, but when I find one I like, they're memorable. :)
Appreciate you stopping by – thanks!
I liked the Jane Austen quote-though I haven't read that yet!!
I haven't read Emma either, Joann, but I do love the quote. :)
Thanks for visiting.
Great quotes, love the Emma one. He's not Captain Wentworth but he is very sweet :)
My TTT: https://basedonthebook.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/top-ten-tuesday-favourite-book-quotes.html
Is Wentworth your favorite Austen hero? I go back and forth, but am pretty sure Knightley is mine. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by, Catherine. Always glad to chat with you.
I go back and forth too – but Wentworth wins brownie points for his letter! :)
Totally understand this. :)
I really like the If I Stay one. I almost included the one about playing him like a cello to my list. :)
Pretty sure I ran across the If I Stay quote you reference. The book is full of good quotes. :)
Thanks for visiting, Sara.
Nice list! The quote from Emma is so sweet. I also really like the quote from True to You. I might have to add it to my tbr. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Isn't that True to You quote cute?? I couldn't resist adding it in too. :)
Thanks for visiting.
i LOVE these! that scene from Emma makes me swoon every time!
Me too, Carrie – that moment from Emma is just perfect. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I love the quote from True to You – it's so cute. But the quote from Emma is my favorite; it's so true. I also liked the quotes from Dear Mr. Knightley, Unblemished and The Saturday Night Supper Club; all of these were honest and profound.
Isn't it? I had to include that one from True to You simply for its adorableness. :)
The honest and profound words are aplenty in so many of these books, which is partially what makes them such good reads.
Thanks so much for visiting!!
All of these are really great! And I love the way you set up your post, so pretty. Your blog is always so lovely!
Thank you, Allyson. Appreciate the kind words – and am glad you enjoyed the quotes. :)
Thanks for visiting.
I always look for your blog each TTT. does not matter what it is about. I love watching your lists. It is always too pretty to pass it!
Thank you, Mariela. I do have fun with these posts. :)
Appreciate you visiting.
Ah… Mr. Knightley's declaration of love is one of my favorites!!
Mine too, Brittaney. Mine too. :)
Thanks for visiting.
These are all amazing but I love the quote from If I Stay especially!
It is stunning. :)
…appreciate you visiting, Lindsey. As always.
Gorgeous site,, Rissi! Heartfelt thanks for including this quote from TMoTA among these other beautiful books. Must share:)
Hi, Laura! Thanks so much for stopping by. Always lovely to chat with you. Thank YOU for this story, and kind words. :)
I haven't read any of these books but what a nice list of quotes! I liked the one from If I Stay. Just reading the quote is even making my heart sad :( It's so beautiful.
There are so many beautiful quotes from If I Stay. In fact, there's probably one I'd like better, but this one is lovely, so… I went with it! :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I love your list! It has me wanting to re-read Dear Mr. Knightley.;) And I love the one from Emma!
Dear Mr. Knightley is very re-readable. In fact, we're planning to re-read that one as a read-along early April if you'd like to join, Amanda. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I love that If I Stay quote. Great list.
Lauren @ Always Me
Isn't it lovely? That book/film is full of lovely words. :)
Thanks for visiting, Lauren.
Ahh I love these and you've created beautiful graphics too ?
Thanks, Kei! Always have fun with these graphics (even when I recycle some weeks :D).
Appreciate you visiting.
These are fabulous choices! If I Stay had so many lovely quotes, that one kills me, I remember sobbing so hard at that part!
If I Stay does indeed have SO many beautiful moments and quotes. In fact, someday I wouldn't mind re-reading and then re-watching the book/film. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Shannon.