10 of the Most Extraordinary Book Titles (I Love)


Hey there, happy readers and friends. Today we get another list on this fine day in which we talk about more bookish things, more specifically, extraordinary book titles!

extraordinary book titles

On a frequent basis I’ve made mention of the fact that I am something of a cover art snob and I’ve been known to buy a book for its stunning cover art alone. Of course, I do also read the synopsis first. But a pretty picture cover design is ten times more likely to snag my attention than one that doesn’t aesthetically appeal. Part of my case in being a self-diagnosed cover snob is that a book cover is the first impression. But perhaps another thing that can make a good first impression is a solid novel title.

Now we get to showcase some of the book titles that we things have extraordinary titles (or maybe just plain cool titles).

Let’s take a tour of the ten I feature, shall we?

Top Ten Tuesday October 15: Extraordinary Book Titles

1: Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crawley

This title is not only lovely to say, it also has a kind of bittersweet quality that makes me wonder if the story is happy or sad.

2: The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne

I haven’t read this author’s debut novel, but isn’t this title pretty? It doesn’t have a cover design I’d frame (but still pretty). but the title…! It’s pretty epic. Goodreads

3: The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery

A book with a castle? That’s all I need to know. Although, I must confess I have as yet to listen to all of my reader friends and actually read this one!

4: The Library of Lost Things by Laura Taylor Namey

Don’t know anything about this recent release, but doesn’t it sound interesting? The whole bookish title is what draws me in.

10 of the Most Extraordinary Book Titles (I Love). Talking about a few of the book titles I really like! #BookNerd #BookLove #YALit Click To Tweet

5: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

This title means even more once you know the story, but still, even on its own, it works, right?

6: Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith

I feel like any of Jennifer’s book titles would fit seamlessly into this list, but I opted for her latest release.

7: Fame, Fate and the First Kiss by Kasie West

This title is pretty self-explanatory because it fits the story well. Makes me said that Harper changed Kasie’s next novel title publishing with them. We’ve lost the alliteration of her three connected YA contemporaries; first with Love, Life and the List, next this one and what once was Hearts, Heroes and Heath Hall is now Moment of Truth. Just doesn’t have the same ring, right?

8: This Train is Being Held by Ismee Williams

Pretty sure this title is what made me stop, take a second look, click the link and read the Goodreads synopsis of this one. I mean, it’s pretty fun, right? (Plus, learning it’s a contemporary just magnifies the excitement.) Goodreads

9: Frankly in Love by David Yoon

Gotta’ love a good “pun-y” title, and this one works because the protagonists name is Frank. Plus it’s just, plain and simple, darling.

10: The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

I mean, this title needs no explanation. It’s pretty, attractive and is unique because it comes from a poem line that fits seamlessly into the story.

That Artsy Reader GirlOctober 15: Extraordinary Book Titles (submitted by Elise @ A Book and a Cup)

Turning the comment section to you bookworm friends: what types of book titles do you like? Simple ones? Elaborate titles? Matchy-matchy? itineration titles? Comment some of your favorites below. If you have a blog or joined in the Top Ten Tuesday meme, leave your links below. It may take me an entire week, but I’d love to come by and visit your bookish spaces.

Thank you for visiting!

10 of the Most Extraordinary Books Titles (I Love). Talking about a *few* of the book titles I *really* like! Text © Rissi JC

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I’m totally a cover art snob as well, and also a good book title always gets my attention as well. It just so easy to get sucked in by a good unique title! I really like The Sun Is Also A Star, that would definitely make me take a peek, and This Train Is Being Held is a good one too!

    1. Right? It’s all about those first impressions that should draw us in, and to *want* to read more about the book. Doesn’t This Train is Being Held sound interesting? I don’t know much about it, but am curious. :) Thanks for visiting, Greg.

  2. The only L.M. Montgomery books I read were the Anne of Green Gables books (although I read the entire series). Maybe I should fix that. Great job finding some interesting titles this week!

    1. Come to think of it, ‘Anne’ would be a good fit, too! To be honest, I don’t think I’ve read anything by L.M. Montgomery, but I do really want to remedy this!! :) Thanks for visiting, Brooke.

  3. I’m a total sucker for great cover art on books too but I think it might be safe to say that the same goes for book titles. If a book has an incredible book title I’ll be liable to want to pick it up asap too! I loved Field Notes on Love and I love the title for Frankly in Love and The Sun is Also A Star ?Great list, Rissi!

    My TTT post

    1. RIGHT? A good title is just as important – it’s kind of like the “hook” or “tagline” to what might be a great story! :) Love all that you spotlight. They’re so memorable. Appreciate your visit, Dini.

  4. I love Kasie West and am so excited to read Fame, Fate, and the First Kiss – and everything else she’s written that I haven’t read! LOL! Happy Tuesday!

    1. Kasie’s books are like little pieces of sunshine magic. So cute and fun! Hope you enjoy ‘Fame’ and any other novel by her on your list. :) Thanks for visiting, Maggie.

    1. I do too! They’re just so bookish… and perfect! I like to think the stories inside are equally so. This is true. In combination with a good cover art, sometimes we intrigued without reading the plot. Or caring much. ;) Thanks so much for the visit, Nikki.

    1. I agree, they are, Jess. :) ‘Guernsey’ is so lovely. It’s a bit slow-moving, but the characters are just SO endearing. Let me know if you read it, and what you think. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Wowzer! Words in Deep Blue, The Train is Being Held and The Library of Lost things sound especially intriguing to me. I’ve read The Blue Castle and loved it. I’ve also read Guernsey and saw the film. Loved it too! Awesome list of titles Rissi! :)

    1. They sure are! I love all of them, and am quite curious about the two that seem especially bookish. :) YAY for ‘Guernsey’ love (SO. GOOD.) and though I’ve yet to read The Blue Castle, I hear it’s a wonderful novel. :) Thanks so much for visiting, Kathy.

    1. That’s awesome! Nothing wrong with a long title so long as it draws you in (and I agree; ‘Library’ is a cool title). Thanks so much for visiting, Jessica. :)

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