Books That have Given Up on Me (and Series I’ve Given Up On)
Hey, fellow readers and friends! It’s another day of bookworm fun with Top Ten Tuesday. This week’s topic is a fun one, so let’s have a look see. That Artsy Reader Girl June 26 topic: Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish (Submitted by A Book and a Cup)
Books That have Given Up on Me (and Series I've Given Up On) #fromthearchives Share on XSo this topic needs to be spun a little bit differently to fit my particular reading habits. The more suitable prompt or guiding suggestion would be Series I Haven’t Started and Don’t Plan To. You see, I have a lot of series on my shelf that once upon a time I was genuinely interested in. But as it does, time passes, life changes us and we grow up and away from certain likes or dislikes.
This is the place I’m finding myself in while making this list. You see, it’s not that I think most of these books would be bad reads or ill written, it’s just that they no longer suit my reading preferences. With that said, today’s list is broken into two parts. Part one is series I have given up on (but never started). Then part two looks at the series I still want to finish.
Also, I feel like I’ve curated a list previously that mirrors this one exactly, and I apologize for the repetition. Still… I’d love to know about the books that fit into this category for you! With that said, let’s take a look-see at the books.
Series I Have Given Up On (and Feel OK About)
1: Grace Medical by Candace Calvert | At one time, this series and anything by Candace was high up on my excited-to-read TBR. I’m not sure why or when it slipped, but I think I’ve decided medical stories – even those that are fiction, aren’t really good for me right now. That said, my mom read many of these, and liked them, so while I think I too would find them good reads, I’ve simply decided to forgo this series. Goodreads series i’ve given up on
2: Landry Park by Bethany Hagen | If memory serves me, I really did like this book. But years pass, and since I still haven’t picked up book two, I feel like at this point, I won’t. Also, this one maybe doesn’t count since it’s really only a duo! Goodreads

3: Heroes of Quantico by Irene Hannon | Anyone who’s read this blog for a while or has kept up on the authors I like will find this addition surprising. In fact I’m surprised I added it to this category. You see, Irene’s suspense novels are always on my favorites lists. But with all of the newer series she’s releasing and a kind of weary feeling of not wanting to go back to author’s backlists, I’ve kind of given up on adding this series to me “read” shelf. Heroes of Quantico on Goodreads
4: The Giver by Lois Lowry | Lots of readers love this series but while it was good, I don’t remember feeling particularly attached to The Giver. Though this may be because I read it at a rapid pace, and over the busyness of a holiday. The Giver Series on Goodreads

5 & 6: A Court of Thorns and Roses and Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas | If you watched my recent bookshelf reorganization video, you may remember I mentioned I unhauled Sarah’s Throne of Glass series. Prior to this, I’d already decided her ACOTAR just wasn’t for me (I really wanted it to be). The more I read about TOG, and the more books that were announced, plus the continued page-count of each new book, and they no longer held the appeal they once did. A Court of Thorns and Roses Series on Goodreads | Throne of Glass Series on Goodreads series i’ve given up on
2 Series I Haven’t Given Up On (But Habitually Forget About)
1: The Selection by Kiera Cass | Imperfect though this series can me (and frustrated though I do get with America), I still love these books. They’re my “unwind” kind of novels. I still have to read The One and then the spin off duo Kiera wrote later on. The Selection Series on Goodreads

2: Gifting Series by K.E. Ganshert | I read The Gifting way (way) back when, and if memory serves me, I found it really good. It’s a unique dystopian series that I’d like to continue on with. Only trouble is, at this point I’d likely best re-read book one! Gifting Series on Goodreads
How did you spin this week’s topic? Did you feature series you’ve given up on or did you take a slightly different approach? Have you read any of these? Am I giving up on any of these too soon? Share all of your bookish thoughts down in the comments.
If you joined today’s meme, make sure and leave your Top Ten Tuesday links below so I can visit – or simply introduce your blog. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces.
Thank you for visiting! Come back soon.
I've given up on Throne of Glass too. I lost interest in it. Great list! My TTT
I haven't read a single book in the TOG series, but yeah. They no longer hold that "it factor" appeal.
Happy Top Ten Tuesday, Chrissi; glad to have you visit! :)
I haven't read any of these yet (although I'm on the waiting list for the Throne of Glass series at the library). This week, I'm writing about the four series that I intend on finishing (and the one I don't). It's not Tuesday where I live, so I haven't published it yet.
I hope you enjoy the TOG series, Brooke! So many readers love this series. :)
When you publish your post, let me know. I'd love to come by and read about your series picks. Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.
I have a weird habit of… getting invested in a kind of background-y character or two in Sarah J Maas's books and then being JUST interested enough in their fate that I follow the book (despite holding a limited interest in the other 60+% of the characters and story)… sorry rambling. I think Throne of Glass (and ACoTaR) aren't for everyone (they aren't really for me either although I will probably finish Throne of Glass because… well… I've come this far). I hope the series you do plan on finishing go well for you!
Nothing wrong with this, Kelly. If secondary characters are what calls you back to a series, that's perfectly ok. Sometimes they are more interesting than the leads. And I never underestimate a good supporting character. :)
Thanks for the series wishes! Appreciate you stopping by.
It's kind of bittersweet when you let go of a favorite isn't it? I too added ACOTAR on my list, because the second book was such a huge letdown for me. I'm on the fence about TOG though. I might give the second book a try, since I actually enjoyed the first one and then we'll see. Of the other series you mentioned, I've heard only about The Giver and The Selection. The first one sounds interesting, but also not enough for me to want to pick up the book. I saw the movie and while I know it's not the same, I'm not really so intrigued to want to correct any misinformation/change that the movie brought. As for The Selection…I tried, I really did, but it just wasn't for me.
I too made two lists: 5 series I've given up on and 5 series I want to finish one day. It's strange, because actually saying "I'm not going to read this series anymore" is so final. My Top Ten Tuesday
Yes! But at the same time if it's not reading that I'm particularly enjoying, I kind of feel "good" about letting them go. :)
If you do give TOG a chance, I hope you enjoy! The Selection is one of the only dystopian series that I'm really enjoying. It's weird to say, but it's kind of a "happy place" read for me. :)
YAY! I look forward to reading your list.
I’ve only read The Giver and never bothered with the sequels and I also don’t think the Maas books are for me but they’re still on my tbr list, all hopeful and waiting.
Gotta' have those hopeful books on the TBR – I have lots myself. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Olivia.
Great list! I tried Saraj J. Maas but she wasn't for me either and I also wasn't particularly enamoured with The Giver. I hope you manage to finish the series you want to finish soon!
I'm glad I'm not alone with The Giver, Jess. I feel like in some circles that one is considered a "classic," but I just didn't feel fully engaged.
Thanks for visiting! :)
I did sequels I enjoyed this week instead of series I've given up on, because I'm not really one for giving up series, it has to be really bad for me to consider giving up on finding out how it ends.
I knew someone like this too, JJ; she "HAD" to finish the book even if it wasn't her kind of read, just to see how it'd all end. :)
Fun! Sounds like a great topic. Appreciate you visiting.
Great list! I'm so sorry you aren't a fan of SJM, but that's the great thing about reading! Books appeal to all sorts of different people! I'm glad that you have found a number of series that you're ok with not finishing – I had to switch the topic around for me lol!
Nothing wrong with that, Victoria. It's fun to tweak the Top Ten Tuesday topic, right? :)
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.
I enjoyed the original Selection series, but wasn't crazy about the first book in the spin-off with the daughter.
I've been seeing that a lot, Angela. Readers seem to like America and her story, but not the spin off series. :)
Thanks for visiting!!
I forgot about The Gifting series! I read the first book a few years ago, but never got around to the next two. Thanks for the reminder, haha!
Happy to add to that already large TBR, Hallie. ;)
Glad to have you visit – thanks!!
I've not read any of these series yet! But I laughed at the ones you forget about. I do that so much. *sigh*
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Oh the tough life of a book nerd, right? ;)
Thanks so much for visiting!
That the Giver was a series, and truthfully I haven't read any of the series on your list, but I hope to start the ACoTaR sometime.
Hope you enjoy Sarah's books, Arwen. I know they're super popular! :)
Thanks for visiting.
I didn't get a chance to read The Giver as a kid, but did so a couple of years ago. I enjoyed it, but it's not one where I feel compelled to continue with the series. So your feelings are understandable.
Thanks, Alicia! I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling. :)
Glad to have you visit.
Since I read The Giver when I was about 11, it had a great impact on me and I still love it when reading it now. I completely understand it not having the same impact if you first read it as an adult though. Here's my list for the week:
That's AWESOME! Anytime a book can have a lasting effect on its reader, that's a pro and win in my book. :)
Appreciate you visiting. Thanks!
Great list! I haven't read any of these books, but the selection series is on my TBR!
By the way I just found your blog because we've been paired up for the July comment challenge, I'm so excited! Also I love blog! (both your "blogging voice" and the design.
Hope you enjoy the Selection series if you have a chance to read it. :)
AWESOME! So nice to meet you, Arvenig. My apologies I haven't replied before now. Thank you for the kind words. I very much look forward to visiting your blog over the summer.
Thanks for visiting.
The Gifting is an excellent series!
I may have to add Bethany's book to my TBR list. It looks like one I would enjoy.
I remember being really impressed with book one, Amanda, so I look forward to discovering what's next. :)
YAY for new book discoveries – and thanks so much for visiting.
I personally still love the ACOTAR and Throne of Glass series, but I completely agree that reading tastes change and we shouldn't force ourselves to read books that don't really appeal to us anymore. Too many books, too little time, right? ;)
That's awesome, Lindsey! I'm so glad you enjoy Sarah's books!
YES! There is so little time – and right now I'm in the camp of "read what you enjoy." :)
Appreciate you visiting.
Haha I kind of understand The Giver. I only liked the first book but after that it had elements I wasn't interested in.
I really like book 1 of The Selection but started disliking more and more after that. Books 4 and 5 were the worst and I DO NOT recommend them.
Good to know, Sumedha. Sounds like I read the best of the group. :)
Nothing wrong with that! I'll confess The Selection series is one of my relaxing, guilty pleasure reads. There's just something I love about them.
Thanks so much for visiting! :)