Kiss Me in New York: Enjoy a Festive & Romantic Day in NYC


Author: Catherine Rider
Publication Date: 2017
Publisher: Kids Can Press
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary YA Romance
Source: purchase
Rating: ★★★★

Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider | Book Review

THE STORY | Unlike all her grand plans, for British exchange student Charlotte, her holiday shapes up to be less than perfect. Recently she was dumped by the boyfriend she thought she’d move to America for. Instead, just on the cusp of her college education, she’s alone. This prompts her to make plans to return to England over the Christmas holidays. And is the reason why she’s currently in the airport.Kiss Me in New York

Anthony soon finds himself in the same position as Charlotte. More embarrassing for him is the fact that his returning girlfriend breaks up with him in the airport… while her new boyfriend waits in the wings. Serendipitously, Anthony and Charlotte meet, and inspired by her delayed flight and their shared disappointments, Charlotte has an idea. A native New Yorker, Anthony is the perfect person to take her through New York, and while they do, she also plans to work through a “10 steps” to get over your ex book!

REVIEW | There are few seasonal reads that make me feel quite as happy as this one does. It’s a secular YA novel that sparkles as brightly as I anticipated it would. I picked this one up last year, but never did manage to read it, so I re-discovered it hidden on my bookshelf and set out to remedy this.

BOOK REVIEW | The Geography of You and Me – A Romance that Travels

The plot is one of those “perfect” quintessential romantic-comedies, which is forever a way to pull me in. Between the serendipitous “meet cute” to the adventuring around New York, the book has a kind of undeniable charm. I’m not always a reader who likes stories limited to a one day timeline, but for some reason, this one works. Maybe it’s the seasonal vibes and the genre, or maybe it’s the characters. Either way, I really did like this two-person POV novel.

Another thing the one day trope does is up the romanticism of the story. Somehow, despite the limiting time frame, the story is really romantic in a sweet kind of way. I like the contrast in personalities, and the fact that the book ends in a kind of ambiguous way. I don’t always feel this way, so the fact that I don’t mind it in this instance tells me that I really did enjoy this novel.

From the (sometimes) zany adventures these two embark on, to the quieter moments spent around a familial table, Kiss Me In New York is a magical seasonal read.

If you enjoy sweet and festive seasonal #YALit reads, consider adding this one to your TBR! Kiss Me in New York –Enjoy a Festive & Romantic Day in NYC Click To Tweet

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


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