Brunch at Bittersweet Café: Savory & Sweet Romance!

Author: Carla Laureano
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Tyndale
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary
Series: Supper Club, Book Two
Source: Publisher provided ARC – thank you, Tyndale
Rating: ★★★★

Brunch at Bittersweet Café by Carla Laureano | Book Review

STORY | Restless is what Melody Johansson feels. As a French-trained pastry chef, she’s going nowhere (fast!) working in a chain bakery where nothing is made from scratch. Ideally, she dreams of the day she can open her own bakery. Then, things slowly come together when she and best friend, Rachel, make a plan to go into business together. As a talented chef, Rachel will control the food while Melody plans their pastries and the bakery side of the business.

Coinciding with these plans is the arrival of Justin Keller. Handsome, and a little bit reckless (to Melody’s observation), the pilot intrigues her, and between them, there’s a spark. Trouble is, Justin has plans to leave  Denver behind to fulfill family obligations. All are changes that test both hearts in ways they never expected. Brunch At Bittersweet Cafe

REVIEW | If you saw my “Best of 2018” list you might remember that The Saturday Night Supper Club made the list. Written by a RITA award-winning author, this series is as unique as it is charming. This novel, its sequel, is a follow up that’s worth the wait. Inside these delicious, nearly-400 pages we get to know ‘Supper Club’ member Melody, and alongside her, fall in love with a new hero.

BOOK REVIEW | Because of You – A Short and Surprising Unexpected Love Story

To be honest, I don’t remember much about the supporting characters from ‘Supper Club.’ Don’t mistake me, they play an important role, I just don’t seem to remember the characteristics that form to give us a glimpse of Melody. However, getting to know her in Brunch at Bittersweet Café, and discovering what it is that makes her who she is, is lovely. I like her determination, but also admire that the things that make her weak are legit hangups. Then there’s our noble hero, Justin. Not only did I find his profession fascinating, I also love him as a leading man. He’s good, kind and best of all, swoony.

Those of us who appreciate a good contemporary will enjoy this one. It’s lighthearted, but also puts its characters (and us) through their paces. There’s emotional complexities that fight to keep Melody and Justin apart, although the story keeps its roots in realism.

All that’s left to say, aside from encouraging you to pick up this delightful confection, is this most important advice: Don’t read this one hungry!

Enjoy a #mustread sweet & savory contemporary #romance in Carla Laureano's Brunch at Bittersweet Café Share on X

Sincere thanks to Tyndale for an ARC copy of this novel in consideration of review; this in no way influences my thoughts or opinions. All opinions are my own.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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