Books, Music and Pretty Flowers | A June 2019 Vlog
Back in May, I made an attempt at filming a vlog. It didn’t exactly go as planned (edits, camera focus, didn’t really read much… you name it!), and yet, apparently I thought, “why not film another?” Well, this one may have gone a little bit easier, but the reason why it didn’t publish earlier in the day? I had to upload it a second time. (Because MISTAKES!!) Still, they’re fun to give a chance, and from an editing standpoint, to play with. Plus, I feel like I really need to learn more about my camera hence all the struggles with focus. So, with all that said, here’s a ‘vlog two: June 2019’ edition.
The Video That is an EPIC but Fun Fail | Booktube Talk
In this vlog, basically I just ramble. A lot. Sadly, I didn’t read much this go-round either. However, it’s still a fun experiment. I do talk about some books, music and like I said, other rambling things. I’m curious, what do you guys like to see in vlogs… or what would you like to see? I don’t live an exciting life, so sometimes that holds me back from filming because while I love my life, it’s pretty boring.
Also… some days I’m pretty sure my camera hates me because it refuses to cooperate. So my apologies for the filming, but the video is now live… so finally there’s a new Thursday video on the channel.
*Note; this blog no longer has a video channel which is why there are no links.
I’m curious… do you like vlogs? Who’s your favorite vlogger? Do you have any vlog (technical) tips? If so, please share! I’m open to all the helpful camera tips.
Filming a second #vlog. Books, Music and Pretty Flowers | A June 2019 Vlog. Put together a new edition of a 'vlog two: June 2019.' Just because. What are you reading this week? Share on XThank you for visiting!
Photo: Unsplash