‘Home Sweet Home’: A Cute Little Indie Romance


One of those Indie films that doesn’t get much attention, this inspirational film is cute, but also forgettable. home sweet home 2020 movie

Home Sweet Home (2020) Movie Review

Though she has good intentions, Victoria Tremont (Natasha Bure) is the girl who doesn’t think much beyond her next date and what outfit she’ll wear. Then she meets a guy on whom her charm simply doesn’t work. Needless to say, she sees this as a challenge.

Jason (Ben Elliott) is different than anyone Victoria dates. He’s new to the area and ready to commit to his job, which involves overseeing building homes as part of the church outreach where he now works. Determined to catch his eye, Victoria volunteers to be a part of his crew, even though she’s completely unaware of what her new commitment will entail!

‘Home Sweet Home’: A Cute Little Indie #Romance. A review of the romantic-comedy with Natasha Bure (daughter of #Hallmark star Candace Cameron Bure). Share on X

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A wholesome little romance, this film is cute and endless fun, but it lack a finesse which makes it something we don’t mark as a re-watch The story is cute in theory, but the so-so production is a distraction. I think that way its executed makes this less of a solid film and more of forgettable kind of piece of entertainment. home sweet home 2020 movie

One of the things that makes this true, small though it is, is this may have been so much better, is how little these characters actually do when working on the house. This seems a relatively easy fix that would give the story more credibility. The second thing that I think is a negative effect, because it doesn’t feel genuine is the whole testimony scene. When done right, it’s moving and fits with the film well, but in this case, it just seems rushed and inauthentic. Or perhaps, the “timing” of the reveals/moments is what’s off.

I appreciate that this tries to be a romance with Christian principles, but it falls short in how it all comes together. If you enjoy wholesome romance or films from things like PiXL, you’d enjoy this Home Sweet Home (2020) movie. It’s not something I’ll be apt to re-watch as I do so many favorite romantic-comedies, but it’s sweet.

Content: this one is clean

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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