Find a New ‘Love Story’ in the Transcend Time Saga


‘TRANSCEND TIME’ STORY | High-school junior, Lizzie Davenport isn’t the most popular girl in school but she is smart. Her jock boyfriend wants desperately to change their “status.” Lizzie not so much because it means giving up her closest friends, like Chelsea. But as it would happen, these petty grievances are the least of Lizzie’s concerns when she meets and feels an instant connection to the new transfer student, Drew Carmichael… and his arrival triggers memories in Lizzie’s sub-conscious never expects to feel. A chain reaction that unleashes results she couldn’t imagine… transcend time saga

TRANSCEND TIME SAGA, by Michelle Madow | Book Review

REVIEW | Anyone who reads about Michelle Madow’s journey to writing this first novel in her Transcend Time saga, she’s an inspiration for aspiring writers. Remembrance is Michelle’s debut novel and while it’s definitely for the pre-teen crowd, I really enjoy the creativeness that she put into its pages. Let’s talk through each of the novels just a little bit.

REMEMBRANCE | Reading this novel, what you’ll pick up onis its sweet simplicity. There is very little detailed prose in the plot. Michelle often skims over something that might be better explained or she allows for events to happen before they fully bloom, and given time, such twists would strengthen the plot. A fun factoid about this novel is that it’s inspired by Taylor Swift’s beautiful “Love Story” music video and although I can see similarities, for the most part, this book offers its own words. Michelle creates a story that is more than you might anticipate. If you like Alex Flinn or really any teen fantasy fiction, Remembrance is a must-read. It keeps its reader entertained without breath-holding suspense and I enjoyed the interaction between the main characters.

There are references to Pride and Prejudice, a touch of fantasy, second chances, some beautifully well-worded plot twists and an overall lovely story that is – for once, wonderfully pleasant. This new twist on that always-longed for “love story” is charming. 

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VENGEANCE | Picking up right where Remembrance leaves off, this 50-some page novella is all about nice-girl-turned-antagonist, Chelsea. The story is a short work of fiction detailing Chelsea’s resentment towards her best friend, Lizzie in the aftermath of the secret that blows everything to smithereens, and Lizzie’s near death.

Find a New ‘Love Story’ in the Transcend Time Saga. A review of the 3-book YA fantasy romance series by Michelle Madow. Text © Rissi JC

Though only a short story, I cannot argue with the logic of making Chelsea’s revenge plot so short a tale. Vengeance is a nice “filler” to bridge the two novels and also keeps alive the suspense of the final story that will unfold in Timeless. The clean, straightforward writing urges us to read the novelette in record time and leaves intrigue of what’s next at the surface, almost bursting over with curiosity. Does Chelsea really intend to hurt her childhood friend? Or will she have a change of heart? Those questions are left lingering, but are about to be answered in Timeless, the final novel in the “Transcend Time” trio. I suspect that in order to obtain a happy-ever-after – for everyone, there will be more angst and disappointment. Something Michelle Madow does with a pretty innocence – and characters that any teenager will relate to.

When all is said and done, Madow’s well-crafted novella leaves fans breathless for the final “part” of her unique trilogy. transcend time saga

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TIMELESS | In book three, we see Drew and Lizzie secure in their future. But in doing so, they change the course of the past… or they think they did. I don’t think I’d have imagined Michelle changing the character’s future using the means she does. Instead of keeping the story only in present day, she puts her characters into the era they are reincarnated from. Snapping pretty bits of inspiration from elements this series is inspired by (Pride & Prejudice, Taylor Swift), these moments work for this story.

Find a New ‘Love Story’ in the Transcend Time Saga. A review of the 3-book YA fantasy romance series by Michelle Madow. Text © Rissi JC

The travel to the 1800’s doesn’t happen until ¾ of the way through, and it astonishes me greatly! Approaching this novel, we assume it will nearly all be set back in time. Alas, this isn’t to be. Too much of this novel looks “back”; many of the passages are memories of Remembrance. It isn’t done in poor taste but could be more concise. Fortunately, making up for this is a trip to England! Any reader expecting to encounter an era-exact time period will be disappointed as everything from the language to the descriptions have a “modern” narrative. The characters are fun and learn the value of friendship while recognizing that sometimes the greatest things in life are moments.

IN SUMMARY | The first-time author whose series was originally inspired by Taylor Swift’s pretty, “Love Story” ballad, ends the series in a happy way that is absent from writing today – although the romantic in me wouldn’t have minded a promise of “I do.”


Find a New ‘Love Story’ in the Transcend Time Saga. A review of the 3-book YA fantasy romance series by Michelle Madow. Text © Rissi JC
Find a New ‘Love Story’ in the Transcend Time Saga. A review of the 3-book series by #MichelleMadow. Have you read this #TaylorSwift inspired romance series? #BookReviews Share on X

Content: these novels are secular and as such do contain some adult content and profanity.

About the Book(s):

Books: Remembrance (book 1); Vengeance (book 2, novella); Timeless (book 3)
Author: Michelle Madow
Publisher: Dreamscape Publishing
Series Transcend Time Saga, Books, 1 – 3
Genre: Romance; YA Fantasy, Young Adult
Source: Bought
Find the Books Elsewhere: Remembrance on Goodreads ●Vengeance on Goodreads ● Timeless on Goodreads
Find the Review(s) Elsewhere:
Rating: 4 out of 5 (On average at time of publication)

These reviews were originally published on November 25, 2011, November 29 2012, and January 26 2013

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I have to say, I love the cover. It looks very renaissance and Italian. It sounds interesting…though the reincarnation bit doesn't sound to good. I may try it. I do tend to be pulled in by covers sometimes ;)
    And you Christmas-y look is very cute :) I like it! Sierra
    Keep Growing Beautiful♥ (Cause You Are!)

  2. love your new design, and i really would love to read this book, but i'm in the middle of the way of kings. you should review it, when you've got time to go through 1,000 pages XD

  3. Trinka – glad this post "inspired" that reaction. =) It is a really cute, but really sweet read.

    Sierra – the cover is cool, isn't it!? I don't like it as well as some but its very pretty – and the author designed it herself! I like a well-made cover also, so if the cover art design is eye-catching, it makes the story seem all the more interesting!

    I was skeptical about the whole reincarnation bit too, but believe it or not, that isn't used as an "evil" plot or to seem "creepy." This novel is really well written… so you should look into it sometime. =)

    Jessica – check this one out when you're ready to read a new book – it's super sweet.

    Hmmm, I'd not heard of The Way of Kings, so I had to look it up. You are so right – it sounds like an epic novel! Thanks for the tip, girl. =)

    And, thank you all for your sweet comments about my new background look! I love it too. I was actually going to go with something more modern (this look is more country infused) but the background I was going to use wouldn't "tile" correctly. With that one, I was going to use bright purple text instead of red and blue… but oh, well! What's done is done. =D

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