Some of the Interesting Non-Spooky Novels To Read this Autumn
It seems every year I curate a kind of “spooky-ish” list of novels this time of year. Sometimes I go back and forth on the necessity of this because, let’s face it, I rarely if ever read novels that fir this parameter. But here we are, embarking on yet another such spooky books to read list.
Since I do make annual lists like this, one thing I cannot promise is that there will be any new additions. BUT I’m going to try my bestest (no, this isn’t a word, but I’m using it still) to pull some newbies into the mix.
Non [Mostly] Spooky Books to Read
1: Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen
I’ve only read parts of this novel, but I mean, it’s an ideal read for this time of year, right? Goodreads
2: Romanov, Nadine Brandes
Read this one early this year and though it may be a bit different than the usual, it has touches of magic and feels appropriate for this list. Goodreads
3: Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
Look at me going for all the classic literature on this list…! I mean, whaaat!? Not sure it’s totally fair since I’ve read none of them (at least not in full), but come on, my guess is right, isn’t it; they are all good picks? Goodreads
Some of the Interesting Non-Spooky Novels To Read this Autumn. Which of these have you read? Any I should add to my list? #AmReading #BooksToRead #WhattoRead #BloggersTribe Share on X4: Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
Not sure if this qualifies as a kind of “spooky” type read (I’ve not read it), but the films are all kinds of “atmospheric” and make me thing of this time of year. Goodreads

5: Blackmoore, Julianne Donaldson
Read this one years ago. Cannot remember all the details, but it seems an ideal read if you want the whole stately manor but not creepy sort of read, and for many, it’s a fan favorite. Goodreads
6: Born of Persuasion, Jessica Dotta
It’s been years since I read this novel, but about 3-5 of my reader friends gush over this series a lot. It’s a kind of mystery in a historical regency novel that, from what I understand, needs all three of its series novels to do the story justice. Goodreads
7: Rebecca, Daphne Du Mauier
Haven’t ever read this one, but with the Netflix adaptation coming up, I’ve developed something of an interest in this one. The likelihood of me actually reading this one is slim, but hey, a reader can aspire! Goodreads
8: Gunslinger Girl, Lindsay Ely
Read this one quite some time ago, and while I do not remember liking it (should I admit this??), if you like western-esque fiction, this one might be your cup of tea. Goodreads
9: Beastly, Alex Flinn
Anything by this author would fit, though I will say her books are on the “lighter” side of the spook scale. Still, they feel darker and perfectly appropriate, especially this one, which is a kind of Beauty and the Beast re-telling. Goodreads
10: Truly Devious, Maureen Johnson
Finally. A book I’ve been saying I’m going to read that I actually did. Don’t think this one feels as “good” as all the hype, but I did enjoy it, and since I own book two, I’ll continue on in the series. The mystery surrounds a selective boarding school, and the girl who tries to solve the years old puzzle of what happened to the family of the founder. Goodreads
11: Gilt Hollow, Lorie Langdon
This one is just too perfect (both story and cover) not to include on lists like this. Though yes, I do understand I use it every time. Goodreads spooky books to read
12: Toward a Secret Sky, Heather Maclean
This one seems to be all about otherworldly creatures, and such. It’s been years, but my review compares it to things like the TV show Shadowhunters and Sara Ella’s Unblemished, so if that’s your thing, this might be something you’d enjoy. Goodreads
13: Remembrance, Michelle Madow
A series I read literally years (upon years) ago. But I remember liking it and it’s a time travel novel, so there’s that too. Goodreads

14: Of Curses and Kisses, Sandhya Menon
Just started this one, but it seems a fun little atmospheric read to enjoy at this time of year. Really, any Beauty and the Beast novel feels that way. Goodreads spooky books to read
15: Jackaby*, William Ritter
This one has been on my shelf for years. I would still like to give it a change, but whether or not I finally will is anyone’s guess. Goodreads
16: Enola Holmes, Nancy Springer
Haven’t read this one, but the Netflix adaptation is all kinds of cuuuute! One has to assume, that while likely not spooky, the novel is tons of fun, too. Goodreads
17: In the Shadow of Croft Towers, Abigail Wilson
This one has a kind of Gothic vibe in a regency novel. It follows a penniless woman who must adjust to staying at the estate of her new wealthy employer. Goodreads
18: The House on Foster Hill, Jaime Jo Wright
From what I know of Wright’s novels, basically anything from her list of novels would fit. This is the one I read in full, and have a review of, so it’s the one I popped on the list. Goodreads
MORE TO CONSIDER* | A Study in Charlotte | Rules of Murder | The Ghost and the Goth | The Daughter of Sherlock Holmes | A Curse so Dark and Lonely | Stalking Jack the Ripper | Supernaturally
*I have not read these novels; and all are in the secular fiction genre.
Your turn! The comments are yours. Which spooky books to read do you have on your reading lists? Any of these stand out as books you have or want to read? Comment all of your favorites (and thoughts whether good or bad!) in the comments section. I’d love to chat.
Header image: Joy Marino, Pexels.

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Blackmoore is a favorite and one I’ve read many times. And Dotta’s trilogy is simply one of the best stories I’ve ever read. It literally changed my perspective on life. When the final page was turned I just sat in tears and stunned silence. Definitely a must read!