
These Super Long Book Titles are Really Cool

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! This may be the longest word (or at least the most famous?) that we hear, but how about those long book titles that we love (or don’t?) to remember and hopefully discover a good story inside. Without further ado, let’s talk about some super long book titles.

LIST | Some of the Interesting Non-Spooky Novels To Read this Autumn

For this list, I decided to challenge myself a (tiny) bit more by disallowing any titles under five words. I feel like this will be relatively easy to find, but then again, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself because, seriously, soon as I do, I’ll regret this…! Regardless, let’s do this.

Some of the Cool Super Longs Book Titles

1: The Chaos of Standing Still, Jessica Brody

Haven’t read this one yet, but I did quite enjoy Jessica’s The Geography of Lost Things. Goodreads

2: The Code for Love and Heartbreak, Jillian Cantor

Just had this one on my recent list of Fall TBR hopefuls, and because it sounds so dang cute (it’s an Emma re-telling), I kind of have to use it again. Goodreads

3: I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You, Ally Carter

I mean, if any title fits this week’s prompt, it’s this one. Goodreads

4: Hearts, Strings and Other Breakable Things, Jacqueline Firkins

Feels like one of the more made-for-this-list kind of titles. Plus, it looks and sounds darling. Goodreads

5: The Rise and Fall of Jane, Corrie Garrett

A modern re-telling of Jane Eyre, this Indie novel actually quite surprised me. It gets a little odd later in the novel with the supernatural elements, but overall, I did enjoy it! Goodreads

These Super Long Book Titles are Really Cool. Talking about some of the lengthy book titles that make a statement.
6: To all the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Jenny Han

This one feels legit for this list and is lengthy (coming in at seven words!!), but more important yet is that it’s an adorable read. Goodreads

7: A Girl’s Guide to the Outback, Jessica Kate

Fun rom-com set in Australia, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this sophomore novel by Jessica Kate. Goodreads

8: Paris is Always a Good Idea, Jen McKinlay

Haven’t read this one, but with a title like this, it has to be fun, right? Goodreads

9: Isla and the Happily-Ever-After, Stephanie Perkins

Of the three ‘Anna’ books by Perkins, this is the only one I have yet to read which reminds me, I should remedy this soon. Goodreads

10: This is What Happy Looks Like, Jennifer L. Smith

Most of Jennifer’s titles would fit in this category, but I think this is one I haven’t featured as much as some of her others. Or maybe I have? Either way, it just fits. Goodreads

11: Now and Then and Always, Melissa Tagg

Had to include this one not only because I think it sounds really good, but also because it just finaled in the Christy Awards! Goodreads

12: The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck, Bethany Turner

Given how much I love this contemporary, inspirational rom-com, I cannot believe I haven’t read Bethany’s ‘Cadie McCaffrey’ novel. But I haven’t and am all too aware I should remedy this! Goodreads

These Super Long Book Titles are Really Cool. Talking about some of the lengthy book titles that make a statement. #BookLove #BookNerd #Bookish #TopTenTuesday @MelissaTagg, @OfficiallyAlly, @JillianCantor, @JessicaBrody + MORE! Share on X
These Super Long Book Titles are Really Cool. Talking about some of the lengthy book titles that make a statement.
13: You’re the One That I Want, Susan May Warren

Prior to reading this contemporary, I had reservations about it because I’d met this character in the five prior novels, but I am here to tell you, this is still (at least from my memory!) one of my favorites of its genre. Goodreads

14: This Train Is Being Held, Ismée Amiel Williams

This one is cheating a bit because it’s just five words. But whatevs. I’m going for it, plus I also really want to read this one, so perhaps using it is my way of a reminder. Goodreads

BONUS! The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss, Amy Noelle Parks

Ok, so obviously I don’t own this one since it comes out January of 2021, but its title is too fitting (for this subject) not to include. If you think its title sounds cute, go read the synopsis, trust me, this one does, like its title, sounds fun. Goodreads

What about you? Which books do you own (or not) with super long book titles? Do you like any of these? Have you read any of them? Comment all of your thoughts down below!


These Super Long Book Titles are Really Cool. Talking about some of the lengthy book titles that make a statement.

Thank you for visiting!

Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and Top Ten Tuesday October 13: Super Long Book Titles

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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    1. I have not read either one you mention, Michelle. But I need to. Her books should fun. :) Thanks so much for the visit – and hope we both enjoy ‘Chaos.’

  1. This Train Is Being Held has been on my wishlist for most of this year, it sounds so good! I went for Statistical Probability, which I’m slightly regretting because so did everyone else. ?

    1. Doesn’t it?? I’m hoping to read it soon-ish. Aw, don’t regret adding ‘Statistical.’ It’s really ideal for this week’s topic. :)

    1. Same. I love the series so much as well; really the entire family is among my most favorite characters. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Dedra.

    1. I would still like to read Ally’s as just “light-hearted” and entertaining reads. Either way, it IS a great title indeed. :) Thanks for the visit, Stefani.

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