A List of Fun DIY Christmas Gift Ideas


When it comes to gift-giving, we’re all quite different. Same can be said when you’re on the receiving end of gifts, too. As the Christmas season – rapidly (!!) – approaches, one thing on our minds is the task of gift giving. OR rather the task of buying said gifts since giving should be a joy. Though this topic is quite different, today I’m posting up a few DIY Christmas gift ideas.

LIST | Friday Favorites the First: This is about Some Random Favorites

Inspired by some stories on Instagram, inspiration hit and so let’s jump headfirst into this topic. Let’s have a look at what’s included, shall we?



One of my memories of my aunt is that she forever didn’t have things “together” when it came to being organized, and one of the things that became a running joke for us was her use of birthday wrapping paper for Christmas. For anyone on your list (those who you gift to early) who finds it tough to have time for anything, why not make them a set of gift tags? There is oodles of cardstock you can find inexpensively (or you can buy quality products through Stampin’ Up!) from places like JoAnn’s, Hobby Lobby, or yes, Amazon.

Or if you’re like us, you already have all of these things lying around your house; this year, my mother is making a set of gift cards for each of the women who orders in the small food co-op we order with. So far, she’s bought nothing new (with exception to tape runner refills) and is instead using up things we have around the house, like stickers, cardstock and patterned paper, ribbons, etc. You can also make a set of notecards that are blank with the same kind of supplies – and don’t be afraid to look up notecards as inspiration for getting started!

Another gift I used to make is calendars. I would purchase blank art or sketch pads (spiral intact!) that were probably about 8 ½ x 11, rip out the pages I wouldn’t need and go from there. You can create your own calendar templates, but usually they are readily available to print off of free websites. I would decorate the top page, and glue the calendar to the bottom so it resembled a hanging calendar. However you could similarly purchase a smaller sketch pad and create a kind of planner to gift.


If you have someone on your list who likes fashion, why not make them a piece of jewelry? It’s really easy to make something simple. For someone like me, I appreciate and love minimalist designs. So taking a simple hoop as your base, you can add colorful beads with jump rings and head pins to create a kind of “waterfall” effect; or simply add a small disc like this and bracket it with the same color beads for a color-on-color look.  


Two unique things (or maybe it’s old hat for some of you and you’ll think, yeah, that’s not new) you can make involve ideal things for those of us who enjoy cooking and baking. The first is infused olive oil!

So, if you want garlic oil, simply make some with your favorite olive oil. My mom has made her own garlic oil, and she loved it. All you have to do is place your olive oil in a pan, keeping it on low, you’ll want to let it come to a gentle boil, and then cook it for a bit longer until you smell the fragrant flavor, with all the goodies, of course. Here’s how to customize.

A List of Fun DIY Christmas Gift Ideas. Sharing some DIY ideas for the teachers, friends or others on your Christmas gift list!
Photo: Unsplash / Nazar Hrabovyi
  • Garlic: Use roasted (on 350 until golden) cloves of garlic if you want garlic oil
  • Citrus: infuse your oil with one teaspoon of zest (lemon, orange, etc.) to ½ cup of oil.
  • Herbs: add in rosemary, thyme, or oregano.
  • Finish everything off with green; colored; or clear cruet glass bottles (all 17oz.)

If the person on your list is more of a baker, make your own vanilla. This is something my grandmother did, and now we do it as well. It’s so easy. You’ll start with a bottle of vodka, which you can infuse with 8-10 vanilla beans (depending on the size of your bottle) or separate the vodka between smaller bottles, like these darling swing top bottles! Here’s what you’ll do.

  • Slit your vanilla beans (lengthwise); grade b is said to be the best
  • Place them inside your bottle and watch as the beans turn the vodka dark, and very vanilla-esuqe! (There’s be small specks floating which is just the actual “beans” inside the pod.)
  • Let this sit for a month to really bring out the vanilla flavor. This is something that is better the longer it melds together.
Photo: Unsplash / Mae Mu

You can also make your own mustard with mustard seed, beer and your choice of sweetener; we like honey. Or get creative, and add in 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of things like cinnamon, turmeric or garlic power.

  • Soak 1/2 cup of mustard seeds and beer; 1/3 cup of water; 3 T. apple cider vinegar; 1 T. of maple syrup (or honey!); let sit for 2-3 days
  • Blend all ingredients together, and jar the yummy homemade mustard.
  • Jar the deliciousness for up to 6 months, refrigerated

Of course, if all else fails, one of the cutest things to do is gift homemade Hot Cocoa “jars.” Just mix up your favorite hot chocolate recipe, put the mix in some cute jars, and add a label either with ‘hot cocoa’ printed or the recipe on how to enjoy the mix!

Photo: Unsplash / Olga Kozachenko

Complete any of these possible gifts with some cute jute twine in festive colors; mix braid twine; or add sparkle with some metallic twine. Then, of course, go and add a fun label whether it’s one you make yourself, or one you find on Etsy or Amazon!

*You can find specific recipes for any of these items; I usually just wing it, so I know, I’m not being precise.

Whatever you do, or don’t, create as a gift, remember, most of all, have fun with the process. In the meantime, this is a wrap for today’s little DIY Christmas gift ideas list. Tell me, have you made any of these things? What do you like to make and gift for the people on your list? Have you ever received any favorite handmade gifts? Share all of your thoughts down in the comments!


A List of Fun DIY Christmas Gift Ideas. Sharing some DIY ideas for the teachers, friends or others on your Christmas gift list!
A List of Fun DIY Christmas Gift Ideas. Sharing some DIY ideas for the teachers, friends or others on your Christmas gift list! #ChristmasGifts #ChristmasShopping #DIY #DIYGifts #Ideas #DIYIdeas Share on X

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I love homemade gifts. It shows thoughtfulness. I like making gifts. I have made jewelry ( I have 12 shoeboxes full of beads) and I try to make ornaments for the grandkids each Christmas.

    1. Fun! I meant to add ornaments, too as we used to do this as kids also. But I think this got long enough. Like you, I think hand made gifts are lovely. :)

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