Recently I was on Instagram and saw someone pose a question to an influencer regarding “cancel culture.” The question wondered what this person thinks of this particular aspect of culture. Her reply is that she chooses to believe that they don’t mean what they say, and essentially, they deserve a second chance. While this isn’t a bad sentiment or way to live, it got my mind spinning. Since when does having an opinion mean you’re automatically wrong? Or need a second chance?
Every day, we as human beings have opinions. We form opinions about the news and politics. We form thoughts on the things that cross our social media timelines. Or maybe for some of us this happens after a sermon. Every single day we develop these opinions. Some of us, maybe having thought it through or perhaps without thinking, share them on social media. Then some of us, take a breath, think everything through and then choose what, where or who we discuss these opinions with. The point is, we all have opinions.
The difference is, some of us share them differently, and some of us have a national stage to do so.
A SOCIAL MEDIA OPINION DOESN'T MEAN WE NEED A SECOND CHANCE #SOCIALMEDIA #THOUGHTS #CONVERSATION #DISCUSSION #OPINION #TWITTER #INSTAGRAM #FORGIVENESS Share on XFor the purpose of this topic, I acknowledge that my space is very unimportant. That said, I think we all should care with what’s going on. Social media is fluidly changing their algorithms and additionally putting limits on specific opinions. My mother, in a very small publication, was told (in this last year) that her opinion didn’t matter. Based on the reply, one can assume this is because it goes opposite of the voices that get the sound bytes.
Going back to the open of this, that one Instagram slide got me thinking, are we in a place where having an opinion automatically mean it requires an apology?
I believe without waver that we live in a time where we can share opinions far and wide. I think a lot about big issues, and I get perspective from people far wiser than I. Perhaps it’s because of this, but I have a different mentality about the statements that cause some people to be cancelled. As a result of how my opinions are shaped, I more often choose to believe, people who make statements also mean them.
However, just because someone makes a public statement doesn’t automatically mean they are in need of forgiveness. One thing I like in people is when they stand by their statements.
We all will have things to apologize for. There is a time and place for apologies. There’s a time and place for debate and opinions. But more important than that is standing firm in conviction. At the end of the day this is what counts. Months ago, also on Instagram, I found this quote Bindi Irwin shared.
“The best weight you’ll ever lose is the weight of other people’s opinions.” – Author unknown
This quote HIT me. As a society no one likes the idea of being the one no one likes in a social situation. I also think some people think this kind of mentality sounds unfeeling. It’s not. You should strive to surround yourself with people who love you for you and value your thoughts; people who support you. If they don’t, then no one is winning. Disagreement is fine and in some circumstances, needed. But this doesn’t have to mean you cannot still have good conversation.
Worrying over what someone thinks isn’t healthy, this I know from experience, diminishes the joy of life. Have I conquered this yet? Heck, no. It may be hard to share a principle in this society. But again, this doesn’t mean every person needs to ask forgiveness for what they believe. We also should know that, no matter what this landscape may make us feel, we’re not alone.
Take a breath, live in conviction, go meet new people, laugh, and find joy. Most of all, whatever living this looks like, don’t let this landscape steal your joy. Live to the fullest.
Share your thoughts on this topic. Do you agree, disagree or don’t know yet what you think? I’d love to share some good conversation with you all – no matter where you fall. Just please, be respectful.
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