With a plot about finding the right match from the perspective of, what else, dating apps, Make Me a Match is decently cute.
Make Me a Match (2023) Hallmark TV Film Review
Finding that perfect match is something Vivi (Eva Bourne) is happy to be a part of. Both professionally and in life. Professionally she works for one of the best dating apps which bleeds into her personal life when the app finds her the ideal match. Until it doesn’t. Then through research and the hope to improve her company’s app, Vivi reaches out to Raina (Rekha Sharma), a matchmaker with a stellar record.
Now through testing, and perhaps some surprises, lessons start and the search for the right one begins.
‘MAKE ME A MATCH’: TV ROMANCE THAT TACKLES DATING TRENDS. Review of the 2023 #HallmarkMovie romance with #WCTH actress Eva Bourne. #Hallmarkies #Hallmark #Movies #Romance #WhenCallstheHeart Share on X
While I suspect the script did want it to be really cute and fun, the meet cute in this one seems a little too fake. Regardless, Eva and Rushi are pretty cute together. They share some fun moments. Vivi plays into some of the female stereotypes of culture, but it’s not overdone and in one case, it works and is actually used appropriately. I also mostly quite liked Rushi in this role as leading man. He, like anyone, the writers do put make some choices for his character that do annoy, but for the most part, I think he’s a solid leading man.
The blending of tradition and modern is interesting. I think the push for modern (though I do appreciate and like many modern aspects of culture) overpowers some of the tradition whereas I think there could be a fairer balance. It does use a popular cultural phrase as a way to weed people out which is a phrase I consider a pet peeve. Beyond this, Make Me a Match is a charming addition to the network. It’ll be something that many avid fans will enjoy, too.
Photos: Hallmark Media
Content: there’s conversation about someone cheating. But it’s not detailed and we don’t learn much about the affair apart from it being mentioned a time or two.