
Adapting the novel, also titled Wonder, is this 2017 film that is actually quite charming.

Wonder (2017) Film Review

Up until today, August aka Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) has been homeschooled. He’s now about to enter the doors of a real school as he begins fifth grade. For almost any other kid this may be the highlight of their young life. For Auggie, well, you see he’s different. Sure he’s also ordinary because he loves science and Halloween, but he’s someone who stands out, even if he doesn’t want to. Genes see to this.

His mom and dad (Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson) both carry an unusual gene that when combined can cause rare and unusual deformities. While older sister Olivia aka Via (Izabela Vidovic) isn’t scarred by this, Auggie is. He’s had multiple surgeries to try and help and today, as he enters those school doors, he’s not just the new kid, he’s also the new someone who makes everyone stop…


‘WONDER’ ADAPTS CHILDRENS NOVEL WITH APPEAL FOR MANY. Review of the 2017 drama with Jacob Tremblay and Julia Roberts. Click To Tweet

Wonder is one of those films I meant to watch an age and a half ago when it was on one of the streaming services I pay for. I forgot about it and then it disappeared and again, I forgot about it. However, when Netflix recently put it up, finally hit the play button and am quite impressed.

‘WONDER’ ADAPTS CHILDRENS NOVEL TO APPEAL TO MANY. Review of the 2017 drama adaptation with Julia Roberts. All text © RissiWrites.com

The story, while simple and basic and familiar is somehow better and special and inspiring where genre peers sometimes fall slightly short. This title really suffers no real downfall. Mainly, this is all anchored by a stupendous performance by young Jacob Tremblay. Although this isn’t considered his breakout role, it’s still a good one regardless. Of course surrounding him is the always good Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson plays loving dad very well. Also, long time devoted Hallmark fans will recognize two network favorites in brief roles.

Heartwarming, Wonder is one of those movies that doesn’t really have to try too hard to be so. It’s a story about a boy who goes to school and learns how to be comfortable in his own skin even if it means staring or unkind jeers. A feeling we relate to, which is feeling on the outside of things, though hopefully most of us don’t relate to having to deal with these kind of health challenges. More than just this though, it’s also a story about the people who do truly love him. We live mainly with Auggie and his perspective but we also switch between the perspectives of Via, and friends Jack and Miranda. It’s not only an interesting way to see what these characters feel, but also a way to see a new perspective of who Auggie is.

When all is said and done, the only thing left is for me to wonder why only know am I watching this.

You can stream Wonder, at publication, with Netflix


‘WONDER’ ADAPTS CHILDRENS NOVEL TO APPEAL TO MANY. Review of the 2017 drama adaptation with Julia Roberts. All text © RissiWrites.com

Content: there’s nothing to note in this PG film. There’s unkind notes and words written on photos. Kids laugh at Auggie and aren’t shy about saying unkind things or making fun of him.

Photos: Lionsgate / Walden Media

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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