STORY: Once upon a time, thirty years ago, two babies were born on New Years Day. Born seconds apart, the families are unintentionally competing for the first baby born in the New Year. Wealthy and good looking, Quinn Hamilton gets that privilege. He also gets what should have been Minnie’s name. 

Minnie Cooper (yes, she knows) is the opposite of Quinn in every way. She detests January first and believes the day is nothing but a string of bad luck each year. Instead, she loves January second and the day she can live her life furthest from her birthday. She focuses on her small business with her best friend, Lelia and trying to make her relationship with Greg work. Fate is about to challenge Minnie when Quinn walks into her life…


A novel from an author I’m seeing often praised with reader love on Instagram, This Time Next Years is the first novel I’ve read by Sophie. For me, the reason I actually read it was spurred on by the fact that U.K. production companies did produce an adaptation of this one. Since my rule is to read a book (if I’m interested and it’s not a classic) before the movie, I scrambled to finally read a book I’d been hearing positive things about.  


‘THIS TIME NEXT YEAR’ BOOK REVIEW: A STORY ABOUT FATE. #BookReview #RomanceNovel #RomanceFiction #SophieCousens Share on X
‘THIS TIME NEXT YEAR’ BOOK REVIEW: A STORY ABOUT FATE. A review of the novel by Sophie Cousens which inspired the film adaptation.

Ahead of its U.S. film release drop, I wanted to discover what this was all about. Turns out the story is really cute and fun. The set up is a little off putting in some sense because it vacillates between the present (aka Quinn and Minnie meet) and their respective birthdays prior to them meeting in present. It’s nice in one way because it helps us see why or how they tick, however it’s also a little distracting and I think it’s this that is my only real complaint. I maintain that this trope tends to pull me out of the present, and I think I also have a thing about too much play on the past.

Outside of this, Sophie Cousens’ This Time Next Year book is quite charming. I equally like the banter and friendship. I’m also quite fond of both leads, and think they are easy characters to root on. Another thing in the pro column is that this is a winter novel that doesn’t center on Christmas. 

If you like authors who write solid and emotional contemporary romance, then This Time Next Year is a must read. 

ABOUT the BOOK: This Time Next Year Book Review

Author: Sophie Cousens
Publisher: G.P. Putnam’s Sons
Source: Bought
Publication Date: 2020
Genre: Fiction; Secular; Contemporary Adult
Rating: ★★★ 1/2
Find the Review Elsewhere: Amazon ǀ Goodreads
Find the Book: Goodreads

Content: there more than one use of the F-word (but it did not seem in excess) and other lesser profanity like shit. There’s also references to sex or having sex; and a make out scene (with some minor description) that leads to removal of clothing (it cuts off before it goes further). A flashback remembers a physical reaction as a teenager when kissing.


‘THIS TIME NEXT YEAR’ BOOK REVIEW: A STORY ABOUT FATE. A review of the novel by Sophie Cousens which inspired the film adaptation.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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