2018 Releases to Anticipate: January – March (or So)
Hey there, readers and friends! I hope 2018 has started off well for you. Early in the year though it is, hopefully one of the things that has been a good surprise is the discovery of a grand new read.
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2018 Releases to Anticipate: January – March (or So) #fromthearchives Share on XIf there is one positive thing about a new year it’s the possibilities that come with it, specifically the possibilities of new reads. Though I’m behind on my reading (what else is new, I know!), this doesn’t keep me from anticipating all the new reads coming to bookstores. The list is endless, which is why I pared this list to such limited numbers. For now, let’s take a look at four of the books I’m anticipating in January and February.
2018 Releases to Anticipate: January – March (or So)
1: The Lost Castle (February) by Kristy Cambron | Kristy always writes with a heartfelt voice and genuine love of Story. This is why, I’ve zero doubt her upcoming French fairytale will be magic; a novel that falls into the new buzz genre of time slip novels. Goodreads

2: The Heart Between Us (March) by Lindsay Harrel | A new-to-me debut author, this Thomas Nelson release intrigued me from the moment I first read about it. That seems like a long time ago, and now we’re a mere two months away from its entrance into the book world. Goodreads
3: Heart of Iron (February) by Ashley Poston | Pitched as a sci-fi re-telling (or at least inspired by) the classic tale of Anastasia, my only reaction is: heck yes! Oh, and please be good! Goodreads

4: Reclaiming Shilo Snow (March) by Mary Weber | Must know how this epic YA sci-fi duo ends as Sofi completes (!) her mission to find the brother everyone but her believes is gone. Goodreads
Tell me about the books at the top of your 2018 releases to anticipate lists. Which are must reads? Are there any you’re preordering without a second look? Any auto buy authors releasing new books? Tell me all about them – and which I must add to my “part 2” list.
Thank you for visiting! Come back soon.
In love with the cover for The Lost Castle and pre-ordered it months ago. Can't wait!!
I'm so looking forward to this one, too, Brittaney! I'm on an Instagram tour for this one, but the plan is to also read/review The Lost Castle. Even the name makes it seem all the more special. :)
Yes to all of the above! I wasn't crazy about Sofi Snow, but I do want to see how the series ends.;)
I've read books like this in the past too, Amanda. Sometimes we're just too curious NOT to finish the series! Hope you enjoy 'Shilo' and the conclusion to Mary's duo. :)
Hi it's Megan popping over from BookTube. I see the Lost Castle is at the top of your list!! Very cool! Have you started it yet? I'm planning on reading it by the end of this month. I hope you enjoy! You have some great picks!
Hi, Megan!! So glad to have you stop in yet. :)
I have not started The Lost Castle. Right now I'm only scheduled to by on the Instagram tour, but if I have the time to read the book (this month), too, I 100% am going to take it, because it sounds fabulous! I look forward to hearing what you thought of it once you've read it. :)
That’s so cool that you’re a part of the Instagram tour! I hope whatever you are able to read this month is enjoyable and that you have a fantastic reading month ��
Thanks, Megan. It's going to be fun I think. Now I just need to take the photos…! :)
Ah yes, I need to read The Evaporation of Shilo Snow, especially since Reclaiming Shilo Snow is coming out! I've heard so many good things about it!
YES! For sure. Plus, binge reading a series back to back is always the best, right? :)
I so can't wait to read The Lost Castle! And I love the cover for The Heart Between Us. So pretty! Great post, Rissi! :-)
I agree, Miranda – that cover for 'Heart' is gorgeous! Cannot wait to read the story inside. :)
Thank you for visiting, as always.