6 Series I Still Haven’t Read (aka The Top Ten Tuesday Topic I Almost Didn’t Join!)
OK, so here’s the deal. Originally my plan was to skip over this week’s topic. Why? Well, because it’s always so much easier to have a topic given to us. Or that’s my opinion. But then I decided it was too much fun to talk about all the bookish things, so here we go. Another week, another Top Ten Tuesday blog post is ready for all the bookworm fun. Today’s new That Artsy Reader Girl April 17 topic is a Freebie, so we’re sharing series I still haven’t read!
So, today my topic is kind of boring, but at the same time, it still celebrates books, so what could be better? The specifics of my “freebie” topic are popular series (on my bookshelf) I’ve still not read. These poor book pretties sit patiently on my shelf acting as dust gatherers rather than active stories that come alive when read. But one thing they do accomplish? They look pretty on my bookshelf!
With all that said, here are six series I’ve not read. Let’s take a look.
6 Series I Still Haven’t Read (aka The Top Ten Tuesday Topic I Almost Didn't Join!) #fromthearchives Share on X1: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard | Despite the mixed reviews for this series, it’s still one I’d like to read. I have the bind up novella collection, plus the three full-length novels. Now I have to give the series a chance and see if it’s one I’ll enjoy. Goodreads

2: Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman | Though this one technically doesn’t fit today’s freebie prompt (because it’s only a duo), I included it, so here it is. Plus, it IS a duo I’m really interested in, not only because it sounds unique, but also because it’s in the YA historical genre, which is one I don’t normally read. Goodreads
3: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han | Aww, this series sounds SO cute and good and 100% like it’ll be a “me” series. Sadly, I’ve only read about a fourth of the first book (had to put it aside because of review books). But with the film adaptation premiering this summer, now seems as good a time as any to BINGE the series. What are your thoughts? Goodreads

4: Thunder Road by Katie McGarry | Katie is an author whose books I’ve not yet read. But they do sound really compelling and interesting. I own the first two books in this series, so there’s no legit excuse methinks. What’s your favorite novel by Katie? Goodreads
5: Wings of Glory by Sarah Sundin | Sarah’s fiction is historical story magic. I’ve enjoyed each one I’ve read. Only recently did I finally complete my collection of this harder-to-find (paperback) series, so now I’ve zero reasons not to read this trilogy. A series of novels I suspect is marvelous, as all of her books are. Goodreads

6: Noble Legacy by Susan May Warren | As Susan is another favorite author, I’ve no good answer as to “why” I haven’t read this series. My mother read it and liked it, blogging friends have enjoyed it, plus it sounds like the heroes are pretty darn swoony. Note to self: read the Noble Legacy series! Goodreads
Tell me, which of these have you read or do you want to read? What series are sitting on your shelf that you really want to read? Tell me all about your bookish need-to-read titles! I’d love to chat with you about all the bookish fun.
If you joined today’s meme, make sure and leave your Top Ten Tuesday links below so I can visit – or simply introduce your blog. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces.
PS: behind the scenes talk – this post is likely to be all kinds of blogger messy since, at the eleventh hour I changed its title. Question for myself: WHY do you think this is a good idea!? I’ll blame it on my initial thought I was going to skip this week.
Thank you for visiting! Come back soon.
I only read the first book in Red Queen and didn't really like it, so I stopped there. But TATBILB is my all time favorite contemporary highly highly HIGHLY recommend <3
Nothing wrong with that, Kay. I'm a firm believer in moving on from a story if it isn't' the right fit for you. Reading should always be enjoyable. :)
YAY! So glad to know you recommend Jenny's book. CANNOT wait to discover its charms.
Appreciate you visiting; thank you. :)
Brilliant list, Rissi! I haven't read all of the series you have mentioned. But I do really enjoy Katie McGarry's writing. :-)
Hi, Chrissi – thank you, and as always, thanks so much for visiting.
I'm so glad to know Katie's writing is good. I had an inkling it would be, which is why I've been so curious to read some of her books. :)
I haven't read any of these books either. There are so many YA series it is hard to stay current on all of them. Good luck! Favorite Reads of the Past Ten Years
I know the feeling, Anne. It's a bookish state I'm perpetually in. :)
Thanks for stopping by – and also, your topic sounds so fun.
Glad you decided to do the topic! I've got Red Queen on my TBR still too…hopefully soon?
Thanks – and me too!
YES! Here's hoping we BOTH read Red Queen soon. I guess I've got to discover if it's a good read for myself. :D
Thanks for visiting.
You know looking at my shelves I'm surprised to see several series there that I haven't read yet- great topic! It's funny how I HAVE to have a book and then take forever to read some of them!
YES! This bookworm philosophy also applies to me, Greg. I preorder a book and then it's two (sometimes more!) years before I actually read it. *sigh* Perhaps that should be one of my 2018 bookish goals – to know my reading self better, so that I buy books I'll actually READ in a prompt fashion. :)
Thanks for visiting!
This is a great topic! We always have growing TBRs, right?! If it makes you feel any better, I haven't read any of these series, either! I really do want to read Susan May Warren's "Noble Legacy" series!!!! I have at least 1 of the books on my shelf.
More series I really, really want to read: Becky Wade's "Porter Family" series (SOON) and Dani Pettrey's "Alaskan Courage" series. Also, I want to finish Nicole Deese's "Love in Lenox" series — I loved book 1!
My TTT, 11 Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders of a Camping Trip
YAY! Here's hoping we can both read this Noble Legacy series soon, Courtney. We both know we adore Susan's books in general, so there is the anticipation is there. :)
Ahh! Becky's series is lovely; Dani's is the one mystery series that reminded me how well I enjoy the genre (and really, also just reading in general); and I hope you enjoy Nicole's series! I think I've read one in the series, and I adored it.
Thanks for visiting (as always), friend. Your topic this week is SO creative. Loved it! :)
I've read the first two books in the P.S. I Love You series, and I own the Red Queen books but have yet to start the series, so I'm not doing much better than you! I'm so terrible at reading series.
My Top Ten Tuesday freebie week topic was recommendations for my daughter, which you can check out here if you'd like to!
I own the 'Red Queen' books too, Alyce! Here's hoping we both enjoy the series – and I need to take a cue from you and read the 'Lara Jean' books. :)
Aww! I love your TTT topic this week. That's a good one. Thanks for visiting.
I also haven't read the Prisoner of Night and Fog series as well and i'm DYING to since i'm obsessed with books during WWII. Plus the premise is sososo freaking interesting aghhh!! Lovely post :)
Here's my TTT!
'Prisoner' sounds SO good, Taylor – and since I don't read much YA historical, I'm even more excited about this one. Like you, I also like the WWII setting as well.
Thanks so much for the kind words and for visiting. :)
I don't think your topic is boring at all. I've always been interested in The Prisoner of Night and Fog series and I really hope you like the Red Queen books especially since you have them all already!
YAY! Glad you too are interested in 'Prisoner.' It sounds so interesting, and I like the setting / genre. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Barb.
I can't wait for the fourth book in the Red Queen series which releases in May! I hope you enjoy them when you read them! I adore the series but didn't much care for the novella. However, I definitely recommending binge-reading the To All the Boys series! That series is so fluffy and adorable; it'll give you so many feels! Years ago, I read Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry but haven't finished that series. I also own Nowhere But Here and haven't read it either. However, I do remember enjoying her writing style so hopefully, I'll finish the Pushing the Limits series this summer to go on and read Thunder Road series. I hope you love all the books on your list! Happy reading!
Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!
Thank you, Jeanna – I hope to enjoy these as well. They sound interesting and I've seen them compared to the Selection trilogy, which I do like.
YAYAYAY!! Thanks for the binge recommendation for Jenny's books. I'm super excited about reading those. :) Hopefully REALLY soon; love the sound of "all the feels."
Glad to know your thoughts on Katie's writing too. I also hope I enjoy the series – it sounds like its "edgier" YA fiction, but sometimes those can be good reads.
Appreciate you visiting – and sharing your thoughts on the books familiar to you. :)
I haven't read any of these either, but I do want to read the Red Queen series.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
Hope we all enjoy the 'Red Queen' series!! They sure look and sound interesting. :)
Glad you visited – thanks!
I've read a couple of these and I really enjoyed Prisoner Of Night and Fog! I definitely recommend it!
YES! I'm so glad to know 'Prisoner' is a good read, Tracy. It's definitely one I highly anticipate reading. :)
Glad you stopped by.
I keep meaning to read Prisoner of Night and Fog, but haven't yet. Sadly only managed two books of the Red Queen series before deciding it wasn't for me.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/04/17/top-ten-tuesday-155/
Nothing wrong with deciding to skip out on a series you have "meh" feelings for. There are FAR too many other amazing stories to discover to waste time on those we don't have an attachment for. :)
Hope we both like Prisoner of Night and Fog.
Thanks for visiting.
I think it's a splendid idea to read the To All The Boys I've Loved Before series before the Netflix adaptation comes out! I still have the final to read but I'm thinking a re-read of the first two books first sounds perfect ;)
I agree, Lindsey. Perhaps this adaptation will FINALLY be that nudge I "need" to actually crack the pages of this series. Hope you enjoy that re-read and the third book too!! :) Glad you visited, Lindsey.
Guess what, I was almost close to doing this topic today :D And if it makes you happy, then know that I haven't read any of this series either :P But To All the Boys series is definitely on my TBR. I am just waiting for the book price to go down.
My TTT: http://flippingthruthepages.com/2018/04/ten-beautiful-libraries-i-want-to-visit/
Hope we BOTH get the 'Boys' trilogy read. It sure sounds like a fun and lovely trilogy to enjoy. Plus what better time than now as the film prepares to be released? :)
Thanks for visiting.
I just read the Thunder Road series. You really do need to read it. It was so good!
My WWW Wednesday.
YAY! Glad to know the Thunder Road series is good – thank you, Deanna. :)
I haven't read the Red Queen series either, but I really do want to, so I've been avoiding reviews of it, both good and bad. And I definitely recommend the Lara Jean books, they're so cute :)
– louise ☆
Hope we both have the chance to read those Red Queen books really soon, Louise. :)
Thanks for the Lara Jean recommendation – I look forward to read those!! Glad you visited.
You must binge-read To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Technically, I still need to finish the last book, but I have to say the first is my favorite. I just love Lara Jean as a character and can't wait to watch the adaptation.
I agree, Alicia; I must! :) I started book one of the trilogy and enjoyed what I read. Hoping to read the rest prior to the adaptation release.
Thanks for vising, as always. :)
I hope to read Victoria Aveyard eventually, I like the reviews I have seen but this is not my normal genre. I hope you get to read at least one of them series though!!
Victoria's books aren't my go-to genre either, Joann. Still, I did like Kiera Cass' 'Selection' books, and I've seen this series compared to those. Here's hoping we both enjoy Victoria's series!
Thanks for visiting.
I wanted to like To All The Boys I Loved Before, but unfortunately I couldn't get into it. I hope you'll like it though. :)
Lauren @ Always Me
Nothing wrong with that, Lauren. No sense in spending are time on stories that just aren't right for us – too many other stories to discover, right?! :)
Thanks for visiting.
I have not read any of these series, either! Well, I did start Red Queen, but I was one of the people in the group that didn't like it so much, so I never finished. I wish I did, though! I think my mom or sister (can't remember which?) read that Susan May Warren series and really loved it! Hope you get to these!
That's ok, Jordan. There are too many stories in this world, which means there's no sense in wasting time on those we don't enjoy. :)
Glad to know your mom or sis enjoyed the Noble Legacy series. They sure sound cute. :)
Thanks so much for visiting!
These all sound like great books. I'm especially intrigued by The Red Queen and Prisoner of Night and Fog. I have the Three Wishes series by Lisa Bergren that I need to read and I need to finish the Doon series. I hope you're able to get to some of these soon!
Me too, Megan. I've seen Red Queen compared with The Selection, which is a novel I did enjoy. I'm curious about 'Prisoner' because it does sound good, but also because it's a YA historical, which is a genre I rarely read – but want too!
I've not read anything by Lisa for YEARS, but did so enjoy her 'Illusion' trilogy. Hope you enjoy the rest of the Doon books, too. :)
Thanks for visiting.
To All The Boys I've Loved Before series was fantastic! There was so much to love about the series; the beauty, style and statement the book covers makes accurately reflects the book's content.
Love all the high praise for Lara Jean's stories. I'm hoping they'll rank as some of my most favorite books. From what I know of them, I think that's a great possibility. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, C.
GAH I adore the Wings of Glory series! My favorite of hers, those Novak boys are the best! I also loved the Noble Legacy series! Hope you get to enjoy both of them soon!
So glad to know those heroes in Sarah's series are memorable, Abbi. Those are the best kind of leading men. Also, I have such high expectations for the Susan May Warren series – already love her books, so I know this series will be no different.
Glad to have you visit – as always. :)
I've been meaning to read To All the Boys I've Loved Before for a while now, but just have never gotten around to it! As well as books by Susan May Warren. There's just too many good books and too little time!
Well said, Hanne – too many books and not enough time. Here's hoping we both get the 'Boys' trilogy read this summer. :)
Thanks for visiting.