
Flip That Romance: A Second Chance In Need of TLC

Returning favorites play rivals (sort of) in this 2019 Hallmark Spring Fever original. A romantic comedy that’s as cute as its title suggests. flip that romance

Flip That Romance (2019) Hallmark Review

After years of working with her mother in her mother’s successful flower shop, Jules (Julie Gonzalo) is ready to take her creative talents to a new level. She works towards this in a new business flipping houses. From renovation to décor, she’s involved in every aspect. Her latest find is half of a duplex. Only half is up for grabs since part of it has already sold, but she can try and profit from side A. Only trouble is, her co-owner turns out to be Lance (Tyler Hynes), her ex.

With a past between them, Jules and Lance make a bet. The person who finishes their remodel in 8 weeks, and sells their half with the greater profit earns the satisfaction of being the better person for the job.

Each time I review a Hallmark film, I become a broken record. But each time I do, it’s always the truth; these movies are simply too cute to say anything else but a “repeat” of the previous ones I share about. This one is the same, only it’s easily a new favorite of mine. It’s bright, cheerful and supremely entertaining. Despite its simplistic plot line, we all know that as a romantic-comedy, a few things will be in need of some repairs.

🏡🪴Flip That Romance – A Second Chance In Need of TLC🪴🏡 Exes reunite in 2029 #Hallmark Movie. #HallmarkMovie #Romance #TylerHynes Share on X
Flip That Romance: A Second Chance In Need of TLC. A review of the TV film from Hallmark with Julie Gonzalo and Tyler Hynes.
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ryan Plummer

Building off the popular crazy that is reality TV, and specifically reality TV about renovations, this film is a really fun way to play into the trend. I don’t watch these types of shows, but I can enjoy the concept in fictionalized format. This one has everything you love about the before vs. after idea, while maintaining a charming romance that weaves through the renovation outlines.

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Though familiar to most of us, Gonzalo and Hynes haven’t appeared together before this. As romantic rivals, they’re adorably awkward together; especially Jules character. In the beginning, Lance’s appearance flabbergasts her, and the bits of dialogue that depict this is cute, and makes us root for their reunion. He’s not been in many of their prior originals, but I do like Tyler Hynes as a leading man. Last we saw him was with LeAnn Rimes in It’s Christmas, Carol. Also, the almost kiss is intact, but in this instance, almost turns into actual. Watch it and swoon over the adorable-ness.

The designs and the process of them is a really fun outcome of this story. It’s neat to watch pieces of the remodel come together, and even to find some new design inspiration. Flip That Romance is all kinds of adorable, and is again an excellent example of why we adore these old-fashioned romantic-comedies.

Photos: Hallmark Channel / Crown Media Press

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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  1. I really enjoyed this one. Gonzalo and Hynes are quickly earning their place on my favorite Hallmark actors list. I know you don’t watch home improvement shows, but if you want to give one a chance, I suggest Home Town. I think the relationship of the couple on that show is adorable and I like their renovations.

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