Armchair Adventures! 7 of the Settings I Love. A Top Ten Tuesday Book List.


Why, hello there fellow bookworms. It’s a new week which means more  book meme fun. Top Ten Tuesday July 23 lets us travel.

That Artsy Reader Girl | July 23: Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)

Top Ten Tuesday July 23

Who else here loves armchair adventures? I know I sure do! Maybe it’s because I never travel or perhaps it’s just the joy of visiting so many places through the power of a good fictional story. Whatever the correct answer is, I never tire of visiting fun places in books – even those inside the U.S. can be so fun.

Today instead of trying to wrack my brain for settings I’d like to see more of (which would probably require I research things via Goodreads, and try and consider whether or not the setting has been overused), I decided to tweak the topic. Just a little bit. I’m featuring books from my shelf with settings that I haven’t yet read but am excited to discover. (Even if I’ve already visited them in other novels.)

With that said, let’s grab our passport, and collect those stamps.

Top Ten Tuesday July 23

1: 1900s New York, New York, A Dangerous Legacy (Elizabeth Camden) | Once I was a big fan of Elizabeth’s historical novels. Her books were one of the few that really “work” for my reader brain as historical fiction. While I still except to have that same feeling, it’s been a long time since I read anything by her. Goodreads

2: Alaska, Under the Northern Lights (S.C. Stephens) | A recent addition to my shelf, this one sounds interesting, plus it’s set in the wild beauty of Alaska. My all-time favorite novel set in Alaska is still Submerged by Dani Pettrey, but I’m always game for finding additional favorites. Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday July 23

3: Denver, The Chaos of Standing Still (Jessica Brody) | Loved Jessica’s last novel, The Geography of Lost Things, so obviously, I really need to read this one, too! Goodreads  

Grab your passport because we're about to take some 'Armchair Adventures!' 7 of the Settings I Love. A Top Ten Tuesday July 23 List. Talking about adventures in books through my bookshelf. Where did you travel this week? #BookNerd Click To Tweet

BOOK REVIEW | Anna and the French Kiss: Girl Meets Boy in the City of Romance

6: London, I See London, I See France (Sarah Mlynowski) |This one is another new-to-shelf that sounds like a lot of fun! Goodreads top ten tuesday july 23

4 & 5: Ireland, Love and Luck (Jenna Evans Welch) and Now a Major Motion Picture (Cori McCarthy) | Never been to Ireland – or anywhere really cool, but it looks beautiful. ‘Luck’ Goodreads ● ‘Picture’ Goodreads

7: Paris, In Paris with You (Clementine Beauvais) | Don’t know much about this one, but its cover art is adorable, and it’s set in Paris! That’s good enough for me. Goodreads

8: Scotland, Prince Charming (Rachel Hawkins) | I had this book back when it was titled Royals, saw it talked up with its re-brand, and added it to my shelf again because it’s supposed to be all things cute… which I’m a fan of. Goodreads

Where do you like your fiction to travel? Do you feel like you “see” it enough in books? Comment down below with all of your thoughts! If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.

Thank you for visiting

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about these changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

Armchair Adventures! 7 of the Settings I Love | Top Ten Tuesday July 23. Talking about adventures in books through my bookshelf. © Rissi JC

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. 1900’s New York is such an amazing setting- I love stories that take place in that timeframe. The first half of the 20th century, really, without a lot of the technology we take for granted today, and yet so much was similar too.

    Also Ireland- I’ve got Love & Luck on my TBR and I really want to read that soon.

    1. I really want to read MORE stories in the time frame. It’s just such an interesting time in historical fiction. Or I find it to be. :) We do indeed take SO much for granted.

      YAY for ‘Love and Luck.’ Hope we both enjoy; I’ve heard its darling. Thanks for the visit, Greg!

    1. Right?! I think so too. And I’ve been really curious about Anna’s books. Glad to know you liked them, Catherine. Thanks for the visit! :)

    1. Sounds lovely! I went there once YEARS ago to see family, so I’ll confess I didn’t appreciate the scenery as much as I would now because it was just fun to see family. :) Hope you had a nice time, Lydia – and thanks for visiting.

    1. I haven’t really read many Irish books, but I love it as a setting, so I too need to read more. Pretty sure I have some on my shelf. :) Thanks for visiting, Deanna.

  2. I love traveling to different places with books! One thing I love is when you can tell the author is familiar with the setting. It’s one of the things I loved about the Berlin portions of Echoes. You could tell Ms. Reeds had been there.

    I live in Colorado Springs right now so Denver is pretty easy to visit, but I’d love to read more about Scotland and Ireland.

    1. It is all the better when an author has done their research (traveled there), isn’t it!? Gotta love that added authenticity. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the series you shout out. I’ll have to look them up! Hope you get to read more about Scotland and Ireland, Brooke; I would love to as well. :) Thanks for visiting.

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