An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List


Here we are. It’s that time again. That’s right, we’re again at the point when its time (again) to make a seasonal TBR. This time, it’s a Spring 2020 TBR reading list.

LIST | 20 of the Novels & Irish Romance Movies for St. Patty’s Day

Spring is just around the corner, and I’m wondering: WHERE HAS MARCH GONE?? With the 15th of the month come and gone, we’re halfway through another month of 2020, which means it’s time to talk about another seasonal TBR. Like any seasonal to-be-read aspirations, the likelihood of actually reading all of these is slim, but I can be hopeful. Still, considering INSPY reading, it’s not promising. That said, I do have good intentions and WANT to read all of these, so there is that.

The list today is a mix of upcoming releases (because I can’t not talk about those), and some from my shelf.

A New Spring 2020 TBR

An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List. Talking the spring 2020 TBR. What's on YOUR list? Text © Rissi JC

Upcoming releases on my Spring 2020 TBR

1: The Betrothed (May) by Kiera Cass

Been waiting for this release for SO DARN LONG! Cannot wait to finally read this one. Goodreads

2: The Socialite (April) by J’nell Ciesielski 

J’Nell’s Among the Poppies really impressed me, so I’m curious to learn more about this upcoming historical fiction release, and hopefully to read it sooner rather than later. Goodreads

An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List. Talking the spring 2020 TBR. What's on YOUR list? Text © Rissi JC
3: What I Like About You (April) by Marisa Kanter

Ok, so I’ve already read this one thanks to the publisher, but golly, it’s so cute that I had to mention it. Goodreads

4: Of Literature and Lattes (May) by Katherine Reay

Always adore Katherine’s contemporaries that are more than just a “sweet read,” and instead explore varying aspects of characterization and the journey (figurative and literal) of its characters. Goodreads

5: Stay With Me (May) by Becky Wade

One of my favorite authors has a new book coming this spring season so naturally I’m going to include this lovely on the list. Goodreads

BONUS! Jo & Laurie by Margaret Stohl and Melissa de la Cruz

I couldn’t resist adding this one. At first I thought it fell under the “summer TBR” timeline, but nope it’s spring-time, so I had to include it here because it intrigues me so much. Goodreads

Books on my Shelf

1: [All of the] INSPY Reads

I’ve got a good number reads to get through for the 2020 INSPYs. One of which is Whose Waves These Are. If you or anyone you know is interested, go check out the details on how to becoming involved!

An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List. Talking the spring 2020 TBR. What's on YOUR list? #TBR #MustRead #NewBooks #TopTenTuesday Click To Tweet

2: Well Met by Jen DeLuca

Meant to read this when it released last year, but alas, never did. It looks super spring-y though, right? Goodreads spring 2020 tbr

3: Meg & Jo by Virginia Kantra

Not sure this will be a “me book” because I have visions of certain changes authors may make to this story (which is, of course, Little Women), and I am not into them. But I don’t know that to be a fact for this story, so for now, I’m optimistic. Goodreads

An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List. Talking the spring 2020 TBR. What's on YOUR list? Text © Rissi JC

4: The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly (May) by Jamie Pacton

Have this one on my shelf thanks to the publisher and it sounds so fun. Cannot wait to discover why lies inside these pages. Goodreads

5: Moment of Truth by Kasie West

I mean, it’s Kasie West. Her books are the definition of sunshine and happy! Goodreads

What does your new seasonal Spring 2020 TBR reading list look like? Are you excited about all of them? Do you tend to read your TBR picks? Is there any on this list you’ve read? Any you’d recommend? Or avoid? Sound off with all of your bookish thoughts! If you have a blog or joined in the Top Ten Tuesday meme, leave your links below. It may take me an entire week, but I’d love to come by and visit your bookish spaces.

Thank you for visiting!

An Exciting New Spring 2020 To-Be-Read Reading List. Talking the spring 2020 TBR. What's on YOUR list? Text © Rissi JC

Linking up with That Artsy Reader GirlMarch 17: Books On My Spring 2020 TBR

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Fun! Hope those you have on your list are good – and I haven’t read this one by Katherine, but her books are always good, so I’m hopeful for ‘Lattes.’ Thanks for the visit, Raya.

  1. March is flying by! So true. And I agree- Kasie west’s books always look so summery and fun! I’ve never read her but they always look so appealing. :)

    I hope you get to as many as possible and that they’re all good. :)

    1. IT IS! Not sure where this year is going. Kasie’s books are just darling. Nothing too dark or depressing, but that’s what I love most about them. :) Hope you enjoy those you plan to read too, Greg – and thanks for the visit.

    1. YAY! I’m so glad to see good thoughts on Well Met. Makes me think I should prioritize it. :) Hope you enjoy ALL of your upcoming reads too, Dini. Glad you stopped by.

    1. Right!? This year is going by TOO FAST! Hope you also enjoy some good spring reads – and I look forward to visiting your list. :) Thanks for the visit, Jess.

    1. YAY! Glad you liked Well Met. Hope I do read it soon because it seems like a solid spring/summer-ish read. :) Hope you enjoy ‘Kit Sweetley’; it does indeed sound good. Appreciate your visit, Jess.

    1. I don’t really have a feel one way or another about the could-have-been Jo & Laurie, but I am 100% curious!! Thanks, Michelle; I hope to enjoy these as well. Appreciate your visit. :)

    1. I rarely if ever make it through any planned (like these) TBRs, AJ. But for some reason I still REALLY enjoy making these kinds of lists. :) Thanks so much for the visit.

  2. Whose Waves These Are was one of my favorite reads from 2020!! It is SUCH a good book. Aside from that, I’ve been really behind on all the books that have been coming out recently: I have to get up to date really badly ?

    Happy spring!

    1. I’m glad to hear this, Hanne. I know the feeling ALL THE TOO WELL. I’m way behind on all of my recent reads too. I think it’s a perpetual state for we bookworms. ;) Thanks for the visit.

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