On Netflix: ‘Heartland’ is the Good Kind of Family Drama to Watch


The Canadian dramedy Heartland has been in my life before it was really “in” my life. This may make little sense, but this is why we publish these “On Netflix: Heartland” features, and why they are happening, so we can chat all about my currently watching (on Netflix) picks.

The story follows sister’s Amy and Lou Fleming in the aftermath of their mother’s death. Though Lou is grown up and no longer as close with her family, Amy is still a high schooler who ends up living with her grandpa, the man who has already been more of a father to her as helped his daughter raise them. In time, we encounter new characters, humor, danger, family and romance as we follow this family’s life on their ranch.

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That is, in a nutshell what this show is all about. Before I ever started watching it in a linear fashion, my aunt mentioned seeing the first season and later on, a cousin also shared how much she enjoyed the show. I’d even remembered I’d seen parts here and there during a Saturday afternoon flip through channels, so needless to say, this is how finally I ended up watching the show from first episode up until the point I’m at now, which is in season three (or four). As a kind of “quick picks” list of reasons why I like Heartland, I’m going to share a few of these reasons why down below. on netflix heartland


1: Family

This drama’s roots is in the family and its lovely to see. Is everything perfect all the time? No. They disagree and certain of them don’t even like each other, but the warmth of their bond is, overall, present.

2: Horses

On Netflix: ‘Heartland’ is the Good Kind of Family Drama to Watch. Sharing thoughts on a Canadian drama that's easy to binge! #Netlix #AmazonPrime #TVShow #WhattoWatch Click To Tweet

I’m not a person who loves horses but feel this should be included even if just so you know, horses play a large role in this series. on netflix heartland

3: Mallory – and Co.

On Netflix: ‘Heartland’ is the Good Kind of Family Drama to Watch. Sharing thoughts on a Canadian drama in a new "on Netflix: Heartland" post. © RissiJC

Mallory is a hilarious secondary character who makes the show so much better. There’s something about her person that’s very normal and typical of any eye-rolling teenager; it’s this that makes her so likable and easy to relate to. Plus, everyone else is also all about good people characters as they all seem more like “real” people than actors putting on a show. (And you may spy some familiar Hallmark faces, too!)

4: Love Stories

This doesn’t have “sweeping” romance, but there’s some sweet and solid stories that develop into good love stories. on netflix heartland

5: Scenery

If you enjoy shows with pretty and wide sweeping scenic landscapes of the countryside, you’d likely enjoy this. There is plenty of pretty shots.

How about you? Have you seen this show? What are you watching on Netflix? Discover anything good or must-see? Comment all of your thoughts down below.

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On Netflix: ‘Heartland’ is the Good Kind of Family Drama to Watch. Sharing thoughts on a Canadian drama in a new "on Netflix: Heartland" post. © RissiJC

Photos: Netflix / CBC

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


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