‘Until I Met You’: This is about a Librarian & Her Hero Neighbor
STORY | Libby Kingsley seeks quiet and normalcy, all of which she hopes to find by leaving behind the safety net of her childhood and moving to Heritage. A small town and place where her brother has found solace, Libby too has plans to find healing in this quaint place. Planning to work in the town’s library, she soon discovers that her idea of a library and the towns is very different. Things don’t go smoothly, especially when, on her first day in Heritage, her brother and sister-in-law has a health emergency to deal with and her not-so-friendly neighbor yells at her…
NOVELLA REVIEW | ‘As Easy as Cherry Pie’: A Sweet Little Indie Romance
Austin Williams is in trouble. The business his father built is slowing crumbling under terrible debt and the relationship with his brother, once as close as any other siblings. The two have since fallen out, and Austin takes the responsibility of saving his dad’s business, and prolonging their father’s memory as long as he can. What he doesn’t expect is Libby, a woman who may be in need of healing, but also may be a balm to Austin’s troubles.
Until I Met You by Tari Faris | Book Review

REVIEW | The second in Faris’ Restoring Heritage umbrella, this novel feels like a kind of delightful read ideal for any of us (and let’s face it, if we’re reading, we probably all are) who are a bookworm. The librarian character helps to drive this point home, and Austin, though rough around the edges in an almost brooding sort of way, becomes a hero we root for.
This novel is kind of like a two-for-one love story with its chapter by chapter switch offs between Austin, and his brother Nate. Of course, also in this mix is Libby, and her eventual roommate, Olivia. What’s interesting about Austin and Libby is their unresolved issues of the past. Both have things they cling to without really coping with them (in the best way), but both also learn how to move past this darkness. I’m not a fan of the two love story plot, but the way this connects (because of the brothers) makes it a little easier to read.
Until I Met You is a nice, autumn-esque read, especially for those of us who enjoy a softer, but still emotional romance novel in the tradition of Becky Wade or Susan May Warren.

Author: Tari Faris
Publisher: Revell
Source: Publisher provided – thank you!
Publication Date: 2020
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary, Inspirational Romance
Rating: 3 out of 5
Sincere thanks to Revell Books for kindly sending me a copy of Until I Met You for review; all opinions are my own. Sincere apologies to the publisher and author for the publication delay.