13 of the Book Titles that Need (or do Have) a Song
One of my favorite things is to listen to music. There’s lots of new music I do not like along with styles and genres that just aren’t “me,” but of course, like books, there’s plenty out there, which means everyone can find something that suits this. Today we marry the subjects of books and music in a topic of book titles that should be songs, because why not?
LIST | Speaking of Creative Value and Finding Fun New Hobbies!
As I looked through the books on my shelf, I do see lots that feel like good song titles, and some even are titles of songs because, when there’s a book on the shelf that instantly reminds me of a song (even if the subject isn’t the same), I kind of have to go with it. So, the first set are books (on my shelf) that are already song titles. The second set is titles that might make good songs! Without further ado, let’s have a look at…
Book Titles that are Songs
1: Just a Kiss, Denise Hunter
Song: Lady Antebellum, ‘Just a Kiss’
Thoughts: Love this song so very much! It’s a sweet ballad, and of course, this novel is also lovely. Goodreads
2: Call it What you Want, Brigid Kemmerer
Song: Taylor Swift
My baby’s fit like a daydream \ Walking with his head down \I’m the one he’s walking to \ So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to – Taylor Swift
Thoughts: Pretty sure I will also think of this Taylor Swift song every time I see this book on my shelf. Goodreads
3: Wait for Me, Caroline Leech
Song: Rebecca St. James, ‘Wait for Me’
Thoughts: One of the artists I listened to a lot as a teen, and I’m pretty sure this is perhaps the first song I heard from her. It’s a sweet romance ballad, though since I still haven’t read this YA historical, I don’t know if it fits with the book. I also own Susan May Warren’s novel Wait for Me, too. Goodreads
4: Legend, Marie Lu
Song: Kelsea Ballerini
We will always stay lost in forever \ And they’ll remember \ We were legends – Kelsea Ballerini
Thoughts: I haven’t read this uber popular YA novel, but do love the song (which admittedly technically is plural of ‘legend’). My guess is the two don’t match up! Goodreads

5: The Lucky One, Nicholas Sparks
Song: Taylor Swift
‘Cause now my name is up in lights \ But I think you got it right \Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one – Taylor Swift
Thoughts: This story and song don’t go together, but they do share a name. The song imagines the joy of being able to leave the spotlight, and the novel is about a returning solider who finds the woman in the photo that became his “lucky charm.” Goodreads
13 of the Book Titles that Need (or do Have) a Song. Talking book titles that should be songs – which would you list? #BookLove #MusicandBooks #Bookworm #AmReading #TopTenTuesday Share on X6: All this Time, Melissa Tagg
Song: Britt Nicole
All this time \ From the first tear cry \ To today’s sunrise \ And every single moment between \ You were there \ You were always there – Britt Nicole
Thoughts: I remember this song so well. Britt Nicole was one of my favorite artists back in the day, and I’m pretty sure this song made me cry (not the music so much as the lyrics). Goodreads
7: It Had to Be You, Susan May Warren
Song: Frank Sinatra
I’m thinking maybe, baby, I’ll go away \ Someday, some way, you’ll come and say it’s you I need And you’ll be pleading in vain \ It had to be you, had to be you – Frank Sinatra
Thoughts: Don’t remember much about this novel’s specifics, but do know I really liked it! Goodreads
Book Titles that Should Be Songs
1: The Stars we Steal, Alex Donne
Haven’t read this, or any books in this category, but this seems like it could make up a solid song title. It’s also a sci-fi re-telling of Persuasion. Goodreads
2: Entwined, Heather Dixon
I hear Heather’s books are wonderful. For some reason this title reminds of the song ‘Enchanted,’ but I think this could make a good song, too! Goodreads
3: Maybe It’s You, Christy Hayes
Is there already a song with this title? I feel like there may be, but I haven’t double-checked, so we’ll go with it. Goodreads
4: Everything We Keep, Kerry Lonsdale
Feels like this would be a good story kind of ballad. Goodreads

5: Back to You, Jess Mastorakos
Between its swoony cover art, and the military hero, I’m pretty sure the right songwriter could make this into a lovely narrative. Goodreads
6: Remember to Forget, Ashley Royer
Don’t know what this one is about, but it’s been on my shelf for a while so now I just need to remedy this. Seems like it could be a good moody song, right? Goodreads
That wraps up todays list fun. How would you write some of these titles that don’t have songs? What would the songs be about? Do you like any of the songs mentioned? Comment all of your thoughts down below.
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Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and Top Ten Tuesday November 3: Book Titles that Would Make Great Song Titles (submitted by Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse)
I’ve really enjoyed the fantasy I’ve read from Kemmerer now I need to read the rest of her work as well. :)
I haven’t read a thing by Kemmerer but do think her contemporary sounds good. :) Hope we both enjoy the future reads we pic up be her. Thanks for the visit, Lauren!
Great picks! I like the idea of finding books that are already song titles. I think the Sinatra one is great, and Taylor swift too! :)
Gotta’ have some Taylor Swift ones in here, and though I am NOT someone who knows the old classics, I do love them when they play as a part of a movie’s soundtrack. Thanks for the visit, Greg! :)
Great list. I like the idea of picking books that already have songs with the same title. Have a wonderful week.
Hi, Katie! Apologies for the late reply, but thanks so much for the visit. :)
Wow, you found a lot of book titles that are already songs. How cool.
My post.
It was a fun little challenge. As always, thank you for the visit, Lydia. :)
How fun! I love how you were able to match up the titles to real life songs!
Thanks, Angela; it was a fun challenge. :)
I love that you found book titles that already were actual song titles!
Maybe It’s You does sound like it would be an amazing song.
Thanks! This one a fun way to spin it, but I also had to add some that maybe don’t yet have a title. Because the more books, the better. :) Appreciate your visit, Lindsey, as always.
Ah you have some songs I love on here, I’m a big Taylor Swift fan, so obviously I really like Call It What You Want and The Lucky One. I also really like Just A Kiss.
‘Just a Kiss’ is one of my all-time favorite songs of its genre. It’s just so achingly sweet. :) Also, yes, had to add in some Taylor Swift since I do like, probably, 80-90-some percent of her songs. Thanks, as always, for the visit, Jo!
Oh I love how you shared the lyrics! John Mayer has an old song called Back to You—and this is showing my age–but I immediately started singing it when I read your title. ;) Great post!
Aw, how fun! I figured some of the books I shared under the “would be good song times” already had songs but since I didn’t look it up (lazy I guess!), I figured I go with it. ;) Appreciate your visit, Dedra.
Great list! The Stars We Steal would be such a cool song title.
Right? I thought so too, Jess. :)
A lot of Taylor Swift’s songs are already book titles are should be one. Heck, authors should write more books using her songs for inspirtation. ;)
Her music for sure has strong story-telling inspiration. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Deanna.
I loved reading this post!
Thank you, Steph. :)
Great list, I included Call It What You Want on my list completely forgetting that it was a Taylor Swift song despite having that album!
Here’s my TTT!
Thanks so much, Sarah; it’s always fun to put together these types of prompts, isn’t it? Gotta’ love mashing books with music. :)