A British series that only made it for two years, The Café is a comedy quite easy to binge. the cafe tv series review
The Café TV Series Review (2011)
A former Londoner, Sara (Michelle Terry) is back in her small hometown and among her former haunts. She’s trying to pursue her creative career of children’s author but mainly spends her days watching out the window of the café her mother, Carol (Ellie Haddington), runs.
What she instead does is observe her granny’s stories going unheard by her mum who pines for a local widower. Then there is Sara’s bestie who carries on affairs, and Richard (Ralf Little), the ex-flame everyone says still carries a torch for Sara.
‘THE CAFÉ,’ SERIES REVIEW: A SLOW BUT SWEET BRITISH SITCOM. Review of the short lived 2011 #British sitcom. Share on XEven with two seasons, this only boasts a mere 14 episodes with the second season cumulating in a two part ending. It’s a limited number, yes, but a story that is heartwarming and full of the usual British comedy. Anyone who watches both American and Brit comedy knows they differ. British is a step above most American. It’s smarter even with its dry delivery. the cafe tv series review
Developed by its lead star, The Café has a kind of whimsical quality that is infectious. From its “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” theme to the small band of tight knit characters, everything has a charm that makes it easy to watch “one more” even knowing the episode count is short. If you don’t care for British shows or series that are long on a quirky gene then this won’t be something for you. I quite like the quirk and silliness of the story.
The cast is fun and I enjoy hanging out with them all even in the moments when they don’t say what they should. Good humor and good characters forms this one, though the ending may bother some. It’s kind of one of the open-ended conclusions that allows the viewer to be the writer, likely because there was an assumption of a season that didn’t come. This doesn’t stop what is here from being good entertainment. the cafe tv series review
You can stream The Café the complete series digitally on Prime
Content: There are some minor passing remarks about sex or spending the night with someone. A woman knowingly has an affair with someone who is married and later tries to decide whether to keep the baby she carries. One character likes the same sex. There may be some minor profanity. The show is mostly TV-PG appropriate with an exception or two.
Photos: BBC