The Many. The Forgotten. The Misunderstood. The Dust-Collectors. (Forgotten Books On My Shelf)

Welcome to Finding Wonderland… and another edition of Top Ten Tuesday. Here’s the topic for today, the first Tuesday in a new month (!!), February. Our challenge from That Artsy Reader Girl on this Top Ten Tuesday February 6 2018: Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read.

Those of you who’ve hung out here for any length of time will know, today’s topic has my name written all over it. How often do I talk about the many books that have sat on my shelf for the longest time? Yeah, I know, pretty much ALL THE TIME. It’s a problem. But seriously, keeping the list to a mere ten today is going to be a struggle… albeit an embarrassing struggle as I recount all of the books I should have read months or as is the case for some titles, years ago.  

Without further ado, here are the books that have been tempting me – and practicing patience, for far too long.  


1. Heist Society and I’d Tell You I Loved You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You by Ally Carter | ‘Tis true these books (and other series titles) have been featured a great deal over the years, and yet, here it remains, still in the same boat. Heist Society GoodreadsI’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You Goodreads

The Many. The Forgotten. The Misunderstood. The Dust-Collectors. (Forgotten Books on my Shelf.) Top Ten Tuesday February 6 2018.
The Many. The Forgotten. The Misunderstood. The Dust-Collectors. (Forgotten Books on my Shelf.) Top Ten Tuesday February 6 2018.

2. The One, The Heir and The Crown by Kiera Cass | Yes, I realize (again) I recently featured these books on a Top Ten Tuesday, but that doesn’t change the fact that these are books I’d really like to read. Especially since I so enjoyed The Selection. Granted, the latter two haven’t owned shelf space (because of publication) as The One, but they still fit today’s topic. The One Goodreads ⇆ The Heir Goodreads ⇆ The CrownGoodreads

3. Austen Addicts Series by Victoria Connelly | I’ve had this series on my shelf for eons. In fact, I think my aunt (years ago) gifted me one… or two, or perhaps the entire trio. Since I’m such an avid Austen fan (everything but her books since I’ve yet to read those with exception to Sense and Sensibility), I have no good reason to the “why” I’ve not read this romcom series.   

  • A Weekend with Mr. Darcy (Book One) Goodreads 
  • Dreaming of Mr. Darcy (Book Two) Goodreads 
  • Mr. Darcy Forever (Book Three) Goodreads  

4. The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross | Since this IS the theme for today, this steampunk series starter is yet another one that’s been on my shelf for eons. Still it’s lasted through multiple bookshelf unhauls, so that says something, right? Goodreads  

5. Wentworth Hall by Abby Grahme | This is one of the first YA books I added to my shelf. An addition largely made, I suspect by my recent (at the time) obsession with ITV’s Downton Abbey. Goodreads

6. Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal | Again, another Austen-esque book that I cannot remember the reason it was added to my shelf, but my instincts tell me it was because of a review I read. Goodreads top ten tuesday february 6

7. Long Journey Home by Sharlene MacLaren | This one has been on my shelf for a long (LONG) time. I picked it up not knowing a great deal about the author or the plot, but it was contemporary and I would later read Tender Vow by this author (which I adored at the time), so someday I would like to see what this story is all about. Goodreads     

8. Luminary and Revolutionary by Krista McGee | I read Anomaly (book one) years ago and really enjoyed it. Reading these follow up books is something I really should prioritize. Have you read them? Luminary Goodreads ⇆ Revolutionary Goodreads

9. The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkowski | Another series I’ve been really excited to read and yet I haven’t. The reasons for which don’t seem particularly creditable.    

The Winner’s Curse (Book One) Goodreads  | find The Winner’s Crime (Book Two) Goodreads | The Winner’s Kiss (Book Three) Goodreads   

10. Smart Girls Get What They Want by Sarah Strohmeyer | Another book I don’t remember the heck why I bought. If I had to guess, I’d say the cute contemporary cover was a major factor. Goodreads top ten tuesday february 6

This brings another edition of the Top Ten bookish meme to its close.  

Your turn: tell me about the books on your list that have sat (patiently) on your shelf for months, years or beyond. What books did you feature on this Top Ten Tuesday February 6 2018? I look forward to chatting all the bookish thoughts and things with you – down below, and in a return visit to your Top Ten Tuesday posts. 

The Many. The Forgotten. The Misunderstood. The Dust-Collectors. (Forgotten Books On My Shelf) #TopTenTuesday #Bookarchives Share on X

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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    1. Doesn't it? I'm excited to (FINALLY) someday dust those off. :)

      Nothing wrong with that. Some series work well for certain reader tastes, and other's not so much. This is why it's so awesome there are SO many different books/authors.

      Thanks so much for visiting, Amanda.

  1. I think the Selection books are so easy to read. Perhaps not the best written but worth taking a look at. There's just too many books and too little time!

    1. 'The Selection' books are my "guilty pleasure" reads (a term I don't use meaning anything bad). As you say, they are SO easy to read, and I do enjoy them. This is why (at some point), I am looking forward to reading these final books. :)

      Well said: there ARE too many books and so little time. It's a #BookwormProblem!!

      Thanks, as always, for visiting, Chrissi.

  2. Nice list! I didn't really like The Heir and The Crown (the main character, Eadlyn read a little too much like a spoiled brat), but I LOVED The One! Austen Addict looks really good since I love Mr. Darcy haha :) I did TTT on my blog too! Happy reading!

    1. So glad to know you liked The One, Kay! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series because I did so enjoy The Selection. It's kind of a "relaxing" read for me. :)

      YAY for Mr. Darcy. Anytime a character is likened to him, I have to take a second look.

      Thanks so much for stopping by – and I look forward to visiting your blog. :)

  3. Ally Carter's books always look fun. And I remember seeing Anomaly and thinking it looked good. Another series I should may be go back and read.

    Kady Cross was recommended to me by a blogger once when I was talking about steampunk, but I never read those either. *sigh* So many books…

    1. There are simply TOO many books, Greg. Or it's "too many" in terms of us ever being able to read them all. :D

      Ally's are always great choices for fun mysteries and Anamoly is (as I remember) a really interesting sci-fi dystopian. Hopefully Kady's books are good. I'm curious about reading some steampunk books, but so far, I haven't really taken a closer look at the subgenre.

      Thanks so much for visiting, Greg.

  4. Oh I read the selection series in the last year and I marathoned them all and enjoyed them. I hope you do when you get to them. I also have finished the first in the Winner's trilogy but I need to continue on…so much to read and never enough time…My Top Ten

    1. Thanks, Eve. I really enjoyed The Selection, so I'm hoping the rest will fall into the like category too.

      Ditto. So many books, yet since not all of our time can be devoted to reading, we simply can't read them all. :D

      Thanks so much for visiting.

    1. Awesome, thanks for sharing, Hanna! I don't really hear much about 'Steel,' probably because it's an older book. :)

      Appreciate you stopping by.

    1. It looks like fun, Jo! I'm really excited about eventually reading that one especially as every now and then, that's just what I want: a fun read. :)

      Thanks, I do try to go for the funny titles. :D

      Appreciate you visiting, as always.

    1. I agree, Sara! The covers for that 'Winner' trilogy are stunners. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure that's what inspired me to give the series a second look in the first place. So pretty. :)

      Thanks for visiting.

    1. Ally's series/books look like so much fun! Despite the fact that I'm WAY past the age range of those books, I'm still looking forward to read them because they sound fun and also, sometimes I need that type of lighthearted read. Glad to know they were a favorite, Elena.

      Thanks so much for visiting!! I look forward to visiting your blog.

  5. This week's theme is like taking a walk down memory lane. I remember when The Girl in the Steel Corset was all over all the blogs, now you never hear of it!

    I have a soft spot for The Selection and do keep pondering reading The Heir.

    1. I agree, Ellie; it's funny how that happens. When a book is new, it's EVERYWHERE (or select ones are) and then, yes, they fade away. Kind of sad in some sense. (Especially if the book is AMAZING!)

      Me too; The Selection is one of my guilty pleasure reads (meant as a compliment) and also is probably my first (or one of the early ones) YA books I ever bought. :)

      Thanks so much for visiting, Ellie!!

  6. I've been wanting to read Ally Carter's books (the two you have featured and All Fall Down). I've heard about the Selection series, so I may look into it. And the Austen Addicts series looks adorable, too. At least I can say my TBR list is never lacking.

    1. They sound SO darn cute, Chanel. Hope we both discover these books in 2018!! The Selection is just fun and "easy reading" which is why I adore it. Don't those 'Austen' books look darling? I'm amazed I've yet to read them. :)

      Ditto; my TBR is NEVER in short supply.

      Thanks so much for visiting!

  7. I LOVE Ally Carter's books! They are SO good! I read Anomaly (so interesting), loved it and totally meant to finish the series, but never got around to it. I need to do that!

    1. YAY! I'm so glad to know this, Ashley. Ally's latest series-starter All Fall Down was really entertaining, so reading more from her is high on my TBR priority. Hopefully in 2018!!

      Thanks so much for visiting; as always, I appreciate you stopping by. :)

    1. I feel like (even though I haven't read them), these Ally Carter books will have a kind of "nostalgic" feel to them for me. :)

      Right?? The designer of these 'Winner' books has talent. I haven't even read the books, but when they issued redesigns I was sad. These are so perfect.

      Thanks, as always, for visiting, Alicia.

  8. I haven't read any of The Selection series yet, but I've been intending to for LITERAL YEARS. I'll have to carve out a month or so and just read them XD

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who's had this one on her TBR for so long, Ashlea. :)

      I loved The Selection and The Elite, but seemed to get busy with other books, and so, alas, I haven't read the rest of the series. But I really want too, and am excited about the mysterious new book Kiera is working on.

      Thanks so much for visiting!!

    1. I've heard lots of readers say that about America. She DOES drive me insane with her back-and-forth pick for the best guy, but overall, the series is too fun for me to let that affect my ultimate thoughts. :)

      You too – happy reading, and thanks so much for visiting.

    1. YAY! I'm glad to know 'Milk and Honey' is a good read, Jess. Thanks for sharing. Despite not reading the Austen books, I am an Austen fan. :)

      Appreciate you visiting.

  9. Oooh so many pretty dresses! The Selection series and The Winner's trilogy are actually both series that I've only read the first two books of and not the third. Yet. I'm liking The Winner's trilogy a lot better so far though!

    Good choices, feel free to check out my TTT list :)

    1. Glad to hear the 'Winnter's' trilogy is memorable. I'm in the same boat with the 'Selection' books (re: reading the first two book), but am still looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

      Hope you enjoy the rest of the books, Kartina – and many thanks for visiting. :)

  10. I don't even know where to START with all the books that have been sitting on my shelves for ages! I think the one that stands out the most, because it was one of the first books I ever pre-ordered, was Atlantia by Ally Condie. I then read such awful reviews that I was afraid to read it! But ummm the cover is too pretty to ever get rid of it hahah. The only one from your list I read were The Winner's Curse series, and they were good!

    1. I'm in the same boat with Atlantia, Shannon. I may have even had it on pre-order. Either way, that's one I'm all like, "eh" about now. In fact, it's on my list for this coming week. :)

      YAYYAYYAY! So glad to hear the "Winner's" books are good.

      Glad you stopped by, Shannon, as always. :)

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