The Books I *Want* To Re-Read. But Won’t. Because Toppling TBR
Hello everyone! I hope you’re week has gotten off to a smashing start. The calendar says it’s Tuesday which can mean only one thing: it’s time for an all-new edition of Top Ten Tuesday. This week we chat books I want to re-read 2018 edition.
That Artsy Reader Girl February 27: Books I Could Re-Read Forever
OK. So, here’s the thing. Of course I have oodles of books I’d like to re-read. Ideally, there are books I could re-read immediately upon their last page (though these are rare). But here’s the other thing. I don’t have time to re-read books. My current-still-unread-books aka TBR keeps me far too busy. No matter how much I wish to re-read nostalgic (or newer) favorites, I simply can’t. Right now.
This doesn’t mean these books don’t have a permanent place on my shelf or that I don’t pull them out and gaze at their loveliness (I promise, I don’t do this on a regular basis). Plus, though I may not crack their pages a second time (never say never), I do enjoy featuring them in different ways; such as lists like today. Below I talk about ten books (a number that isn’t inclusive – these are just a few that fit the topic) I’d love to re-read (in a perfect world), and why they’ve earned that “keeper” spot on overflowing bookshelves. (Because of the subject, you’re likely to see lots of repeats and ahem favored authors below. Forgive the bookworm enthusiasm.)
Books I Want to Re-Read 2018 Edition
1: The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof | Beautiful in so many ways. Goodreads
2: A Broken Kind of Beautiful by Katie Ganshert | Beautiful in so many ways, this novel isn’t afraid to tackle the brokenness of characters, and the results are gorgeous. Goodreads

3: Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck | This is one I actually do plan on re-reading in this month. Not only is this a must because I did adore the story (I’m not a “royal” aficionado when it comes to the royal family, but I do love fairy tale romances), but also because – listen up fellow Hallmark lovers, the Hallmark Channel is adapting this one as a film. *squee* How excited am I? Very. Goodreads
4: The Breath of Dawn by Kristin Heitzmann | LOVE love love this novel. My memory of it is that it’s perfection. ‘Nuff said. Goodreads
5: The Negotiator by Dee Henderson | So much time has passed since I read this novel. That said, I have fond memories of it, and feel like it was the novel that made me fall head over heels for this O’Malley family. A must in any series starter since the burden to bring readers back always falls on book one. Goodreads
6: Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones | Yeah. I know I’ve talked about this one a lot. What can I say, when a girl likes a book, she keeps on talking about it. Goodreads
7: Submerged by Dani Pettrey | This is one of the very first books – or perhaps the first one, I ever received from a publisher’s review program. At the time I started reviewing books, I was also in a pattern where I read very little. Because of this, this novel is nostalgic catnip to me, plus it also reminded me how much I love reading – and in this genre particularly. Goodreads books I want to re-read 2018
8: Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay | This may have been the talented Katherine Reay’s first novel, but it’s a beauty. So much good in this wonderful story. Contrary to its title, it is not a re-telling of Emma (Jane Austen), but is instead its own unique story that uses literary references and moments to strengthen its pages. Goodreads
9: My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade | Like Submerged, the same can be said for My Stubborn Heart. This is the second book I was thinking of when I reference “one of the very first books.” This one also falls into that category, and like Dani’s, this one reminded me how much I adore Contemporary Romance, and is really what reignited my love of the genre. To this day, contemporary remains my favorite. Goodreads

10: When I Fall in Love by Susan May Warren | I have so much admiration for this story. Yes, it’s a contemporary romance that’s as darling as its cover art suggests, but it also deals with tough issues and doesn’t shy away from a realistic ending (rather than a fairy tale one). Goodreads
That’s it for another edition of Top Ten Tuesday (Books I want to Re-read 2018 edition). As with each list I create, this one isn’t all inclusive (there are so many more I could feature), but it’s a great line up of amazing stories across various genres. What books could you forever re-read? Have you read any of these? If so, did you like or dislike them? Comment with all the bookish talk below, and if you leave your Top Ten Tuesday (or blog!) links below, I’d love to swing by and visit. It may take me the week, but I will be by.
Thank you for visiting!
I haven't read any of these but now I really want to read Once Upon a Prince! Great list :D
'Prince' is lovely, Kay! Hope you enjoy if you read it. Thanks for stopping by Finding Wonderland. :)
I, too, have a toppling TBR pile so I don't reread very often, but every once in a while I need to read something that is like comfort food to me. Books I Re-Read
Well said, Anne! I feel like if I do start to re-read, I'll opt for those that make me smile or as you put it so well, those are are akin to "comfort food." :)
Thanks for visiting.
I'm laughing at "gaze at their loveliness" because I feel like that is my relationship with my books in a nutshell. There are so many that I want to properly re-read, but instead I just flip through them from time to time…and usually then lose track of how long I've been "not reading" it because I enjoy it so much.
LOL, sometimes, I'll admit… I do. But in my defense, it's usually when I'm a. reorganizing my shelves or b. working on Bookstagram photos. So, yeah, I don't think I just randomly walk to my shelf and gaze. ;)
Appreciate you stopping by! Thanks.
I haven't read any of these books! They do look super cute though so I can see why you'd want to reread them. :-)
There are some darn cute ones in this list; and re-reading them – someday – is a priority. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Chrissi.
I'm the same way, I'd LOVE to re- read more. Especially as a blogger, I keep discovering new books I love, but when will I ever have time to re- read them all lol? Blogger problems I guess. :)
Right?? There's so many new books that often take up our attention. But someday we'll re-read those favorites. :)
Thanks for visiting, Greg.
Your blog is always pretty. Nice list, I haven't read any of these books nor heard of them before.
I can not re-read a book, even thou I have been wanting to get my hand on The Bronze Horseman again. I just can not stop thinking about it.
Hope you enjoy 'Horseman' is you re-read it, Mariela. I've heard so many glowing things about that series.
Thanks for the kind words, and for visiting. :)
I just realised just how much fun this TTT is going to be — another way to learn about all the goodness out there I never would have thought of before — in this case, Dear Mr Knightly especially!
'Knightley' is SO good, Verushka. Hope you enjoy if/when you have a chance to read it. :)
Appreciate you visiting.
I haven't ready any of these but I knooow the problem! I want to re-read all the books ever but I caaan't because of that enormous TBR that threatens to crush me. *cries*
RIGHT!? So glad we are all in this relatable situation together. ;)
Appreciate you visiting, Bee.
I love your title…or won't because toppling tbr. I am trying to prioritise my tbr as well, but those poor well loved books! *cries*
It's tough to prioritize, but it's definitely a goal. Who knows! Perhaps someday we'll accomplish this goal. We can hope, right? :)
Thanks for visiting.
Jeez, if I'd written a list of books I want to reread but don't have time for I would have definitely gone up into the hundreds. I keep hold of all of the books that I read and love, just in case I have time to pick them up again, but it hardly ever happens (and it just makes my shelves ridiculously messy!).
Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!
Oh, I would have too, Alyce! Maybe not hundreds, but well, certainly LOTS more than I include. But it's good to have that "stop" number, no matter how limiting.
YES! Messy shelves are a perpetual state at my house. But it's the sign of a well loved book, I suppose. ;)
Thanks for visiting.
Ahhh I understand, I rarely have the time to reread books too! I saw that there would be a Books You Loved But Will Never Reread list sometimes in April, I'll have plenty lmao.
Great post!
Sounds like a fun topic, too! I have lots of books that would fit that list too – including all ten I feature today. Much as I love a book, sometimes there just isn't time to re-read them. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Alienor.
The Lady and the Lionheart is always a good idea! :) Great list Rissi!
I agree. Always and forever a great re-read choice. :)
Thanks for making Finding Wonderland a Top Ten Tuesday stop. :)
I have not read any of these, so thanks for sharing. I'm with you – I really want to re-read more, but it's just pretty impossible right now.
Glad I'm not alone in this bookworm predicament. :)
Appreciate you visiting, Lauren.
Nice list! I've not read any of these yet, but a few of them sound really great.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
Cool. Hope if you ever look into some of them, you enjoy. :)
Thanks for visiting.
Fabulous list! I love all of these books…and authors.
*high five*
Thanks for visiting, Brittaney. :)
I'm really into romances right now so I love this post because it's full of recs! Ive marked two in my TBR! Great post :)
Fun! Hope you enjoy those you added to your TBR. :)
Appreciate you stopping by.
Haven't read any of these but these covers are just gorgeous!
Aren't they? Gotta love a gorgeous book cover.
Appreciate you stopping by, Kei. :)
Great list! So many good books! I absolutely loved The Lady and the Lionheart. Such a beautiful story!
Ditto!! 'Lionheart' is a stunner – and one (someday) I will make time for a re-read. :)
Appreciate you visiting, Ashley.
Although Dear Mr. Nightly isn't a retelling, I do still like the sound of it. Great list!
Hope you enjoy if ever you have the chance to read 'Mr. Knightley,' Alicia. It's SO good. :)
Appreciate you stopping by, as always.
I haven't read any of the books mentioned in your TTT post this week, but will be adding a few of them to my ever growing reading wishlist!
Here's a link to my TTT for this week:
An ever growing TBR… now THAT sounds familiar. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
Hmmm…I haven't heard of any of these books, but they sound awesome! Great list!
Here’s my TTT!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
Awesome is exactly what these reads are. :)
Thanks so much, as always, for visiting.
I haven't read any of these but they surely look interesting. I can't re-read books.. like ever. Simply because my unread TBR is higher than the books that I have actually read! Yes no time to re-read :D
I'd like to re-read certain books on my shelf, but my new TBR stack continues to grow… so that's where my focus lands. :) Plus, like you my unread TBR is likely higher than my read.
Thanks so much for visiting.
Dear Mr. Knightley and A Broken Kind of Beautiful would be at the top of my list of fiction to re-read. Both were incredible! It's hard when there are just too many good books to pick up….
Both ARE indeed incredible, Amanda. Two "forever" favorites. Ditto. There are simply too many amazing books and so little time. It's a challenge. :)
Thanks for stopping by.
I haven't read any of these, but maybe I should pick one up. :)
Lauren @ Always Me
There's never too many books on our TBRs, right?? ;)
Thanks for visiting, Lauren.
The struggle is so real!!! I have so many books that I want to reread but whaT ABOUT ALL THE BOOKS I HAVEN'T READ YET???!!!! I've been intending to read Dear Mr. Knightly for ages now but have never gotten to; I should get my hands on a copy!
Right!? This is my mindset too, Hanne. Hope you enjoy Dear Mr. Knightley. It's still one of my most favorite reads ever. :)
Glad you visited, as always.