‘Justice League’ (2017): DC’s Heroes Assemble to Save Mankind


Assembling a mass of their previously introduced heroes, and introducing new faces, DC Comics brought together their own league of superheroes with Justice League.

Justice League (2017) DC Comics Film Review

Life is dark and emotional for the world and for three people in particular. In the wake of the death of her fiancé, Lois Lane (Amy Adams) is struggling to find her way. Martha Kent (Diane Lane) too is at a loss, and unable to keep her family farm. She packs up, and walks away, all in an attempt to begin again. Gotham City’s protector, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) is feeling the guilt of his role in the demise of Superman. Clark Kent was the hope for the world. He lived among the people, he fell in love, and Bruce knows mankind – and him, still need Superman.

The villain, a being they call Steppenwolf (voiced by Ciarian Hinds) will stop at nothing to control the world. Seeking three boxes that will give him this power, first he destroys the protected world of the Amazons, before making his way to Atlantia. They realize, no matter how many they are in numbers, they cannot save the world without Superman. Against the advice of Diana Prince (Gal Gadot), Bruce plots to resurrect Clark. As they plan, he assembles new heroes to stand with him in this, perhaps the greatest fight of his life…

No secret is made of the fact that my cinematic superhero loyalties lie with Marvel. They have this genre cornered with their incredible ability to blend levity and human characters who make us care. The other flub DC has made time and again (in my opinion) is Zack Snyder’s integration into their films. In fact, when his name pops up in the opening credits of Justice League, I reacted with a “darn.” This feeling of cinematic “dread” for this film set in. That said, sometimes if you’re open to it, stories can surprise.

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‘Justice League’ (2017): DC’s Heroes Assemble to Save Mankind #Moviearchives #DCComics #Superman Click To Tweet

Though it’s still imperfect (as every film is or can be), Justice League is a solid effort in the first DC “group” film. A few things might annoy Marvel fans, but overall, it’s good. Given that I like this one, I shouldn’t be surprised to learn that this is one of DC’s lowest-grossing films. (Though I suspect it’s not low enough to preclude a sequel.) The story leaves doors open in terms of another fight, while still wisely “ending” the fight they engage in in this film. But if you watch through the credits, you’ll get an idea of the presumed sequel.

Though three new characters integrate into this script, it never feels overcrowded. Everyone has a role and “place” in the story. Though none earn a kind of origin introduction, I suspect plans are to produce introductory stories (individual films) at some point. The new characters include Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen (aka The Flash), and Ray Fisher’s Cyborg. Each of the characters is interesting and make us query, who they are. Though I think the writer’s try too hard for the naïve but adorable Barry Allen to have the same appeal as Tom Holland’s Avengers Spider-Man. He’s the levity and the boy-next-door kid in awe of the world he steps into. justice league

The DC veterans, Henry Cavill (Superman), Affleck, Gadot, Adams (still love her in this role), and Jeremy Irons (Alfred) are still fantastic. They continue to hone these characters. Affleck’s Batman is one I can take or leave, but I did enjoy his emotional struggle in this story. One of the carryover elements from prior DC Comics films (which I still love) that hasn’t changed is the romance between Lois and Clark. Despite the controversy surrounding this on-screen pair, I adore them together. In fact, their all-too-few scenes together only strengthen this.

Beyond the characters, the action sequences are “low key” in comparison to some, but they’re still exciting. They provide the desired effect all such sequences are meant to and keep things exciting. Its interesting to watch the script connects nearly all of their DC comics films. Despite the potential for discord, it all feels coherent, and pleasantly, I can say, this is one of the best in the franchise. The action doesn’t outstay its welcome, and for me, I get to see favorite cinema love birds in a few quiet, but beautiful moments.

There’s humor, noble characters to root on, snippets of romance, and the adventure we’ve come to love about superhero films. All of which is in a glossy, entertaining production.

Content: Rated PG13, this film contains “intense” sequences of action violence and some minor profanity.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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