The Fun Summer 2018 TBR I Hope to Read
Hey, everyone and happy Tuesday! We are again arriving at a seasonal TBR list-making point in our blogging and book meme careers. Our That Artsy Reader Girl June 19 topic is, Books to Read By the Pool. However I’m talking fun summer 2018 TBR plans.

Ok, so I realize that this talks about books to read “by the pool,” but since a. I don’t go to the pool and b. I don’t visit or live beside an ocean/lake, I decided to take Jana’s parenthesized option and write a summer TBR list instead.
Now we’ve discussed my propensity to not read the books I place on seasonal TBRs which usually makes these lists more along the lines of “Books I Really Want to Read… but Won’t.” Another thought that forever plagues me this time of year is the realization that I’ll not have read the books on my previous seasonal TBR. It’s this that causes me to nervously wonder how I fared in reading through said TBR, *clicks Spring 2018 TBR* (I think I read maybe, 3 or four out of nine. That’s not a proud book nerd moment.) All this said, of course, I want to read all of these books, it’s simply a question of “when.”
Onto more specifics about these books, today’s list is a mix of books I “have” to read because they’ve been kindly sent to me by authors or publishers. Books on my shelf I want to read (because they seem ideal summer-y reads) and books I’d like to read and plan to add to my shelf.
Here we go.
The Fun Summer 2018 TBR Books I Hope to Read
1: Sons of Blackbird Mountain by Joanne Bischof | Joanne’s novels are always wonderfully written and told. Her style of writing is brilliant, so I’m looking forward to discovering this first book in a new series. In stores July 2018. Goodreads

2: The Rancher’s Surprise Daughter by Jill Lynn | Because I’d reviewed one of her books last year, the author kindly sent me a copy of her July 2018 release, which is this little novel that looks adorable. Plus, its short length makes it the perfect romance to binge read – something I’m always a fan of. In stores July 2018. Goodreads
3: Save the Date by Morgan Matson | I may have only ever read Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, but reading Morgan’s latest novel is highly anticipated. Cannot wait to see what this one is all about. Plus, can we appreciate its seemingly perfect cover design? In stores now. Goodreads
The Fun Summer 2018 TBR I Hope to Read #fromthearchives Share on X

4: From Twinkle with Love by Sandhya Menon | Last year I meant to read Sandhya’s first novel, When Dimple Met Rishi, and sadly did not. This year, I’ve placed her newest on the list, but ‘Dimple’should also be included. Either way, hopefully, I’ll read one – or if I’m real ambitious, both! In stores now. Goodreads
5: Dead Drift by Dani Pettrey | Ahh! Can we just discuss the excitement that happened when I realized this series would be four books instead of three? My original assumption didn’t count on this novel nor did I realize a copy would show up on my doorstep recently. Excitement levels are, obviously, high. In stores July 2018. Goodreads

6: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society | Originally, I’d intended to have a read-along going today for this novel (again in anticipation of the summer film release), but that went by the wayside as INSPYs work and other obligations took first place. I STILL want to have a read along, so if anyone wants to join, I’ll be tweeting all about it soon!! You can keep up to date on my Twitter timeline (@RissiJC) if you’d want to join. In stores now. Goodreads
7: Stay Sweet by Siobhan Vivian | Is there a book cover that is more in tune with summer reading than this one? I’d argue no! Plus this one sounds adorable. In stores now. Goodreads

8: Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West | It’s by Kasie West. It’s her newest novel. Enough said. In stores now. Goodreads
BONUS! I’d also really like to read Crazy Rich Asians, a book that piqued my interest because of the upcoming film adaptation (and I just saw the trailer which made me giggle for its entirety). As a carryover from my spring TBR (told ya’ I don’t get my seasonal TBRs read), I’m currently reading Falling for You by Becky Wade, which is delightful.
It’s your turn, friends. Tell me, what’s on your summer TBR list? Do you like seasonal TBRs – and tell me your secret to accomplishing it. I’d love to know. Tell me if you’ve read any of these or if you’d like to! If you joined today’s meme, make sure and leave your Top Ten Tuesday links below so I can visit – or simply introduce your blog. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces.
Thank you for visiting! Come back soon.
Ooh Save The Date. I'm looking forward to that book too. I enjoy Morgan Matson's writing. Yay for the Kasie West love too. I always appreciate that! My TTT
Kasie West is forever my "must read" contemporary author. Her books are darling.
Also, I cannot wait to read Save the Date. It looks WAY too cute. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Chrissi.
Haha, I hear you about your TBR list. I'm getting pretty bad at following my own seasonal lists but it's fun nonetheless putting them together! Happy reading, Rissi :)
Lianne, HI!!! So glad to see you over here, friend. It's been way too long since we've chatted. Hope you're doing well. :)
Ah, yes! Those TBR lists persist in beating us, don't they!?
Joanne's is at the TOP of my list for my summer reads!!!!!
YES! Hope we both love it, Rachel. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I can't wait to read Save the Date!! Happy reading :)
YAY! Here's hoping we both adore Save the Date, Kay. Glad you visited. Thanks! :)
Looks like you have some really happy selections to read this summer. Hope you enjoy. Summer TBR
I hope so – and thank you, Anne. :)
I am horrible at sticking to TBR's when I make them, like I'm lucky if I even read one out of ten books included that's how bad I am at sticking to a TBR, so I have no secrets for that for you.
While I haven't read any of the books on your list, I've been wanting to read the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for a while and have never had the time…Sadly, I don't think I can commit to a read-along either because of that whole sticking to a TBR thing.
Hope you have a great week. – Katie
Here's my TTT –>
We'll keep searching for this bookish secret together then. :)
No worries, Katie! I totally understand. Our RALs are always super casual, so you'd be welcome to join if you'd like. I think I'll be tweeting about it soon.
Thanks for visiting.
Save the Date and Listen to your Heart both sound awesome, and perfect for summer!
I agree! they sound SO good – and yes, like perfect easy-to-enjoy summer time reads. :)
Thanks for visiting, Greg.
I really want to check out Save the Date at some time. I tend to read her books in the summer, last summer was Second Chance Summer which I adored. I hope you enjoy it!
Me too, Sara. It looks like the perfect summer read. Aww, how fun. Second Chance Summer is on my eventual TBR as well. It also sounds really good – and is certainly a book I've read good things about. :)
Thanks for visiting.
Stay Sweet, When Dimple Met Rishi and From Twinkle with Love are perfect summer reads. I hope you get to read them this summer! I have yet to read Save the Date but I hope to soon.
They seem like they'd be ideal, Nicole, so I'm glad to know you recommend them as perfect summertime reads. :) Thanks! I hope to read these all soon too – and here's hoping we both enjoy Save the Date.
Glad to have you visit.
Save the Date was such a cute read! Stay Sweet also made it to my list this week! Great list – I think you picked great titles!!
Hooray for shared Top Ten Tuesday picks – and I'm glad to know Save the Date is cute. That's exactly what I hope it'll be. :)
Glad to have you visit, Victoria – thank you.
Great picks!! I've seen a lot of hype for Save the Date and From Twinkle, so I hope they live up to your expectations!
I've seen lots of hype for those two as well Tracy. And thank you. I'm hopeful they'll be fabulous reads. :)
I was thrilled when I discovered Luke's story would be featured in Dani Pettrey's series. Ah, the mysterious Luke. I actually just finished the Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society. I put off reading it because I was scared it wouldn't live up to the hype. Oh, how wrong I was! I can't wait to see the film adaptation. And Sons of Blackbird Mountain is my number one pick for the summer. I cannot wait to read it.
Same here, Brittaney. It was such an exciting thing to learn there'd be FOUR books in this series. Meant the stories and these characters would live on a little bit longer.
YAY I'm so glad you like 'Guernsey.' I'm quite eager to read it – and here's hoping we both love Joanne's newest historical. I've a feeling we will indeed. :)
Thanks so much for stopping in, as always!!
I hope to read From Twinkle With Love in the future! Also, I just subscribed to your YouTube channel! Will binge watch soon. <3
Here's my first ever TTT –
Here's hoping we both enjoy 'Twinkle.' It sounds so cute.
Thanks for the sub! I appreciate you stopping by – visit anytime. Oh, and welcome to the fun that is Top Ten Tuesday. :)
All of these sound so summery! I'm not good at sticking to TBR lists so I've pretty much given up on making them. I just read what I'm in the mood for at the moment. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Nothing wrong with mood reading. :)
Thanks for visiting.
I keep seeing everywhere Save the Date, I need to add it to my TBR.
Here is My Top 10 Tuesday
Me too! But then it looks so cute I'm not surprised. :) Thanks for visiting!
Yay for Kasie West! Her books are perfect summer reads! And Save The Date, Twinkle and Stay Sweet sound amazing as well. And yeah, I also want to read Crazy Rich Asians after loving the movie trailer :)
Yes, yes they are. I'm a fan forever. :D
The film for Crazy Rich Asians looks HILARIOUS! I knew there was a film being adapted, but hadn't really given it much thought. SO glad the promo played before Ocean's 8.
Thanks, as always for stopping by, Lindsey.
Save the Date is on my reading list as well. It sounds so funny :)
It does indeed, Jeanette! Hopefully we both enjoy. :)
Glad you were able to stop in – thank you!
Great list! This looks like a really fun summer TBR – I hope you manage to read lots of these and that you enjoy them!
Thanks, Jess; I'm hoping it's good too. :)
Appreciate you stopping by.
Save the Date really does have a great cover. I need to pick up Listen to Your Heart as well. West is so quick with the releases!
Yes it does! So fun and cute. Hope you enjoy Kasie's too – and I agree. How she writes so many books (all so cute, too) is anyone's guess. But good for her (and I hope she's able to keep them coming). :)
Thanks for visiting, Alicia!
I don't think I've ever read a Morgan Matson book (contemporaries aren't typically my cup of tea) but the cover design of her books is always so amazing that I want to! (Especially this one… so maybe I'll give it a try.) Thanks for your list and I hope these all go well for you!
Thanks, Kelly. And I agree. Morgan's covers are always so fun and amazing. If you give Save the Date a chance, I hope you enjoy. :)
Glad you visiting! Thank you.
SAVE THE DATE and STAY SWEET are books I want to read this summer too!! I don't read a TON of light contemporary like these ones, but I love both authors.
YAY!! Here's hoping we both enjoy these two, Michelle. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I really enjoyed The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, it's a great summer read and I can't wait to see the film! I hope you enjoy it. I also really liked When Dimple Met Rishi so I hope you find time to squeeze it in along with Sandhya Menon's new book.
Happy Reading to you! Rachel x
Thanks so much, Rachel. I love hearing good reports about anticipated books. 'Dimple' and 'Guernsey' fall on that list, so of course, I'm all the more eager to read them when good reports reach me. :)
Thanks so much for visiting!!
I'm reading Twinkle right now. Or listening to it, mostly. I was surprised to find that it's an epistolary novel, but once I got into it, it was pretty cool. I'm stoked to finish it, even though I have a pretty good idea what's going to happen. Happy reading!
eli @ the (book) supplier
I'm surprised by this too, Eli! If I'd read that this one was an epistolary novel, I'd forgotten. Like you, I find once I find the "rhythm" of the story, I can get past an unusual format. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
You're going to LOVE Dead Drift! I was blessed to be granted early Netgalley access, and I got to read it at the beginning of April! SOOOOO GOOD!
Oh, and Falling for You is amazing, too! One of my favorites of Becky's books.
YAY!! I cannot wait to read Dead Drift, Caitlyn. It was such a fun surprise to discover Dani wrote a fourth novel in this series.
…I'm loving Falling for You as I already suspected I would. :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
At the moment, there aren't any of those MUST READ RIGHT NOW books coming out until September, so my summer TBR books will be whatever looks good at the time, what books become available at the library, if an author puts a book I've been wanting to read on sale on, that sort of thing.
There are a few books on your list that look interesting, but they're competing with all of the other books out there that look interesting :-)