Top Ten Tuesday | Gift Guide: Bookish Things To Buy!


Hey, there, Tuesday and happy readers! After skipping last week (which was lovely, and so needed), today Finding Wonderland is back with a new meme topic: Top Ten Tuesday November 13.

That Artsy Reader Girl: Bookish Items/Merchandise I’d Like To Own

With the merry season of Christmas cheer and giving upon us, this is a fun post for anyone looking for great ideas. Especially if you have a bookworm on your to-buy-for list. (Tip: search Etsy for “bookish merch,” and an entire litany of things appears.) So, today I get to share some of the cute bookish items I’ve seen on the interwebs that I’d actually buy!

As cute as they are, I’m not much of a “trinket” girl. I used to have all sorts of things sitting on my shelves, but as I’ve gotten older with a décor aesthetic, I’ve gone minimal. Less is more is my motto. This is why though I see things that are cute, I don’t like to add “knick knack” things. 

Instead I focus more on prints (which I don’t really collect either!) and clothing (that I’d totally wear). Let’s have a look see.

Top Ten Tuesday November 13 | Gift Guide: Bookish Things To Buy!

1: Amazon Fire | To be honest, I don’t use this much for reading (I am a physical book copy kind of girl), but I do use it for a bookish purpose. What is this use? It’s bookstagram of course.  My mother uses Fire exclusively for reading (she loves it); plus to stream the radio, and as a search engine. Either way, it’s a really nice tablet full of endless app possibilities. Only thing is, you will want to replace (or upgrade) it after so long. Trust me, you’ll notice a speed difference. The upside to this is Amazon runs frequent sales.

2: Book Marks | I’ll confess I rarely (if ever) use book marks, but there are so many cute ones out there. Some of my favorites are the magnetic character book marks. What are some of your favorite book mark shops?

3: Books | This is a given for this Top Ten Tuesday November 13 list, but if the bookworm on your list is anything like me, they probably have a shelf full of books. (I do realize this list is about things that aren’t books.) This makes it hard to know what book they don’t already own. The next best thing? See exhibit 5 on list.

4: Bookshelf Tees | Ok, so this company is no longer in business (*sad face*), but you can find cute tees out there! Whether it’s on Etsy or another boutique shop, bookish tees are always a win. They’re comfy, but still stylish enough to wear to meet a friend for lunch!

5: Gift Cards | This kind of gift seems to unpopular in my family, but I love a gift card. To me it doesn’t say “I don’t care.” It says, “pick a book on your wish list.” Naturally this makes me all starry eyed as I browse for the perfect choice.

6: Story in Cinema | Sometimes a bookworm will enjoy a good cinematic story. One option is with books in the center or a good book-to-screen adaptation. For the former, there’s a bookish heroine in 10 Things I Hate About You or Gilmore Girls; or there’s You’ve Got Mail with its quaint book shop. For the latter, Anne of Green Gables or Brooklyn is lovely. Then, there’s any literary adaptation. (Like the 2005 Pride & Prejudice, which happens to be my favorite!)

How about you? What sort of merchandise did you feature on this Top Ten Tuesday November 13 week? What do you collect in the “bookish merch” category? I’d love to know all your thoughts! 

As the season gets closer, I will probably share another bookish gift guide, so let me know all your favorite shops! 

If you joined Top Ten Tuesday (and even if you didn’t), feel free to leave your post below so I can come visit or introduce yourself and your blog. I look forward to visiting all of your bookish spaces!

Thank you for visiting

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about these changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with gift cards. I find them impersonal and think family at least should refrain from gifting them (my father-in-law gives us gift cards every year, and they’re not always particularly useful for us, although lately he’s been sticking the Amazon which at least means new books for me). I’m a big fan of bookish shirts too.

    Hope you have a great week.

    1. That’s OK. I’m pretty much the only one (aside from my mother) in my family who LIKES gift cards! I love that I can pick something out. For example, my fashion and my cousin’s is vastly different. So to ask her to pick me out a sweater or vice versa would not be a good match. With books, no one knows (even I forget!) what I have, so a B&N (or Amazon) gift card makes me VERY happy. I also find Amazon super useful since it’s often where I buy my camera supplies, so I use a gift card to take the price down. :)

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Katie.

  2. I don’t really collect things either, which makes this week so hard. I’m hoping to get ideas from all the other book lovers out there! I did have the waterproof Kindle Paperwhite on my list, but I really don’t need a new Kindle right now, so it’s really not something I want to rush out and buy!

    Brooke Lorren recently posted: Bookish Things I’d Like to Own
    1. Nothing wrong with this, Brooke! Sometimes when I’m putting in an Amazon order, I’ll continue to browse thinking I want to get something fun, and sometimes I simply cannot find anything. I feel like this is telling me I really don’t need anything. :)

      I love my Amazon Fire, though a new one does make a HUGE difference since the older they are, the less speed they have. Technology, right!? :)

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. Bookshelf tees are nice. And I love gift cards- then I can go buy more books haha!

    I don’t have a Fire but I’d like to get one at some point, they look pretty nice.

  4. Gift cards are.. I don’t know, haha. I don’t mind getting them but sometimes I feel like a person should know me well enough to get me an actual present instead of taking the easy way out of the gift-hole? :P Of course they’re great when you can buy books with them, but still! I’d rather see them having thought about a gift since that’s what I tend to do as well, hah.

    I’m a huuuge sucker for decorative bookish items lately. With a move coming up, all I can think about it bookish art / ways to feature my love for books in my home and it’s showing on my wish lists too. I discovered some awesome Etsy shops (and I probably will find even more so) thanks to this TTT too, so.. I think people will have plenty to pick from should they want to gift me something this year. :P

    Here’s my TTT should you want to check it out! :D

    1. That’s how my aunt feels, too, Kathy. I LOVE gift cards so I often wish people would gift that to me over anything else. For example, my fashion style is different than that of my cousin’s, so for us to buy each other clothes is really a waste of time. Neither one of us win at that. BUT I enjoy going clothes shopping so a gift card to my favorite place is a welcome (and wished for!) surprise. :)

      Plus, any kind of book gift card is a must on my wish list. ;D

      Sounds like you already have a great wish list started! Hope you find some of those fun bookish things under your tree. Thanks for visiting. :)

  5. Great list! I don’t mind getting gift cards either. I almost always use them to buy books. 10 Things I Hate About You is a great movie! I’m also a big fan of the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie. I use bookmarks, but they aren’t fancy. Whenever I buy books at my local bookstore, they put in one of their book marks. They use them like business cards. So I use those when I’m reading. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  6. I LOVED this TTT topic; I’m still making my way through the entire link-up (I want to see ALLL the bookish items to buy!!!).
    I know about the bookmarks, I love to get them, and I’m trying to use them more (I have gotten better), but I scatter them everywhere, have multiple books going at once, and so still grab that random bit of paper to use.

    Liva Rose recently posted: Movies I’ve Watched: October 2018

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