Hello, readers and friends. Today it’s time for another of our “booktube talk” post. It’s Thursday which means Finding Wonderland’s booktube channel has a new video (and that hopefully, the channel i sback on track after very little activity). It also means, on the blog sometimes I share the topic of said talk.
This week, the topic is still bookish, but it’s also quite different that we usually share. Instead of fangirl gushes, instead I share five (or six) Popular Books I Don’t Like! *bites nails* This is a video I saw on Booktube with other’s channels, and since I thought it was entertaining to watch, I too decided to join this type of video. It certainly was fun to film, so I hope it’s something you don’t mind seeing as part of the channel’s content. Let me know if you’ve seen a video/blog post like this, and where I can see it. (Also, if you’d like to see anything else similar to this or a part two kind of follow up, let me know!)
Discussion: A Few of the Reasons Why I Support Inspirational Fiction
Though I won’t share the books I talk about (that’s all revealed in the video), I will say, anyone who’s read Finding Wonderland for any length of time can probably guess at least one of the books. If you want to discover its identity, and the other five, the new video is live. Thanks for reading my little ramble on ‘Booktube Popular Books I Don’t Like!’
Tell me – below or in the video comments, what popular “must-read” books didn’t live up to your reader preference hype? Share all of your thoughts.
ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about Finding Wonderland’s changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!
Today on Finding Wonderland, it's all about our weekly #booktube video. This week's topic is quite different than our normal fangirl gushing. Hope you still enjoy! Booktube Popular Books I Don’t Like! Click To TweetThank you for visiting Finding Wonderland
My friend Ruth raved about Leanne Moriarty, so our book club chose The Last Anniversary. I didn’t like it at all. There were mixed opinions from others in the group. I am less than eager to read anything else by this author.
I know this feeling ALL TOO WELL, Beckie. I read a SUPER hyped book in December, and didn’t care for it at all. Guess it just teaches us to listen to that little reader voice that says, “you won’t like this one.” ;)