Eleven Books I Hope To Be My Spring TBR. A Top Ten Tuesday List.


Hello, happy readers, and welcome (almost) spring 2019. Today, we celebrate this almost-here-day by sharing our Top Ten Tuesday March 19 aka spring 2019 TBR list.

Top Ten Tuesday March 19

That Artsy Reader Girl | March 19: Books on my Spring TBR

This list is far from inclusive of all of the spring 2019 reads I’m excited for. Still, it’s fun to take an in-the-future look at the books set to release during the next season, and those we hope to read during said incoming season. Sometimes the two are mutually exclusive, and other times they’re not.

As I’ve said on so many of these, I rarely if ever stick with a season TBR, but these are some of my favorite lists to create. Spring is an especially busy reading time since I’m part of an Advisory Board for the INSPYs, which means I have to read lots of books that make the long list. In fact, that’s one I’m currently doing. Still, the list below consists of a few books I will sneak in in-between INSPY reads, and several that will be added to my shelf in anticipation of future reading.

Let’s get spring TBR-ing!

Top Ten Tuesday March 19

1: Serious Moonlight (April) by Jenn Bennett | Simon kindly sent me an e-ARC copy of this one! Seeing as I just recently read my first novel by Bennett, I’m anxious to read more. Amazon | Goodreads

2: Romanov (May) by Nadine Brandes | An Anastasia re-telling – where’s the dotted line!? Also, just: Yes, please! Goodreads

3: The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne | This is one of those books I pulled off my shelf. Since I adore Browne’s The Runaway Princess, I really want to read more by her, but alas, haven’t made the time to do so. Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday March 19

4: I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo | Again, another one from my shelf in the hopes I’ll finally read this one. Plus, it gives off all the spring vibes. Goodreads

5: We Were Beautiful (April) by Heather Hepler | The publisher kindly sent me a copy of this one, and while I think it sounds amazing, it might be a little too bittersweet for me just now. Goodreads

6: Within These Lines by Stephanie Morrill | Another publisher provided book that sounds unique. Plus, I love that it’s a YA historical, a genre I rarely read anything from (and one that seems slim). Goodreads top ten tuesday march 19

Top Ten Tuesday March 19
Talking a spring 2019 #TBR with this #bookworm-y list! 11 Book I Hope To Be My Spring TBR | #TopTenTuesday Click To Tweet

7: When Summer Ends (April) by Jessica Pennington | This one looks darling. I love the soft cover art, and the sound of it seems like an ideal read for me. Goodreads

8: The Printed Letter Bookshop (May) by Katherine Reay | Finally. Katherine Reay’s usual publishing would have seen this book in stores back in November. I’ve zero doubt this one will be worth the wait and then some. Goodreads

9: Now and Then and Always (May) by Melissa Tagg | This one was announced after I put together this TBR list. Naturally I had to add Melissa’s next book because I’m a forever and always fan. Goodreads top ten tuesday march 19

10: Sweet on You (April) by Becky Wade | It’s time! A new Becky Wade novel is nearly here, and I’m so excited. Who else has this one high on their must lists!? Goodreads

11: The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon | With a movie set to drop this spring, I hope to read this one even though I won’t be likely to see said film in theaters. While I hope to enjoy it, I have a feeling the underlying subjects will, for me, make this one a lesser rating than Everything, Everything. Goodreads

12: Bonus! INSPY reads for 2019 | Yes, that’s right, I’m working through some INSPY reads in anticipation of the April shortlist announcement. Plus, if you like to read inspirational fiction, please consider joining us as a 2019 judge.

Now we’ve talked about my spring TBR hopes and hopelessness when it comes to actually reading said books, I want to know all of your new season TBR plans. Do you keep to a TBR? Or is that too ambitious (like me!) a goal? Comment below with all of your TBR news – and whether or not you’ve read any of these!

If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.

Thank you for visiting; come again soon!

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about our changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Serious Moonlight looks amazing and I also want to read her Starry Eyes, which I still haven’t gotten to yet. As for TBR’s, I’m pretty much a mood reader so my TBR is there but it’s fairly small by blogging standards haha, and somewhat fluid as well.

    Have a great day!

    1. I agree, Brooke. The idea of an Anastasia re-telling has me bookworm giddy! Hope it’s good; and Becky’s books are always and former rom-com magic. :)

      YAY! That’s awesome. I didn’t even go back and look to see if I read any (or many) of my winter TBR picks. Perhaps I should start doing this; and MAYBE that will hold me accountable. :D Appreciate your visit.

  2. Well, well, it seems we have several of the same books on our lists this week. What a shocker! I don’t even know what Melissa Tagg’s new book is about, but do I really need to? No. I’ll read anything she writes.

  3. Oooooh, yes, I keep forgetting when Printed Letter Bookshop comes out! I pre-ordered it, so one day I’ll get a happy surprise in my mailbox :-)

    I did post a TTT list right here this week.

    Crossing my fingers that I’ll get to judge INSPYs again cuz it’s so much fun!

  4. The Runaway Princess is one of my favorite books, and I feel like I’ve probably read The Little Lady Agency??! Either way, hope you enjoy all of these!

  5. I can’t really speak to how it compares with Everything, Everything (having not read it), I did enjoy The Sun is Also a Star! It’s kind of a thinking book, or at least it was for me… I also really like the cover. Hope you get a chance to pick it up soon!

  6. I can’t wait to read The Printed Letter Bookshop, Now and Then and Always, and Sweet on You.

    What else is on my TBR? To name a few, Count Me In by Mikal Dawn, Always, Never Yours by Emily Wibberley and The Heart Between Us by Lindsay Harrel.

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