A New Season and a Fun Winter To-Be-Read Plan
Hello, readers and friends. Welcome to another lisicicle (is this still a thing?). This go round, it’s all about those seasonal TBRs, specifically, the winter to-be-read novels that are in my reading plans.
Thanks to publishers, I have quite a few ARCs, so instead of looking at the new books coming or picking books from my bookshelf (a bookish habit I wish to return to), I’m featuring the said ARCs. For me, it’s these that should receive priority. This is why I’m trying to limit myself to those on this TBR in the hopes I’ll read them, and perhaps (for once!) accomplish reading all of the books on a seasonal TBR. Of course, if I manage to read one or two others in-between “work” reading, I won’t complain.
Let’s take a closer look.
A New Season and a Fun Winter To-Be-Read Plan: Winter TBR 2019
1: We Met in December by Rosie Curtis
Really I don’t see myself getting this one in the “read” column of 2019, but I still have reader dreams to do so. Still this one is a personal buy, so it doesn’t have priority status. Goodreads
2: The Solid Grounds Coffee Company (February 2020) Carla Laureano
CANNOT WAIT to read the third (and final, I think) novel in Carla’s ‘Supper Club’ novels. They’ve been such a pleasant surprise. Goodreads

3: The Map from Here to There (January 2020) by Emery Lord
Why I haven’t read this yet I cannot explain; SO excited to return to the lives of these characters. Goodreads
4: Tweet Cute (January 2020) by Emma Lord
I’ve actually started this one so it’s fitting for this winter TBR, but had to put it aside to read some Christmas-y reads for a read-a-thon I joined. It’s quite charming, and fun to read something by a new-to-me author. Goodreads
5: Finding Mr-Better-Than-You (January 2020) by Shani Petroff
Read my first novel by Shani earlier this fall titled My New Crush Gave to Me. Needless to say, given how fun it was, I anticipate reading something else from this author. Goodreads

6: Seconds to Live by Susan Sleeman
This one has intrigued me since the moment I saw the cover. Thanks to the publisher, I have a copy, and am quite eager to read it. UPDATE: This is also my current “active,” #AmReading book. Goodreads
7: How to Speak Boy (January 2020) by Tiana Smith
This one sounds really fun and cute, but beyond this, I know little of it. Goodreads
8: Royally Yours (Novella Collection) by Melissa Tagg, Betsey St. Amant, Liz Johnson and Katie Clark
Ok, so this is a personal purchase, but I’ve read the first two (of four) novellas in this collection and I’m eager to return to its charming world. Hoping that I’ll still enjoy them despite the fact I won’t get them read by Christmas. Goodreads
9: If For Any Reason (February 2020) by Courtney Walsh
I read about 20-40 pages of this one earlier this month before I “had” to set it aside to read seasonal books in the spirit of the season and for blog article “research.” I look forward to returning to this one because it seems like a lovely little story full of escapism. Goodreads
That Artsy Reader Girl December 17: Winter TBR (*Linking up with)
Here we go; it’s YOUR TURN! What made your new winter TBR!? Are you planning to read all the new releases? Or do you plan to read books from your bookshelf? Comment down below with all the bookish thoughts. If you have a blog or joined in the Top Ten Tuesday meme, leave your links below. It may take me an entire week, but I’d love to come by and visit your bookish spaces.
Thank you for visiting!
I have a Tweet Cute ARC so I’m looking forward to reading it. My Winter TBR is a mixture of new books and books I picked from the TBR lottery.
It’s really cute so far. Haven’t finished it yet, but I’m hopeful. :) Enjoy your winter TBR – and that sounds like a fun way to make a plan. Thanks so much for the visit, Brooke.
Interesting list. Mine is here https://tcl-bookreviews.com/2019/12/17/top-ten-tuesday-for-december-17-2019-winter-tbr/
Thanks for the visit.
Great list! I feel like I keep seeing Tweet Cute everywhere – I’ll have to check it out. Happy reading!
It’s crazy cute (so far). Hopefully I’ll get back to it in the next 10 days or so. :) Appreciate your visit, Jess.
How to Speak Boy does sound interesting.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Doesn’t it? Gotta’ love a unique contemporary. :) Appreciate your visit.
Not familiar with any of them. Enjoy them over the winter while trying to stay warm. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2019/12/ttt-winter-tbr-list.html
Thanks! I certainly hope to. Appreciate you visiting.
Tweet Cute has been on a few lists this week. I hope you like it once you get back to it.
It’s so sweet, and thanks, Lydia. I hope so too. :) Appreciate your visit.
I’m feeling like the only one who hasn’t picked up We Met in December. I’m thinking maybe I’ll save it for December 2020. ;) Happy Reading!
I haven’t picked it up to read yet, Dedra, but am HOPING I’ll start it in December, and read the bulk of it in January. I mean, after all, who says Christmas has to be over immediately after December 25!? ;) I relate SO much to holding off on reading seasonal reads until the next one. It’s a choice I’m quite familiar with. Thanks so much for the visit.
Merry Christmas Rissi. Great list of reads!
And to you as well, Kathy. :) Thanks for stopping by.
You have some great picks! My main goal is to get caught up on writing reviews for the books I read over Thanksgiving. I’ll be reading When I Come Home Again by Jenifer Rodewald, An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz, The Way of the Brave by Susan May Warren, and Powerplay by Heather B. Moore. I’m sure I’ll be sneaking in some Christmas novellas as well ;)
Good for you! I have some reviews I too need to write, but alas, as of yet, I haven’t managed it. Someday I must read all of the Susan May Warren novels I haven’t read. At least, that’s the goal. *fingers crossed* Oh, and yes! I too am all about sneaking in some seasonal reads. :) Appreciate your visit, Heidi.
Tweet Cute sounds adorable! I’ll have to add it to my list :)
Right? Sounds SO cute methinks. :) Appreciate your visit, Louise.
Great list! Tweet Cute sounds so good but I still haven’t gotten around to reading it either. :/
Krystianna @ Volumes and Voyages
Hopefully I finish it soon, and you find it as good as it sounds, Krystianna. :) Thanks so much for the visit.
Tweet Cute was a really enjoyable read and I’m sure you will enjoy it when you return to it.
SO glad to know this, Alicia. I’m definitely most curious to (finish) read this one. :) Appreciate your visit.
I asked my library to buy We Met in December, so now I’m just waiting for it to come in!
Great list of books, Rissi! I hope that you enjoy all of them ?Finding Mr. Better-Than-You sounds awesome (and I just heard about her other book from another TTT post I just read lol) . Tweet Cute is high up on my want list and I can’t wait for it! Happy reading :)
My TTT post
I am currently reading The Map from Here to There and I am enjoying it so far. I loved The Start of Me and You and I was super ecstatic when I found out Emery was writing a sequel. I hope you enjoy all the books on your Winter TBR list. Happy holidays!
OHMYGOSH!!! I have this one on my TBR, and cannot believe I haven’t picked it up yet. It sounds like SO much fun. Here’s hoping I accomplish reading this one soon. Thanks for the visit, Nicole; hope you had a very merry Christmas. :)