Social Media War Inspires New ‘Tweet Cute’ Romance
STORY | Busy doesn’t even begin to describe high school senior Pepper’s life. Between school (and the expectation to keep good grades and being a team caption), co-run a food blog (baking is her favorite!) with her sister, Paige, and run the Twitter page (per her mother’s demands) of their corporate chain burger restaurants. tweet cute
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Her life spirals out of control when the company is accused of copying a quaint, but small time sandwich shop’s famous grilled cheese menu item. A Twitter war launches, only the most awkward part is, Pepper learns, the shop owners son is Jack Campbell, a boy she attends school with – and the boy she’s engaged in said Twitter war with…!
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord | YA Book Review
REVIEW | There’s something inherently charming about this YA novel. It’s a fast paced contemporary novel that is easy to read in a binge-worthy setting. I did not do this (of course) because that’s not the kind of reader* I am, but I can easily see many a reader finding this book the perfect afternoon reading pick me up. It’s cute (as its title tells us), sweet and reads as a relevant piece of today’s social media landscape.
The characters of Pepper and Jack are easy to like. Readers will fall easily into their daily lives, and find their twitter banter a whole heck of a lot of FUN to read. What makes it more amusing is that Jack and Pepper do not get along; she finds Jack irritating, and Pepper’s first impression comes out as something of a “snob” to some of the students. Needless to say, the story is about breaking free of those impressions, and the Darcy-Lizzie hate trope means we get a fun sense of banter, even if this is mainly through social media.
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If all this sounds fun to you, I suspect you’ll love this novel. There’s more to this story than a social media war, and the “story within a story” means we’re treated to more than one romantic trope, and I kind love it. Just know if you enjoy a YA book like How to Speak Boy,
Shakespeare (a la Romeo and Juliet vibe)or the romantic comedy A Cinderella Story, you’ll likely find plenty to smile over in Tweet Cute.
*Just as an aside, I did take longer than normal to read this novel because I had to squeeze in other ARCs in between; due to nothing more than bad planning on my part!
Content: There’s not much to bother in this one. Yes, it is secular, but aside from some usual teen shenanigans (drinking, but not in excess), maybe some minor innuendo and commonplace profanity (including an F-word or two), it’s pretty clean.
Social Media War Inspires New ‘Tweet Cute’ Romance. Review of the 2020 novel YA novel by Emma Lord. #YALit #Romance #AMReading #Reader Share on X
Author: Emma Lord
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication Date: 2020
Source: Publisher provided ARC – thank you, Wednesday Books!
Genre: Fiction; Secular Contemporary YA Romance
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads
Rating: ★★★1/2

Sincere thanks to Wednesday Books for kindly sending an e-ARC of this novel; all opinions are my own.