On Why I Love the Contemporary Romance Genre
We, all of us readers, have something about our reading habit that feeds it. Maybe it’s that we’re a mood reader, or perhaps it’s a connection to a certain type of character. Sometimes it might be a more visual draw (*raises hand*) like a cover attraction. Then there’s those of us who are continuously attracted to the allure of a certain genre. This is me. My most favorite genre is the contemporary genre, and since it is my favorite, any day seems a good day to share reasons why I love contemporary romance fiction.
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To be honest, I don’t think I can say the book that first introduced me to the genre, and perhaps not even the author, but one who I did read frequently, and with enthusiasm, is Lori Wick. She wrote novels like Sophie’s Heart and The Princess. Then there was a time where I felt as though I “fell” away from reading. I cannot say when it was or the why of it, but it did happen. Then I read a novel by Becky Wade, actually one of the very first I ever reviewed, titled My Stubborn Heart, and my love of contemporary fiction (re)sparked, and I’ve been one ever since.
When you find something that you like as well as a genre, an author or maybe more of a stylistic type of story, one of the things we best enjoy is talking about all them. At least I know I do. This is why it seemed a perfect day to discuss some reasons why I love the contemporary romance genre – or even just a solid contemporary novel. Let’s do this thing.
Why I Love Contemporary Romance Fiction
1: Character Voices
I think the characters in this genre seem to be people that I can “connect” with more. It’s not always that I understand everything they go through, but there’s something about them that resonates. Perhaps it’s just the “understanding” of the world they live in, whereas there’s no way I could relate to someone living through WWI or any other time period.
On Why I Love the Contemporary Romance Genre. Talking about why I love contemporary romance fiction. What genre is YOURS? #BookNerd #TopTenTuesday #MustRead #Bookish #BookLovers Share on X2: Favorite Creators
More than any other genre, I find favorite authors among the contemporary. Some favorites include Hester Browne, Carla Laureano, Hillary Manton Lodge, Dani Pettrey, Katherine Reay, Melissa Tagg, Becky Wade, Kasie West and so many others!
3: Playful or Romantic Cover Design
We all know I’m a self-proclaimed “cover snob,” and I kinda’ love it. I’m all about a good cover design. This genre produces some of my most favorites, and oftentimes they have a kind of whimsical vibe going for them too, which I adore.
4: Range of Genre
For me, this genre also encompasses a varied array of story “types.” Meaning, contemporary can be a mystery/suspense, of course, a good romance, a story that’s more character focused, and though it’s not my jam, I do even see fantasies as contemporaries. It’s. The. Best.
5: Swoony Romance
I mean, this is kind of a given, but come on, I have to give it a shout-out!
For YOU…
Just wanted to say, thank you to everyone who’s visited/commented here recently. I know I am (AGAIN!) behind on replies, but I see your comments, appreciate your interaction and that you take the time to visit. I hope to catch up really soon, and to circle around to your bookish places to visit. Thank you.
Thank you for visiting!
Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl for Top Ten Tuesday March 24: Genre Freebie (pick a genre and build a list around it! i.e., best/worst romances, non-fiction for travelers, memoirs for foodies, classics that

Tell me about your favored genres; why do you like them? Do you have specific things you like or dislike about them? Do you like the genre I mention – for these reasons or
others? Comment all of your thoughts down blow.
I’m not into romance in general, but I get why you like it!
It’s definitely a happy place genre for me. :)
Yes, the contemporary romance genre does have some gorgeous covers!
My TTT .
Indeed it does. They’re so cheerful. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Lydia.
All the swooning is definitely a big factor in what I love about contemporary romance! I love a connection that is full of chemistry and fire too. But what I especially love, and what I actually wrote my post on today, are super fun families and hilarious friends that make the romance stories even better! They always add so much to my enjoyment of a book ?
Aww! That’s a really fun topic, Dini. I love solid supporting characters too, but don’t like when the story is just as much about a second story as it is what the synopsis tells us. So glad you stopped by – thanks!
I love so many genres, but contemporary romance is definitely high up at the top. It’s what I turn to when I need a guaranteed positive outcome. I have several coming up on my tbr and I’m anxious to get through my current arc so I can get to them! ;) Great post!
YES! It’s always a “happy place” genre for me. :) Hope you enjoy those on your TBR. Thanks for the visit, Dedra.
The range of the genre is one of the reasons I also love reading contemporary romance.
YES! Great range which makes it more interesting. :)
I love this post! I feel like contemporary books are often pushed to the side because many people can’t get past the use of tropes!
Here’s my TTT: https://laurenbodiford123.wordpress.com/2020/03/24/paranormal-recommendations-vampire-and-werewolves/
Good point, Lauren. There are definitely some tropes that I don’t like, but I guess I overcome them (or most!). ;) Thanks for the visit.
Nice list! Contemporary isn’t a genre I read a lot, but I’ve recently been trying to branch out and read a bit more! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Cool. Hope you find some good ones!! :)
This is so true honestly, and one of the reasons that I ONLY used to read contemporary! (Which is ironic, since now it’s probably one of my lesser read genres hah.) But you are so right about it- it is SO many different things under one umbrella! Ironically, I felt like it was often TOO similar to reality but apparently now, that would be untrue ?
I think I like contemporary (for many reasons) primarily because I CAN relate to the situations. Not everything, obviously, but just the world, what people have to go through, and all that, I appreciate it more than paranormal or fantasy or whatever other genres there are. For some reason I just cannot get into them! ;) Thanks so much for the visit, Shannon.
I’ve only started reading contemporary romance in the last few years! I was ALL YA for awhile, then I hit a fantasy kick, and now I read a little bit of everything. I like to think I’ve grown as a reader. ;)
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? ?
That’s cool, Lindsi! It’s fun to read and enjoy multiple genres. :) Appreciate your visit.
I really love the cover trends lately in contemporaries- some of those books are just so amazing to LOOK at, right? Not to mention, like you said, there can be such a wide range of wonderful stories told. I don’t read as many contemps as I’d like to but I’ve really come to enjoy them since I started blogging.
SAME! They’re so whimsical and just fun – plus they make the shelf pretty, too. :D Thanks so much for the visit, Greg.