‘One Royal Holiday’: A Happy Delay Begins a New Romance
Adding to the list of royal romances from with the Hallmark crown emblem, One Royal Holiday puts its best Cinderella foot forward, while trying to highlight its leading stars.
One Royal Holiday (2020) Hallmark TV Film Review
Going home for Christmas is one of Anna Jacobs (Laura Osnes) most anticipated times of the year. Her father owns a small in in Connecticut that is the best of what Christmas should be. So, with her last shift at the hospital done, she sets out, on her way home for Christmas.
While travelling, she serendipitously meets James (Aaron Tveit) and his mother, Gabriella (Victoria Clark), two British travelers who have just learned their flight is cancelled due to inclement weather. Inviting the pair along with their valet, Christopher, Anna soon learns that this mother and son are anything but ordinary.
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‘One Royal Holiday’: A Happy Delay Starts a New Romance. A review of the Laura Osnes Hallmark 2020 original. #Hallmarkies #Romance #LauraOsnes #ChristmasMovies #HallmarkChristmasMovies @HallmarkChannel Share on X
One of their better recent originals in the royal line of movies, One Royal Holiday keeps up the traditions of the tropes, and leaves everyone in smiles. There’s a nice message in this film, and the script does a good job at keeping some lighthearted banter rolling, but then, nearer the end, the film gest a bit too sappy. If anything can get away with the unrealistic ‘I love you’ declaration, it’d be a fairy tale-esque romance, though this defies reality.
Beyond this, it’s sweet. Laura and Aaron have an easy going banter. The entire cast really works nicely together, which forms a warm-hearted group of characters you like to root on. The tree decorating and learning to dance scenes are lovely, though the latter is far too brief. (Dustin Rikert directs this one, a man who’s been a frequent Hallmark producer.) I appreciate that both keep to the tradition of these seasonal films, but also look quite different because of the way they are shot.
Oses and Tveit, along with several other cast members are Broadway stars. This is why music plays a small role, and you’ll hear the pair sing in the opening credits which breaks the norm as an animation feature. Not my favorite, One Royal Holiday is still a lovely portrait of Christmas cheer. There’s ball gowns, romance and plenty of Christmas-y moments.
Photos: Hallmark / Crown Media Productions
Content: this one is typical fare for the network with nothing to mention.