Here’s a question, cheerful or favorite words, do you have them? I’m curious. What words do you love to use or is there a cheerful word that just makes you happy? Mine would probably be some sort of British saying from a period drama or sleuth show. On Tuesday usually we feature books however this week, since words is the conversation starter, we’re doing something different. This week, I look at some of the favorite Taylor Swift lyrics I have. And honestly, I wish I were organized enough to share a few more.
✨FAVORITE SONG LYRICS FROM THE MANY ERAS OF TAYLOR SWIFT✨ SHARING A FEW OF MY FAVORITE #TAYLORSWIFT LYRICS THIS WEEK. BECAUSE THE THEME IS 'WORDS.' #TSWIFT #LYRICS #SONGLYRICS #MUSIC #TOPTENLIST #TOPTEN #TOPTENTUESDAY Share on XUnless we’ve lived under a rock, we probably all know that Taylor Swift is releasing her latest album this week, aka not a re-release, but all new music. So while I should probably try matching lyrics to books, instead, I’m just going to highlight Taylor Swift lyrics I like. While I listen to her music, I don’t love everything she puts out. Then there are some songs that I don’t love at all. Then there are the songs I do. Finally, there are songs I feel so-so about and grow to enjoy. So with all that said, let’s look at a few of the lyrics by her that feature a good string of words. Just because we can.
Autumn leaves fallin’ down
– Taylor Swift, from All too Well (REd)
like pieces into place
Note: I will confess, I think All Too Well is a little dishonest in its one-sided blame, but I will confess, the lyrics are pretty
I can see us lost in a memory
– Taylor Swift, from AUgust (Folklore)
august slipped away
in a moment of time
you drew stars
– Taylor Swift, From Cardigan (Folklore)
around my scars
Because I dropped your hand while dancing
– Taylor Swift, From Chamepagne Problems (EverMore)
We were a fresh page on the desk
– Taylor Swift, From Cornelia Street (Lover)
filling in the blanks as we go
as if the street lights pointed in an arrow head
leading us home and I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends
He got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue…
– Taylor Swift, From I Think He Knows (Lover)
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever
– Taylor Swift, from LOver
I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace
– Taylor Swift, From My Tears Ricochet (Folklore)
look at how my tears ricochet
I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings
– Taylor Swift, From Paper RIngs (Lover)
darling you’re the one that I want
I’m begging for you to take my hand
– Taylor Swift, From Willow (Evermore)
There is countless others I could pull and spotlight. But I think I kind of ran out of inspiration and steam – because as usual, I put these together last minute. So, now it’s your turn to keep the conversation going. What do you love or loathe about Taylor Swift songs? Do you have a favorite lyric? Do you detest her music? Comment all the comments! Let’s chat.
Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl October 18: Favorite Words (This isn’t so much bookish, but I thought it would be fun to share words we love! These could be words that are fun to say, sound funny, mean something great, or make you smile when you read/hear them.)
A great twist on the theme. Some great lyrics!
Have a good week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
I was going to put together book titles with cheerful words, but I kind of lost track of time and hadn’t really prepped this list at all, so I went the lazy route. ;) Thanks for visiting, Emily.
I love Taylor Swift’s music, though like you, there are some songs that I don’t like so much, tbh it’s usually her singles that I’m not a big fan of, I tend to find because they’re so focused on having radio appeal, the lyrics aren’t usually as good. I think my favourite lyric of hers is still this one from All Too Well: “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” Maybe it is a little one-sided, but I don’t think it would be as good if it wasn’t!
This is such a good topic idea, I may use it in the future if I’m stuck for ideas (crediting you, of course!).
That’s a great point, Jo. I’d guess most artists save their deeper work for the full album release because like you point out, it’s all about “hooking” a listener and making them curious. I remember that lyric playing yesterday when I was trying to gather some lyrics. I know I missed a TON I like, but that just means a second part. ;) It’s just recently the message of ‘All too Well’ has kind of bugged me. That said, I still think the way it’s produced, and sung is really pretty and I 100% still listen to it. :)
What a fun post!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Thanks. :)
I have heard some of Swift’s music, but I didn’t know any of these lyrics. Cool!
I don’t love everything she puts out, but some of her lyrics are good. And honestly, I feel like I didn’t even highlight the good ones because of my last minute dash to put something together. ;) Thanks for visiting!
This is such a nice and timely twist to the topic! I’m definitely excited for her new album even more now :)
Yes! Curious to see what her album will be like now! I have this feeling it’s going to be moodier than some of her work, but we’ll see! :) Thanks for visiting, Lindsey.
I love this take on the topic–very timely! I can’t wait for Midnights, and new favourite lyrics of Taylor’s!
FangirlFlax @ FangirlFlax
It is timely! Likely why I was lazy and instead of looking for book titles or dreaming about favorite words, I went with this. ;) Thanks so much for visiting.
I love so many of these lyrics! Autumn is my favourite song of hers, it’s so beautiful.
So many of Swift’s songs fit the autumn vibe! :)